Sc, 2, Macbeth hires 2 assasins to murder Banquo.
Sc, 3, Banquo is killed my 3 murders, since Macbeth sent the third one, to reasure the succes of the mission.
But, Banquo’s son, Fleance runs away.
They assume he killed his father
Sc, 4, Lords have a feast
Macbeth has a hallucination of Banquo’s ghost.
Scares the Lords and they leave.
Lady Macbeth he’s just sick
Sc, 3, Hecate, goddess of magic, is mad that the witches gave a person like Macbeth the prophecy.
Macbeth had murdered only because of the prophecy.
Heacate rhymes her script.
This means she is a ‘high class’ character
She is a goddess.
Macduff went to get Malcolm so they could overthrow Macbeth.