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apush period 4: 1800-1848

  • united states continues to develop its democratic ideals

  • formation of various political parties


    • federalists - orderly efficient central government

      • George Washington

      • benjamin franklin

      • alexander hamilton

    • thomas lefferson

      • led through tripolitian war

      • avoided involvement in napoleonic wars

      • usually adhered to the constitution but louuisiana purchase was a loose interpretation

      • kept hallmarks of federalist era like hamiltons economic system

      • had citizen requirement redecued to 5 years in the alien act

      • abolished excise tax

  • supreme court

    • established that federal laws take precedence over state laws

      • marbury v madison

    • established judicial review - courts can check the power of legislature and executive branches of the govt - solidifies separation of powers


    • after war of 1812, various religious and social reform groups emerged

    • women rights - seneca falls convention

    • temperance movement - sought to ban alcohol

    • abolition movement - end slavery - underground railroad

  • andrew jackson’s presidency

    • native Americans did not like him

    • did some really bad things like trail of tears, etc

  • texas

    • founded in 1823

    • didn’t want to be a state but didn’t want to be part of Mexico

    • “lone star republic”

    • didn’t like bringing slaves into the area

    • austin was arrested

    • tex revolution

      • Alamo

      • Goliad

      • San Jacinto

        • texans win - want to be annexed by united states, but jackson thought it would lead to war with Mexico.

        • they become an indeidnent country until 1845, and then get annexed by president tyler

  • california’s independence

    • during Mexican American war was known was the bear flag republic by john c friendmont

    • became part of the treaty and became annexed

  • kansas nebraska act

    • repealed Missouri compromise and introduced POPULAR SOVERIEGNTY

      • another event that will lead to the civil war

      • leads to bleeding kansas - mini civil war in Kansas

  • market revolution

    • first industrial revolution

      • north starts making textile mills

      • primarily in northeast

      • in new england, they do the null system - community surrounded the mills

        • used community farm girls

      • this forged a national economy bc the south created the cotton

      • shows how north kind of benefited from the system of slavery - getting cheaper cotton, grown by slaves

      • economy is further connected through transportation developments - railroads, canals, etc

      • ERIE CANAL

      • cotton gin and interchangeable parts - Eli whitney

      • invention of steamboats for tRADE

    • THE WEST

      • produces wheat and corn

      • binding the nation together.

    • major developments

      • cotton gin

      • steam engine

      • factory system

    • went away from a small subsistence based economy into an era of industrialisation


    • after the Louisiana purchase, the us wanted to expand borders

    • MONROE DOCTRINE and military actions against indian tribes demonstrated the desire for more control in North America

  • as new states joined the united states, debate over slavery increased

    • henry clay made the MISSOURI COMPROMISE to appease the north and south, which resolved some tension…

    • Missouri = slave state, maine = free state

  • democratic republicans

    • opposed federalist party

    • supported states rights and agrarian society

    • thomas jefferson

    • james Monroe

    • aaron burr

    • following party’s fragmentation during the ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS, a faction led by Andrew Jackson became dominant

      • formed the democratic party

  • hamilton was shot and killed by VP aaron burr in a duel.

heimler’s review notes

  • expanding role of us in world affairs

  • barbary pirates

    • Jefferson ordered payments to them to cease, things escalated near war

    • led to a reduced payment to Barbary states

  • democratic republicans - strict constructionist

  • federalists - loose constructionists

  • louisiana purchase

    • america got all of Louisiana for 15 million

    • nothing in the constitution said that you could get new land

    • however, the purchase was already made by monroe

    • thought it would help his agrarian dreams

  • marbury v madison

    • john marshall

    • Supreme Court was final interpreter of consittuion

    • said judiciary act itself was unconstitutional → judiciary review

    • increased power of supreme court

  • mcculloch v maryland

    • federal law trumps state law

  • war of 1812

    • causes of this war

      • france and britian were fighting, us wanted to be neutral

      • kept seizing american merchant ships

      • british IMPRESSMENT → ships were forcibly capturing american folks and making them serve in british navy

    • federalists oppoesed the war

      • hartford convention

      • argued that New England should cecede from the union

      • faced embarrassment after war of 1812 was a success and Hartford convention failed so federalist died out

    • america won

    • second war america won against the british

    • final demise of the Federalist Party, marked ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS

      • national unity under democratic republican

    • even tho us won, it showed our weaknesses

      • national bank charter expired

      • tough to move supplies and men for war effort

      • Henry clays AMERICAN SYSTEM

        • federally funded internal improvements - VETOED

        • implementation of protective tarrifss

        • second bank of the United States

  • Missouri applied for statehood

    • talmage amendment prohibited slavery in new states

things to know

  • second great awakening

    • revival among protestant christians - righteous living would lead to salvation

    • spread rapidly due to camp meetings

    • causes

      • market revolution - economic success was in their own hands

      • same with devotees to second great awakening - salvation was in their hands

        • first one was calvinists and salvation was in the hand of god along

      • growing desire for expansive participation in america deomocracy

      • lower classes

      • ROMANTIICISM - emotional over rationality

      • moral reformation of society

    • MORMONISM - polygamy

    • temperance - increase productivity and decrease crime

  • William Lloyd garrison

    • the liberator

    • american anti slavery society


    • escaped to north

    • used garrisons influence and established his own influecne

    • narrative of the life of Frederick douglass

      • dehumanization in the slave holder to perpetuate that institution


    • growing frustration w/ cult of domesticity

      declaration of sentiments


    • nat turner rebelled with 50 ish others and killed many white people, virginia govt squashed it and they were HUNG

    • after this, many African american slaves were treated poorly and heavily terrorized slave workers - beat and killed


    • hull was packed with slaves being transported

    • killed cook and ships captain

    • encarercated, waited trial


      • enslaved were fought for by John Quincy adams

      • they won and were set free

      • south was more strict - made it illegal to free a slave, crime to teach slaves how to read and write, outlawed marriage between slaves, etc


apush period 4: 1800-1848

  • united states continues to develop its democratic ideals

  • formation of various political parties


    • federalists - orderly efficient central government

      • George Washington

      • benjamin franklin

      • alexander hamilton

    • thomas lefferson

      • led through tripolitian war

      • avoided involvement in napoleonic wars

      • usually adhered to the constitution but louuisiana purchase was a loose interpretation

      • kept hallmarks of federalist era like hamiltons economic system

      • had citizen requirement redecued to 5 years in the alien act

      • abolished excise tax

  • supreme court

    • established that federal laws take precedence over state laws

      • marbury v madison

    • established judicial review - courts can check the power of legislature and executive branches of the govt - solidifies separation of powers


    • after war of 1812, various religious and social reform groups emerged

    • women rights - seneca falls convention

    • temperance movement - sought to ban alcohol

    • abolition movement - end slavery - underground railroad

  • andrew jackson’s presidency

    • native Americans did not like him

    • did some really bad things like trail of tears, etc

  • texas

    • founded in 1823

    • didn’t want to be a state but didn’t want to be part of Mexico

    • “lone star republic”

    • didn’t like bringing slaves into the area

    • austin was arrested

    • tex revolution

      • Alamo

      • Goliad

      • San Jacinto

        • texans win - want to be annexed by united states, but jackson thought it would lead to war with Mexico.

        • they become an indeidnent country until 1845, and then get annexed by president tyler

  • california’s independence

    • during Mexican American war was known was the bear flag republic by john c friendmont

    • became part of the treaty and became annexed

  • kansas nebraska act

    • repealed Missouri compromise and introduced POPULAR SOVERIEGNTY

      • another event that will lead to the civil war

      • leads to bleeding kansas - mini civil war in Kansas

  • market revolution

    • first industrial revolution

      • north starts making textile mills

      • primarily in northeast

      • in new england, they do the null system - community surrounded the mills

        • used community farm girls

      • this forged a national economy bc the south created the cotton

      • shows how north kind of benefited from the system of slavery - getting cheaper cotton, grown by slaves

      • economy is further connected through transportation developments - railroads, canals, etc

      • ERIE CANAL

      • cotton gin and interchangeable parts - Eli whitney

      • invention of steamboats for tRADE

    • THE WEST

      • produces wheat and corn

      • binding the nation together.

    • major developments

      • cotton gin

      • steam engine

      • factory system

    • went away from a small subsistence based economy into an era of industrialisation


    • after the Louisiana purchase, the us wanted to expand borders

    • MONROE DOCTRINE and military actions against indian tribes demonstrated the desire for more control in North America

  • as new states joined the united states, debate over slavery increased

    • henry clay made the MISSOURI COMPROMISE to appease the north and south, which resolved some tension…

    • Missouri = slave state, maine = free state

  • democratic republicans

    • opposed federalist party

    • supported states rights and agrarian society

    • thomas jefferson

    • james Monroe

    • aaron burr

    • following party’s fragmentation during the ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS, a faction led by Andrew Jackson became dominant

      • formed the democratic party

  • hamilton was shot and killed by VP aaron burr in a duel.

heimler’s review notes

  • expanding role of us in world affairs

  • barbary pirates

    • Jefferson ordered payments to them to cease, things escalated near war

    • led to a reduced payment to Barbary states

  • democratic republicans - strict constructionist

  • federalists - loose constructionists

  • louisiana purchase

    • america got all of Louisiana for 15 million

    • nothing in the constitution said that you could get new land

    • however, the purchase was already made by monroe

    • thought it would help his agrarian dreams

  • marbury v madison

    • john marshall

    • Supreme Court was final interpreter of consittuion

    • said judiciary act itself was unconstitutional → judiciary review

    • increased power of supreme court

  • mcculloch v maryland

    • federal law trumps state law

  • war of 1812

    • causes of this war

      • france and britian were fighting, us wanted to be neutral

      • kept seizing american merchant ships

      • british IMPRESSMENT → ships were forcibly capturing american folks and making them serve in british navy

    • federalists oppoesed the war

      • hartford convention

      • argued that New England should cecede from the union

      • faced embarrassment after war of 1812 was a success and Hartford convention failed so federalist died out

    • america won

    • second war america won against the british

    • final demise of the Federalist Party, marked ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS

      • national unity under democratic republican

    • even tho us won, it showed our weaknesses

      • national bank charter expired

      • tough to move supplies and men for war effort

      • Henry clays AMERICAN SYSTEM

        • federally funded internal improvements - VETOED

        • implementation of protective tarrifss

        • second bank of the United States

  • Missouri applied for statehood

    • talmage amendment prohibited slavery in new states

things to know

  • second great awakening

    • revival among protestant christians - righteous living would lead to salvation

    • spread rapidly due to camp meetings

    • causes

      • market revolution - economic success was in their own hands

      • same with devotees to second great awakening - salvation was in their hands

        • first one was calvinists and salvation was in the hand of god along

      • growing desire for expansive participation in america deomocracy

      • lower classes

      • ROMANTIICISM - emotional over rationality

      • moral reformation of society

    • MORMONISM - polygamy

    • temperance - increase productivity and decrease crime

  • William Lloyd garrison

    • the liberator

    • american anti slavery society


    • escaped to north

    • used garrisons influence and established his own influecne

    • narrative of the life of Frederick douglass

      • dehumanization in the slave holder to perpetuate that institution


    • growing frustration w/ cult of domesticity

      declaration of sentiments


    • nat turner rebelled with 50 ish others and killed many white people, virginia govt squashed it and they were HUNG

    • after this, many African american slaves were treated poorly and heavily terrorized slave workers - beat and killed


    • hull was packed with slaves being transported

    • killed cook and ships captain

    • encarercated, waited trial


      • enslaved were fought for by John Quincy adams

      • they won and were set free

      • south was more strict - made it illegal to free a slave, crime to teach slaves how to read and write, outlawed marriage between slaves, etc