Muscle—a Latin word for “little mouse”
Muscle is the primary tissue in the:
Heart (cardiac muscle tissue)
Walls of hollow organs (smooth muscle tissue)
Skeletal muscle
Makes up nearly half the body’s mass
Properties of Muscle Tissue
Myofilaments are responsible for shortening of muscles cells
Actin and myosin are two type of myofilaments
Nerve signals excite muscle cells, causing electrical impulses to travel along the sarcolemma
Properties of Muscle Tissue
Contraction of a skeletal muscle stretches the opposing muscle
Smooth muscle is stretched by substances within that hollow organ
Food in stomach; urine in urinary bladder
Recoils after being stretched
Terminology Specific to Muscle Tissue
Myo and mys—prefixes meaning “muscle”
Sarco—prefix meaning “flesh”
Sarcolemma—plasma membrane of muscle cells
Sarcoplasm—cytoplasm of muscle cells
Functions of Muscle Tissue
Produce movement
Skeletal muscle—attached to skeleton
Moves body by moving the bones
Smooth muscle—squeezes fluids and other substances through hollow organs
Functions of Muscle Tissue (continued)
Open and close body passageways
Sphincters function as valves
Open to allow passage of a substance
Contract to close the passageway
Functions of Muscle Tissue (continued)
Maintain posture and stabilize joints
Enables the body to remain sitting or standing
Muscle tone helps stabilize many synovial joints
Heat generation
Muscle contractions produce heat
Helps maintain normal body temperature
When core temperature becomes
too cold, “shivering” occurs to
generate heat
Types of Muscle Tissue
Skeletal muscle tissue
Packaged into skeletal muscles
Makes up 40% of body weight
Cells are striated
Skeletal muscle is innervated by voluntary division of the nervous system
Types of Muscle Tissue
Cardiac muscle tissue
Occurs only in the walls of the heart
Cells are striated
Contraction is involuntary
Smooth muscle tissue
Occupies the walls of hollow organs
Cells lack striations
Innervated by involuntary division of the nervous system
Skeletal Muscle
Each muscle is an organ
Consists mostly of muscle tissue
Skeletal muscle also contains:
Connective tissue
Blood vessels
Gross Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle
Connective tissue and fascicles
Sheaths of connective tissue bind a skeletal muscle and its fibers together
Epimysium—dense irregular connective tissue surrounding entire muscle
Perimysium—surrounds each fascicle
(group of muscle fibers)
Endomysium—a fine sheath of connective tissue wrapping each muscle cell
Gross Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle
Connective tissue sheaths are continuous with tendons
When muscle fibers contract, pull is exerted on all layers of connective tissue are tendon
Sheaths provide elasticity and carry blood vessels and nerves
Figure 10.1 Connective tissue sheaths in skeletal muscle: epimysium, perimysium and endomysium.
Gross Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle
Nerves and blood vessels
Each skeletal muscle supplied by branches of
One nerve
One artery
One or more veins
Nerves and vessels branch repeatedly
Smallest branches serve individual muscle fibers
Gross Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle
Muscle attachments
Most skeletal muscles run from one bone to another
One bone will move; other bone remains fixed
Origin—less movable attachment
Insertion—more movable attachment
Figure 10.3 Muscle attachments (origin and insertion).
Gross Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle
Muscle attachments (continued)
Muscles attach to origins and insertions by connective tissue (CT)
Fleshy attachments—CT fibers are short
Indirect attachments—CT forms a tendon or aponeurosis
Bone markings present where tendons meet bones
Tubercles, trochanters, and crests
Microscopic and Functional Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle Tissue
The skeletal muscle fiber
Fibers are long and cylindrical
Are huge cells—diameter is 10–100 µm
Length—several centimeters to dozens of centimeters
Each cell formed by fusion of embryonic cells
Cells are multinucleate
Nuclei are peripherally located
Figure 10.4b Microscopic anatomy of the skeletal muscle fiber (cell).
Myofibrils and Sarcomeres
Striations result from internal structure of myofibrils
Are long rods within cytoplasm
Make up 80% of the cytoplasm
Are a specialized contractile organelle found in muscle tissue
Are a long row of repeating segments called sarcomeres (functional unit of skeletal muscle tissue)
Myofibrils and Sarcomeres
Basic unit of contraction of skeletal muscle
Z disc (Z line)—boundaries of each sarcomere
Thin (actin) filaments—extend from Z disc toward the center of the sarcomere
Thick (myosin) filaments—located in the center of the sarcomere
Overlap inner ends of the thin filaments
Contain ATPase enzymes
Figure 10.4c-d Microscopic anatomy of the skeletal muscle fiber (cell).
Mechanism of Contraction
Two major types of contraction
Concentric contraction—muscle shortens to do work
Eccentric contraction—muscle generates force as it lengthens
Muscle acts as a “brake” to resist gravity
“Down” portion of a pushup is an example
Mechanism of Contraction
Sliding filament mechanism
Explains concentric contraction
Myosin head attach to thin filaments at both ends of a sarcomere
Then pull thin filaments toward the center of the sarcomere
Thin and thick filaments do not shorten
Initiated by release of calcium ions
Powered by ATP
Figure 10.7 Changes in striations as skeletal muscle contracts.
The Role of Titin
Titin—a springlike molecule in sarcomeres
Resists overstretching
Holds thick filaments in place
Unfolds when muscle is stretched
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and T Tubules
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
A specialized smooth ER
Interconnecting tubules surround each myofibril
Some tubules form cross-channels called terminal cisterns
Cisterns occur in pairs on either side of a
t tubule
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and T Tubules
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Contains calcium ions—released when muscle is stimulated to contract
Calcium ions diffuse through cytoplasm
Trigger the sliding filament mechanism
T tubules—deep invaginations of sarcolemma
Triad—T tubule flanked by two terminal cisterns
Figure 10.5 Sarcoplasmic reticulum and T tubules in the skeletal muscle fiber.
Innervation of Skeletal Muscle
Motor neurons innervate skeletal muscle tissue
Neuromuscular junction is the point where nerve ending and muscle fiber meet
Axon terminals
Located at ends of axons
Store the neurotransmitter – Acetylcholine (ACh)
Synaptic cleft
Space between axon terminal and sarcolemma
Figure 10.8 The neuromuscular junction.
Figure 10.9 Motor units.
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
The muscle fiber types are categorized based on how:
they manufacture energy (ATP)
quickly they contract
Slow oxidative fibers
produce ATP aerobically
Fast glycolytic fibers
produce ATP anaerobically by glycolysis
Muscle Actions and Interactions
Prime mover (agonist)
Has major responsibility for a certain movement
Opposes or reverses a movement
Synergist—helps the prime mover
By adding extra force
By reducing undesirable movements
A type of synergist that holds a bone firmly in place
Arrangement of Fascicles in Muscles
Skeletal muscles—consist of fascicles
Fascicles—arranged in different patterns
Fascicle arrangement—tells about action of a muscle
Arrangement of Fascicles in Muscles
Types of fascicle arrangement
Origin of the muscle is broad
Fascicles converge toward the tendon of insertion
Example—pectoralis major
Arrangement of Fascicles in Muscles
Types of fascicle arrangement
Parallel—fascicles run parallel to the long axis of the muscle
Fusiform—biceps brachii
Arrangement of Fascicles in Muscles
Types of fascicle arrangement
Unipennate—fascicles insert into one side of the tendon
Bipennate—fascicles insert into the tendon from both sides
Multipennate—fascicles insert into one large tendon from all sides
Arrangement of Fascicles in Muscles
Fascicles are arranged in concentric rings
Surround external body openings
Sphincter—general name for a circular muscle
Orbicularis oris and orbicularis oculi
Figure 11.1 Patterns of fascicle arrangement in muscles.
Muscles of Mastication and Tongue Movement
Four main pairs of muscles involved in mastication
Innervated by mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V)
Prime movers of jaw closure
Masseter and temporalis
Side-to-side movement
Pterygoid muscles
Compression of cheeks
Buccinator muscles
Figure 11.10a-b Muscles of mastication and tongue movement, left lateral view.