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Attribute Data

Attribute data describes the characteristics of spatial features:

  • Each row (record) represents a spatial object and each column (field) describes a characteristic of that object

  • Two types of attribute data: textual or numerical

Attribute data is managed by relational database. It is a collection of tables (relations) that are defined for each class of objects describing the same subject

  • Allows to organize, update, and interrogate data of different subjects

  • Each table can be managed separately from other tables, but can be connected when needed (i.e. for queries)

There are two types of attribute tables in ArcGIS:

  • Feature attribute tables: has access to the spatial data and uses a FID to link the spatial data with the attribute data

  • Non-spatial attribute table: stores additional information and has one field in common with the feature attribute table

The connection between tables is made though a key (i.e. an ID), which is a common field whose values can uniquely identify a record in a table. They cannot be linked through the FID.

Types of relationship between tabular data

  • One-to-One relationship

  • One-to-Many relationship

  • Many-to-One relationship

  • Many-to-Many relationship

There are 4 measurement levels associated with attribute data:

  • Ratio - has an absolute 0

  • Interval - distance between numbers is meaningful

  • Ordinal - can be ordered

  • Nominal - only named variables



Possible Operations




Categories only. Data cannot be arranged into an ordering scheme

=, <, >

Counting : mode, amplitude

Name, State, gender, color


Categories are ordered, but differences can’t be found or are meaningless

<, >, =, <>

Median, quartile

Type of car (compact, mid- size, full-size)


Differences are meaningful, but there is no natural zero starting point and ratios are meaningless

<, >, =,<>, +, -, x, /

Mean, variance, correlation, etc.



There is a __natural zero__starting point and ratios are meaningful

<, >, =,<>, +, -, x, /

Mean, variance, correlation, etc.

Computing distance

Attribute analysis is done by spatial queries which search for and select a subset of features and table records. All query expressions in ArcGIS use SQL to formulate these search specifications. The purpose of this is to:

  • Explore the data

  • Focus on a data subset of interest

Basic structure in SQL (i.e. syntax) is: SELECT <column> FROM <table> WHERE <expression using map operators>

  • Logical operators: =, >, <, >=, <=, <>

  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, ^

  • Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT, XOR

  • Mathematical functions (trigonometric functions (e.g. sin, tan), logarithms, etc.)

EXAMPLE: Select* (=all columns) From ContaminatedSites Where “Toxicity” > 8

Attribute Data

Attribute data describes the characteristics of spatial features:

  • Each row (record) represents a spatial object and each column (field) describes a characteristic of that object

  • Two types of attribute data: textual or numerical

Attribute data is managed by relational database. It is a collection of tables (relations) that are defined for each class of objects describing the same subject

  • Allows to organize, update, and interrogate data of different subjects

  • Each table can be managed separately from other tables, but can be connected when needed (i.e. for queries)

There are two types of attribute tables in ArcGIS:

  • Feature attribute tables: has access to the spatial data and uses a FID to link the spatial data with the attribute data

  • Non-spatial attribute table: stores additional information and has one field in common with the feature attribute table

The connection between tables is made though a key (i.e. an ID), which is a common field whose values can uniquely identify a record in a table. They cannot be linked through the FID.

Types of relationship between tabular data

  • One-to-One relationship

  • One-to-Many relationship

  • Many-to-One relationship

  • Many-to-Many relationship

There are 4 measurement levels associated with attribute data:

  • Ratio - has an absolute 0

  • Interval - distance between numbers is meaningful

  • Ordinal - can be ordered

  • Nominal - only named variables



Possible Operations




Categories only. Data cannot be arranged into an ordering scheme

=, <, >

Counting : mode, amplitude

Name, State, gender, color


Categories are ordered, but differences can’t be found or are meaningless

<, >, =, <>

Median, quartile

Type of car (compact, mid- size, full-size)


Differences are meaningful, but there is no natural zero starting point and ratios are meaningless

<, >, =,<>, +, -, x, /

Mean, variance, correlation, etc.



There is a __natural zero__starting point and ratios are meaningful

<, >, =,<>, +, -, x, /

Mean, variance, correlation, etc.

Computing distance

Attribute analysis is done by spatial queries which search for and select a subset of features and table records. All query expressions in ArcGIS use SQL to formulate these search specifications. The purpose of this is to:

  • Explore the data

  • Focus on a data subset of interest

Basic structure in SQL (i.e. syntax) is: SELECT <column> FROM <table> WHERE <expression using map operators>

  • Logical operators: =, >, <, >=, <=, <>

  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, ^

  • Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT, XOR

  • Mathematical functions (trigonometric functions (e.g. sin, tan), logarithms, etc.)

EXAMPLE: Select* (=all columns) From ContaminatedSites Where “Toxicity” > 8