Media - are pervasive in our lives: they educate and inform us
Educators - are recognizing a growing need to teach media literacy skills to school-age children
What is Media Literacy - The process of critically analyzing media content. It is particular presentation. It is underlying political or social messages. It is media ownership or regulation
What makes mediated communication different - Concern that mediated information-constructed through sings, symbols, words from books, radio, TV, digital media-affects us in ways unlike unmediated information --”Media effects”
Semiotics - Study of signs and symbols, theoretical approach to media literacy Ferdinand de Saussure: sign comprised of signifier (form) and signified (what form represents). FE. Logo and Book cover
Framing - Particular presentation and communication of messages influences our perception of it. Audiences must classify, organize, and interpret media information and frameworks, or schemas, simplify the complex. Like signs, frames appear natural and often go unquestioned, and can lead to echo effects
Media Grammar - Medium’s underlying rules, structures, and patterns that influence audience use and understanding
Print - Sophisticated media grammar because of long history. FE: Books, Newspapers, Magazine
Radio - Audio techniques include volume changes, multiple audio tracks, actualities, sound effects, and voice-overs
Recorded Music - Particular stylistic conventions include song length and music format
Film/TV - Intricate media grammar based on editing, camera angles, lighting, movement, and sound. Film uses crosscut scenes to tell more complex and dramatic stories. TV uses film techniques with smaller production budgets
Digital Media - Media grammar evolves with our communication devices. Digital adopts from traditional forms while creating new ways for us to interact with media. Grammar of mobile and social networking media has become increasingly important
Critics - Greater influence means greater need to publicly fund media
Proponents - Profit mtoive remains key incentive to produce quality content
Implications of Commercial Media - Average media consumer rarely considers commercial factors that shape media content
Economic factors and corporate decisions influence everything - What is and is not covered in the news.What is and is not produced as entertainment for the general public
Concentration of media ownership - Successful media enterprises become larger in size and scope by acquiring, through purchase or merger, other media enterprises
Greater concentration of ownership may mean a poorly served public which is Less diversity of media voices and Minority and non-mainstream views may be silenced
Media Bias - A real or perceived viewpoint helps by journalists and news organizations that slant news coverage unfairly, contrary to professional journalism’s stated goals of balanced coverage and objectivity
Developing Critical Media-Literacy Skills - What is the purpose of the media content? Consider the source of the media. Examine framing of the media content. What Stereotypes are presented? Question the media ecosystem. Make the media.