Promotion of the arts from the regions


  • land areas converted into sties for tourist consumption

  • Tourists mobility might influence the community’s observane of tradtion and lend to diminish the quality of native artforms

  • Ecological domains may become more vulnerable to damage


  • the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthy people by moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses typically displacing curren inhabitants


  • insecurity and tensions brought by militarized zones aprehend the people’s ability to make art

  • Prevents people from having communal gatherings, where exchanges and passing of knowledge can take place


  • influence of christianity and the conversion of the natives to a foreihn religion have affec the preservation of the indigenous rituals and traditions

  • Can affect the flow of art

Support systems of ph art


  • overall policy making body, coordinatng grants,

  • Agency for preservation, development, and promotion


  • nurting broasdest public to participate in art making and participation

National museum of the ph

Metropolitan musem of the Philippines

BenCab Museum

Art fiar philipines

Manila art

Finale art file

Kublai art galery

13 artist awards
