D3.3 Homeostasis

D3.3.1 Homeostasis as maintenance of the internal environment of an organism

  • e.g. blood glucose concentration, osmoregulation, pH, temperature

D3.3.2 Negative feedback loops in homeostasis

  • Positive vs negative feedback

  • Negative feedback mechanisms are the main mechanisms of homeostasis

    • disadvantage: large amounts of energy are used to maintain homeostasis

D3.3. Regulation of blood glucose

  • Regulated by hormones insulin and glucagon

    • Secreted by cells in the pancreas into the bloodstream

  • Two cell types in the islets of Langerhans

    • alpha cells synthesize/secrete glucagon if blood glucose is low

      • stimulates breakdown of glycogen → glucose in liver cells

    • beta cells synthesize/secrete insulin when blood glucose is high

      • stimulates uptake of glucose in multiple tissues → used in cell respiration

      • e.g. skeletal muscle and liver

      • Conversion of glucose to glucagon

D3.3.4 Physiological changes that form the basis of type 1 and 2 diabetes

  • Consistently elevated blood glucose levels → presence of glucose in urine → tissue/protein damage

  • Impaired water reabsorption in urination → frequent urination

  • Type 1:

    • Inability to produce sufficient insulin

    • Autoimmune disease → immune system attacks of beta cells in islet of Langerhans

    • Treated by testing blood glucose regularly and injecting insulin when it is too high

  • Type 2:

    • Deficiency of insulin receptors/glucose transporters → Inability to process/respond to insulin

    • Treatment: diet/lifestyle adjustments

D3.3.5 Thermoregulation as an example of negative feedback control

  • Thermoregulation: Control of core body temperature

    • Humans: roughly 37ºC

  • Negative feedback → generate or lose heat

  • Monitored by thermoreceptors

    • peripheral thermoreceptors located in the skin → external temperature

    • central thermoreceptors located in hypothalamus

  • Hypothalamus monitors body temperature through thermoreceptors

    • Secretes thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) → pituitary gland

    • pituitary gland releases thyroid-stimulating hormone

      • simulates thyroxin secretion by thyroid

      • Increases metabolic rate of cells

    • Hypothalamus can increase/decrease generation of metabolic heat by increasing/decreasing secretion of TRH

  • Some tissues act as effectors of temperature change

    • brown adipose tissue generates heat at a rapid rate

D3.3.6 Thermoregulation mechanisms in humans

  • Both birds and mammals are thermoregulators

  • Responses to cold:

    • Vasoconstriction: The narrowing of blood vessels → reduces blood flow to skin and minimizes heat loss

    • Shivering: Muscles contract to cause movement + generate heat

    • Uncoupled respiration: Brown adipose tissue generates heat energy through respiration instead of ATP production

    • Hair erection: Makes hair thicker and insulates heat

  • Responses to heat:

    • Vasodilation: Blood vessels widen → more blood flows to the skin → more heat loss

    • Sweating: Sweat secreted by glands in the skin → evaporation causes cooling

D3.3.7 Role of the kidney in osmoregulation and excretion

  • Osmoregulation: Maintaining the osmotic concentration of body fluids

    • concentration of solutes in a fluid → affects movement of water

    • Kidney varies the relative amount of water and salts removed in urine

  • Excretion: Removal of toxic waste products of metabolism from the body

  • Nephron: Basic functional unit of the kidney

    • Tube with one layer of cells

D3.3.8 Role of the glomerulus, Bowman’s Capsule and proximal convoluted tubule in excretion

  • Ultrafiltration is the first stage in urine production

  • Glomerulus: A ball-shaped network of blood capillaries

    • Blood enters through afferent arteriole

    • Blood leaves through efferent arteriole

    • Fluid is filtered out through the walls of blood capillaries

      • through pores called fenestrations

  • Glomerular filtrate: fluid forced out of blood plasma

    • Plasma proteins and blood cells are not filtered out - not as permeable because they are slightly larger molecules

  • Filter unit only allows small/medium-sized molecules to pass

    • 1st layer: Membrane that supports capillaries’ walls, made of negatively charged glycoproteins → prevents plasma proteins from being filtered out

    • 2nd layer: Inner layer of Bowman’s capsule - podocytes (cells) with branches (foot processes) that wrap around the capillaries of glomerulus → prevent small molecules from being filtered out of blood

  • Bowman’s Capsule: cup-shaped structure

    • Outer wall: impermeable layer of cells → helps transport glomerular filtrate to proximal convoluted tubule

  • Proximal convoluted tubule

    • Convolutions increase length of nephron → takes longer for filtrate to flow through → more reabsorption of substances in the filtrate

  • Reabsorbtion methods:

    • Sodium ions: Active transport from filtrate to space outside tubule

    • Chloride ions: Diffuse to space outside tubule - charge gradient from active transport of sodium ions

    • Glucose: Moved by cotransporter proteins in outer membrane of tubule cells (uses concentration gradient of sodium ions)

    • Water: Osmoses from the solute concentration gradient

D3.3.8 Role of the loop of Henle

  • Kidney cortex: Contains all glomeruli + bowman’s capsules + Proximal/distal convoluted tubules

    • same osmotic concentrations as most other tissues

  • Medulla: contains loops of henle and collecting ducts

    • concentration gradient - rises near the center of kidney

  • Loop of Henle: Establish/maintain the osmotic concentration gradient in the medulla

    • Filtrate enters from proximal convoluted tubule

    • flows towards center of kidney (descending limb)

    • → flows back to medulla (ascending limb)

  • Ascending limb: walls are impermeable to water

    • sodium ions pumped out of filtrate into interstitial fluid (between cells of medulla)

    • interstitial fluid becomes hypertonic relative to filtrate (higher solute concentration)

  • Descending limb: walls are impermeable to sodium ions, permeable to water

  • More solutes than water are reabsorbed in loop of Henle

    • Filtrate → distal convoluted tubule - hypotonic (lower solute concentration than normal body fluids)

D3.3.10 Osmoregulation by water reabsorption in the collecting duct

  • Osmotic concentration is regulated by removing small/large amounts of water from urine

    • Varying permeability of water in cells in the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct → number of aquaporins in the plasma membrane

  • Hypothalamus monitors osmotic concentration of blood

    • Too high: causes pituitary gland to secrete antidiuretic hormone (ADH) → more aquaporins moved into cells of DCT and CD

  • High blood osmotic concentration → more water reabsorption

  • Low blood osmotic concentration → less water reabsorption
