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🩸 SCI Q3 LT1 L1- Menstruation


  1. Menstrual Cycle

  2. Follicular Phase

  3. Ovulation

  4. Luteal Phase

  5. Endometrium

  6. Corpus Luteum

  7. Menstruation

  8. Endocrine System


  1. Monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus

  2. Phase that breaks down the endometrium

  3. Phase that rebuilds the endometrium and releases the ovum from the ovary

  4. Phase involving the formation of the corpus luteum and thickening and development of the endometrium

  5. Lining of the uterus

  6. Structure formed after ovulation, which thickens the endometrium

  7. Shedding of uterine lining if the egg isn't fertilized

  8. Influences development, maturation, and function of the female reproductive system


🩸 SCI Q3 LT1 L1- Menstruation


  1. Menstrual Cycle

  2. Follicular Phase

  3. Ovulation

  4. Luteal Phase

  5. Endometrium

  6. Corpus Luteum

  7. Menstruation

  8. Endocrine System


  1. Monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus

  2. Phase that breaks down the endometrium

  3. Phase that rebuilds the endometrium and releases the ovum from the ovary

  4. Phase involving the formation of the corpus luteum and thickening and development of the endometrium

  5. Lining of the uterus

  6. Structure formed after ovulation, which thickens the endometrium

  7. Shedding of uterine lining if the egg isn't fertilized

  8. Influences development, maturation, and function of the female reproductive system