Allies (USA, Great Britain, Netherlands, Australia) fought Japanese to prevent Japan from getting the Dutch East Indies
Japanese easily defeated them
Sank 3 of their destroyers and 2 cruisers
Killed 2300 men
Japan attacked Aleutian islands as a distraction
real target was the Midway Atoll
American codebreakers figured out the plan
US won a decisive victory
Japan now on the defensive for the rest of the war
first battle where the carriers of both sides did not see each other
American amphibious landing and seized airfield in southern Solomon Islands
heavy Allied losses
Japan lost and stopped expansion and attempts to disrupt American and Allied supply and communication routes
US attacked the Mariana Islands to have an airbase that could strike Japan
many troops and civilians killed themselves or were killed in battle
Americans won the battle and got a naval base but lost 13,000
Americans invaded Iwo Jima to get airstrips
fighting over a month
famous picture of US Marines putting American flag on an island
American victory but both sides suffered high losses
Americans attacked Okinawa (southernmost tip of Japan)
established an air raid base and practice runs to invade mainland Japan
Americans won with high troops and civilian casualties
Japan had double the number of troop casualties
the high casualties led Truman to approve the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki