Respiratory System Study Guide - Introduction to the Lungs and Breathing Key Concepts
Respiratory System Components & Functions
Main divisions: Conducting portion and Respiratory portion
Primary components: Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs, Bronchioles, Alveoli
Functions: Air delivery, Filtering, Warming, Humidifying, Protection
Upper Respiratory System
Respiratory mucosa lines conducting airways
Features ciliated columnar epithelium and mucus-producing cells
Vallecula: Important depression between tongue base and epiglottis
Larynx contains important cartilages (thyroid, cricoid, epiglottis)
Lower Respiratory System
Trachea branches into primary bronchi at carina
Right primary bronchus: Larger, steeper angle (higher risk for aspiration)
Bronchi branching pattern: Primary → Secondary (Lobar) → Tertiary (Segmental)
Right lung: 3 lobes, 10 segments
Left lung: 2 lobes, 8-10 segments
Alveoli & Gas Exchange
Approximately 150 million alveoli per lung
Surface area equivalent to half tennis court
Key cells:
Type I pneumocytes (gas exchange)
Type II pneumocytes (surfactant production)
Alveolar macrophages (immune defense)
Pores of Kohn allow inter-alveolar air movement
Breathing Mechanics
Follows Boyle's Law: Pressure-volume relationship
Primary muscles:
Inspiration: Active process
Normal expiration: Passive process
Respiratory Control
Medulla: Primary breathing control center
Chemical control through:
PaCO₂ is primary breathing regulator
Important Clinical Concepts
Note: This study guide covers fundamental concepts of respiratory anatomy and physiology. Review additional class materials for complete understanding.