Developed by Rosiana L. Azman, Ph.D. and Kelly B.T. Chang, Ph.D.Focuses on applying behavioral reinforcement strategies.
Discovering and Selecting Reinforcers
Using Others to Dispense Reinforcers
Learning Self-Reward and Self-Control
Techniques of Self-Reinforcement
Self-Punishment and Extinction
Reinforcement Plans for Self-Modification
Positive Reinforcement: Adds a favorable stimulus to encourage behavior.
Negative Reinforcement: Removes an unfavorable stimulus to encourage behavior.
Punishment: Discourages behavior through adverse consequences.Reference: Watson & Tharp, Self-Directed Behavior 10e
Identify scenarios as Positive Reinforcer (PR), Negative Reinforcer (NR), or Punishment (PUN).
Aspirin Case: Headache relief from aspirin is a Negative Reinforcer.
Child and Candy Case: Child tantrums for candy; candy is a Positive Reinforcer, quietness is Negative Reinforcer.
Teen Grounding Case: Grounding until room is cleaned is a Negative Reinforcer, escape is Punishment.
Contingent Reinforcer: Delivered after a specific response; change contingencies for desirable behavior.
Premack Principle: Any preferred activity can reinforce a less preferred one when choices exist.
Conditions Obscuring Reinforcers: Intermittent schedules, delayed reinforcement, avoidance behaviors.Reference: Watson & Tharp, Self-Directed Behavior 10e
Behaviors may closely tie to reinforcers.
Problem behaviors may follow hard-to-detect intermittent schedules.
Individuals may avoid identifying reinforcers.
Mediators: Important individuals delivering consequences.
Shared Reinforcers: Activities with others as reinforcers for added motivation.
Self-Administered Consequences: Influence behavior; self-rewards debated as true reinforcers.
Rapid Contingent Reinforcement: Immediate following of desired behavior.
Cultivate Interest: Foster engagement in the activity.
Token Reinforcement: Bridges delays between behavior and reward.
Imagined Reinforcers & Verbal Self-Reinforcement: Visualization and self-praise techniques.
Punishment does not teach new behaviors.
Tips: Remove positives instead of adding negatives, combine with positive reinforcement, and use precommitted punishment effectively.
Integrate reinforcers in plans for controlling antecedents and fostering new behaviors, including imagined rehearsal and shaping through step reinforcement.