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Antepartum 1

Antepartum 1

Pregnancy is not a disease.


  • In fallopian tube → uterus 3 days later

  • Timing necessary

    • Sperm survive <1-2days

    • Ovum can be fertilized no <24 hr after ovulation

  • Day 3-5, egg in uterus

    • want implant in top half of fundus

Know Key Terms

Embryonic period

  • week 3 to 8

  • by end, major organ systems in place, still developing

  • Teratogens cause major damage


  • penis begins to appear

  • fetus is moving, mother’s can’t feel

  • 9 weeks till birth

  • dramatic growth and refinement of organ systems

  • CNS is vulnerable to damaging agents

  • 12 weeks

    • sucking reflex

    • sex determined

    • lanugo begins (fetus hair)

    • urination into amniotic fluid

    • HR heard at 10-12 weeks with doppler

  • 16 weeks

    • mothers can feel fetus move

  • 20 weeks

    • mothers start to show bump

    • fetus reacts to loud noises

    • brain developing rapidly

    • vernix (protective coating; “cream cheese”)

    • lanugo covers entire body

    • HR with fetoscope

  • 24 weeks

    • surfactant needed for breathing begins

    • eyelashes and brows, fingernails

    • hiccup

  • 28 weeks

    • eyes open

    • subcutaneous ft deposited

  • 32 weeks

    • rapid growth

    • rapid brain growth

  • 38-40 weeks

    • fully developed and can survive outside mother’s body


  • Late preterm: 34 -36 6/7

  • Early term: 37-38 6/7

  • Full term: 39-40 6/7

  • Late Term: 41-41 6/7

  • Postterm: 42 weeks and beyond

Auxillary Structures


  • metabolic and gas exchange

  • Hormone production:

    • Progesterone (facilitates implantation)

    • estrogen

    • hCG (in urine tests)

    • hPL (promotes fetal growth via glucose regulation)

  • Fully functional btw 8-10 weeks

  • Maternal side is rough (dirty duncan)

  • Fetal side is smooth (Shiny shultz)

Amniotic Sac (Bag of Waters)

  • amnion (inner) membrane develops from embryoblast

  • chorion (outer) membrane from trophoblast

  • Timeline:

    • 1st: amniotic fluid produced by amniotic membrane

    • 2nd 3rd: fluid is produced by fetal kidneys

    • Peaks at 500-1000mL; varies during last trimester

  • Fluid:

    • Helps baby move and cushions fetus

      • constant thermal insulation

    • Polyhydramnios: above 2000mL

      • may have chromosomal disorders

    • Oligohydramnios: less than 500 mL

      • congenital renal problems

Umbilical Cord

  • 2 arteries and 1 vein


  • 280 days

  • 40 weeks

  • 3 trimesters

    • 1st: 1-13 weeks

    • 2nd: 14-26 weeks

    • 3rd: 27-40 weeks


  • Antepartum: 1st LMP (last menstrual period) - onset of labor

  • Intrapartum: onset of labor - expulsion of placenta

  • Postpartum: expulsion of the placenta - 6 weeks

How do we determine the due date? aka EDD, EDC, EDB

  • Pregnancy Calculators

  • Nagele’s Rule

    • Most common method

    • First day of LMP - 3 months + 7 days = EDB

    • Note the months that have 30/31 days, so some will be off

  • Pregnancy Wheel

Diagnosis of Pregnancy

  • 3 Ps

    • Presumptive

      • Subjective Changes

      • Can be caused by other conditions

      • Ex: amenorrhea, N/V, fatigue, urinary frequency, breast and skin changes, vaginal color changes

    • Probable

      • Objective Changes

      • May be caused by other conditions

      • Ex: Positive pregnancy test, return of fetus when cervix is tapped, outline of fetus to palpate, braxton hick, hegar sign

        • Pregnancy are probable, based on hCG in urine

    • Positive signs

      • Diagnostic; completely objective and caused by pregnancy

      • Fetal movement, electronic device detects FHR, delivery of baby, ultrasound, see visible movement of fetus by provider

Physiological Changes

  • CV Change

    • CO increases 30-50%

      • Can pose risk in those with heart issues

    • Systolic murmurs common

    • Diastolic BP decreases in first two trimesters

    • Supine hypotension because of baby on stomach

      • encouraged to lie on side

    • Blood Volume increases 30-40%

      • starts 6 weeks and peaks 34 weeks

    • Dietary iron required to avoid anemia

  • Respiratory Changes

    • Diaphragm becomes higher bc organs moving

    • Respirations become deeper, but not more frequent

  • Metabolic Changes

    • weight gain of 25-35 lbs is recommended

    • Pancrease produces more insulin

      • if it continues after birth → gestational diabetes

    • eat more protein

  • GI Changes

    • Nausea and vomiting

    • Heartburn and reflux common in 3rd trimester

    • Constipation


Antepartum 1

Antepartum 1

Pregnancy is not a disease.


  • In fallopian tube → uterus 3 days later

  • Timing necessary

    • Sperm survive <1-2days

    • Ovum can be fertilized no <24 hr after ovulation

  • Day 3-5, egg in uterus

    • want implant in top half of fundus

Know Key Terms

Embryonic period

  • week 3 to 8

  • by end, major organ systems in place, still developing

  • Teratogens cause major damage


  • penis begins to appear

  • fetus is moving, mother’s can’t feel

  • 9 weeks till birth

  • dramatic growth and refinement of organ systems

  • CNS is vulnerable to damaging agents

  • 12 weeks

    • sucking reflex

    • sex determined

    • lanugo begins (fetus hair)

    • urination into amniotic fluid

    • HR heard at 10-12 weeks with doppler

  • 16 weeks

    • mothers can feel fetus move

  • 20 weeks

    • mothers start to show bump

    • fetus reacts to loud noises

    • brain developing rapidly

    • vernix (protective coating; “cream cheese”)

    • lanugo covers entire body

    • HR with fetoscope

  • 24 weeks

    • surfactant needed for breathing begins

    • eyelashes and brows, fingernails

    • hiccup

  • 28 weeks

    • eyes open

    • subcutaneous ft deposited

  • 32 weeks

    • rapid growth

    • rapid brain growth

  • 38-40 weeks

    • fully developed and can survive outside mother’s body


  • Late preterm: 34 -36 6/7

  • Early term: 37-38 6/7

  • Full term: 39-40 6/7

  • Late Term: 41-41 6/7

  • Postterm: 42 weeks and beyond

Auxillary Structures


  • metabolic and gas exchange

  • Hormone production:

    • Progesterone (facilitates implantation)

    • estrogen

    • hCG (in urine tests)

    • hPL (promotes fetal growth via glucose regulation)

  • Fully functional btw 8-10 weeks

  • Maternal side is rough (dirty duncan)

  • Fetal side is smooth (Shiny shultz)

Amniotic Sac (Bag of Waters)

  • amnion (inner) membrane develops from embryoblast

  • chorion (outer) membrane from trophoblast

  • Timeline:

    • 1st: amniotic fluid produced by amniotic membrane

    • 2nd 3rd: fluid is produced by fetal kidneys

    • Peaks at 500-1000mL; varies during last trimester

  • Fluid:

    • Helps baby move and cushions fetus

      • constant thermal insulation

    • Polyhydramnios: above 2000mL

      • may have chromosomal disorders

    • Oligohydramnios: less than 500 mL

      • congenital renal problems

Umbilical Cord

  • 2 arteries and 1 vein


  • 280 days

  • 40 weeks

  • 3 trimesters

    • 1st: 1-13 weeks

    • 2nd: 14-26 weeks

    • 3rd: 27-40 weeks


  • Antepartum: 1st LMP (last menstrual period) - onset of labor

  • Intrapartum: onset of labor - expulsion of placenta

  • Postpartum: expulsion of the placenta - 6 weeks

How do we determine the due date? aka EDD, EDC, EDB

  • Pregnancy Calculators

  • Nagele’s Rule

    • Most common method

    • First day of LMP - 3 months + 7 days = EDB

    • Note the months that have 30/31 days, so some will be off

  • Pregnancy Wheel

Diagnosis of Pregnancy

  • 3 Ps

    • Presumptive

      • Subjective Changes

      • Can be caused by other conditions

      • Ex: amenorrhea, N/V, fatigue, urinary frequency, breast and skin changes, vaginal color changes

    • Probable

      • Objective Changes

      • May be caused by other conditions

      • Ex: Positive pregnancy test, return of fetus when cervix is tapped, outline of fetus to palpate, braxton hick, hegar sign

        • Pregnancy are probable, based on hCG in urine

    • Positive signs

      • Diagnostic; completely objective and caused by pregnancy

      • Fetal movement, electronic device detects FHR, delivery of baby, ultrasound, see visible movement of fetus by provider

Physiological Changes

  • CV Change

    • CO increases 30-50%

      • Can pose risk in those with heart issues

    • Systolic murmurs common

    • Diastolic BP decreases in first two trimesters

    • Supine hypotension because of baby on stomach

      • encouraged to lie on side

    • Blood Volume increases 30-40%

      • starts 6 weeks and peaks 34 weeks

    • Dietary iron required to avoid anemia

  • Respiratory Changes

    • Diaphragm becomes higher bc organs moving

    • Respirations become deeper, but not more frequent

  • Metabolic Changes

    • weight gain of 25-35 lbs is recommended

    • Pancrease produces more insulin

      • if it continues after birth → gestational diabetes

    • eat more protein

  • GI Changes

    • Nausea and vomiting

    • Heartburn and reflux common in 3rd trimester

    • Constipation