Between two words

Question A ( i )


In this text there are multiple insights into the character of Salim.

Paragraph 1

One of the first insights we get into the character of Salim is how obedient and respectful he tends to be, for instance, when he moved to London he had a dream to pursue literature but his uncle said he wants him to pursue a career in business; “ It would have sounded cowardly to tell him ( The uncle ) that I should have preferred to study literature”. The word ‘cowardly’ represents the obedience and respect he has particularly towards his uncle and how Salim fears if he says anything about the route of literature that he will disappoint his uncle and seem disrespectful or even ungrateful for the chance of living a better life with third level education which was only happening due to his uncle and his auntie taking him in from Zanzibar to their home in London.

Paragraph 2

Secondly Salim proves to be extremely family oriented, loving and missing his family specifically his mother, he talks about writing letters to his mother about all his encounters during his stay in London at his new desk in his new home; “That is the desk where I will sit and write to Mama about the wonders I encounter” He continues to writing a letter to his mother about his college starting and how he felt as if it was more diverse than he thought it would have been, he has a sense of infliction as he talks about the crowds and clutching onto your belongings as it isn’t what he was used to, back home in Zanzibar everyone knew everyone and there was no need to clutch into your things in fear of it being stolen. The way Salim expresses his issues and concerns to his mother shines a light to their relationship, meaning he can talk to his mother with ease and knowing that she will always be there even if he isn’t in the same country as her anymore.

Paragraph 3

Finally, Slaim is shown to be very