a bit of a dark horse-person with hidden abilities

a different kettle of fish-a totally different situation from the one just mentioned

a dog's life-a difficult, hard life

a memory like a sieve-a poor memory

a red rag to a bull-action, comment, etc. liable to provoke sb

a red-letter day-a very important day

a sitting duck-an easy target

a storm in a teacup-a lot of fuss about something that is not important

above board-honest

all told-altogether; in total

an old wives' tale-false belief

an unknown quantity-person or thing that one has no experience of

as the crow flies-in a direct line/ by a direct route

at close quarters-from a short distance

bark up the wrong tree-have a false idea about something

be all at sea-be in a state of confusion

be all fingers and thumbs-be awkward, clumsy

be all very well-appear satisfactory but in fact not be

be as busy as a bee-very busy

be as thick as a brick-be stupid

be beside oneself with anger-to be extremely angry

be born yesterday-be easily deceived/naive

be for the high jump-about to be punished

be full of beans-be very lively

be green-be inexperienced

be in a quandary-be confused; undecided

be in sb's black books-having sb be angry at you

be in the doghouse-someone is annoyed with you and shows their disapproval

be on the cards-be likely to happen

be on the up and up-improve steadily

be the apple of sb's eye-be very precious to sb; be sb's favourite

be thrown off balance-be surprised

be tickled pink/pleased as punch-be really pleased

be up and about-have recovered from an illness

be/get soaked to the skin-be/get very wet

be/have a close shave-barely avoid an accident/ a bad situation

beat sb black and blue-hit sb repeatedly until bruised

before one can say Jack Robinson-extremely quickly

below the belt-cruel and unfair

big cheese-person with important job/position

black tie-formal clothing

blaze a trail-discover something new

blow a fuse-become very angry

blue-eyed boy-a favoured person

bolt from the blue-suddenly

brainwave-sudden clear idea/thought

browned off-fed up; bored

butter sb up-flatter sb

cast aspersions-criticise

chip off the old block-sb who is very like one of his parents

chop and change-keep changing (your mind)

claim to fame-thing which makes sb unusual

clear the air-remove suspicion/bad feeling

come to the fore-become important or popular

cook one's goose-end one's plans abruptly

cost a bomb-very expensive

cramp one's style-restrict one's behaviour in some way

cut sb dead-ignore sb

cut sb to the quick-deeply hurt sb's feelings

cut to the bone-reduced to the minimum

different as chalk and cheese-totally different

dog-eared-(of books) with the corners bent and turned down through use

don't give up your day job-continue to do sth you know rather than trying sth new

donkey work-boring, monotonous work

donkey's years-a long time

down in the dumps-depressed/miserable

drive a hard bargain-be a tough businessman

drop a brick-say sth tactlessly

eat one's heart out-feel jealous/ sad about sth

face the music-be criticised or punished for sth you have done

feel down in the mouth-feel discouraged/depressed

feel in one's bones-feeling sth instinctively

feel one's ears burning-have a feeling that sb is talking about you

fine kettle of fish-confused state of affairs

flog a dead horse-waste time doing sth useless

fly on the wall-see/hear sth in a situation which does not involve you

frosty welcome-unfriendly reception

gatecrasher-sb attending a party without an invitation

get a bit hot under the collar-get angry, upset or embarrassed

get off on the wrong foot-argue or disagree at the beginning of a relationship

get wind of-receive information about sth indirectly

get your own back-take/get revenge

give chapter and verse-give every exact detail

give sb the cold shoulder-ignore sb

give sb the slip-escape from sb

give vent to-express sth freely

go by the board-be rejected

go for a song-be sold very cheaply

go to the dogs-worsen

grease sb's palm-bribe sb

green belt-the area on the outskirts of a town adjoining the country

hand in glove with sb-be in very close contact with sb

have a bee in one's bonnet-have an obsession about sth

have a frog in one's throat-inability to speak due to nervousness

have a sharp tongue-tend to say unkind or hurtful things

have a yellow streak-be a coward

have kittens-be nervous/anxious about sth

have many irons in the fire-have lots of plans in progress at the same time

have no fixed abode-be homeless

have one's heart in one's mouth-be extremely anxious about sth

have the cheek-dare to do sth

have the gift of the gab-be able to talk well

have time on one's hands-have free time

hit the sack-go to bed

hold one's horses-wait; be patient

ill at ease-embarrassed; uncomfortable

in a rut-be stuck in a monotonous routine

in a tick-shortly, soon

in abeyance-halted temporarily

in arrears-have not paid the money they owe

in black and white-in writing

in clover-living a luxurious and comfortable life

in the balance-uncertain

in the black-not owing anybody any money

in the offing-likely to happen

in the red-owe money to a bank

keep one's chin up-not be discouraged

keep one's wits about one-be alert and able to deal with difficulties

kick the bucket-die

let sleeping dogs lie-avoid mentioning a subject which could cause trouble

like a bull in a china shop-behave in a clumsy/ awkward way

like water off a duck's back-having no effect

live out of a suitcase-travel often/not have a permanent home

look at sth through rose-coloured spectacles-see sth from an unrealistically positive point of view

lose one's head-lose self-control

lose one's nerve-lose courage

make a clean breast of-confess

make a dog's dinner-make a mess of sth

make a flying visit-make a quick trip

make a killing-have a sudden, great success

make a mountain out of a molehill-cause a fuss about a trivial matter

make hay while the sun shines-take advantage of favourable circumstances

make head nor tail of-understand sth

make money hand over fist-make a lot of money quickly and easily

moon around-look miserable

more to sb than meets the eye-sb is more important or interesting than is first seen

mutton dressed as a lamb-dress in a style younger than or inappropriate to your age

no room to swing a cat-no room at all

not all it's cracked up to be-not as good as people say it is

not count one's chickens before they're hatched-not assume sth before it happens

off colour-look/be slightly unwell

off the cuff-without preparation

on a shoe string-on a very small budget

on the ball-alert

on the blink-stop working properly (of electrical equipment)

on the dole-receiving unemployment benefit/social security

on the level-honest/sincere

on the quiet-secretly

out of bounds-prohibited, forbidden (place)

out of the frying pan into the fire-from a situation to a worse/similar one

out of turn-not in the correct order/time

out-and-out-complete, total

part and parcel of-basic part of

pay sb's way-contribute your share of a bill

pick someone's brains-ask sb to help with a problem

play truant-stay away from school without permission

pop the question-make a proposal of marriage

pull one's leg-tease or trick sb

pull one's socks up-make a greater effort

put a damper on-ruin sth or make it less enjoyable

put down roots-settle down

put one's foot in it-make a tactless comment

put the cat among the pigeons-cause trouble/controversy

see the back of-be glad to see sb leave

set in one's ways-fixed in one's habits

sleep like a dog-be sound asleep

sleep on it-think about sth

sour grapes-say unpleasant comments because of jealousy

stew in one's own juice-suffer the consequences of one's own action

straight from the horse's mouth-from the most direct source

take sth on the chin-bravely accept criticism

take the bull by the horns-deal with sth boldly and directly

take to one's heels-run away

talk the hind legs off a donkey-talk for a long time, uninterrupted

the black sheep of the family-a disgraced family member

the lion's share-the biggest part/portion

the pot calling the kettle black-accusing sb of a fault one has oneself

the rat race-the competitive nature of modern urban life

the year dot-a long time ago

tongue in cheek-not serious, ironic

touch and go-with uncertain result

until one is blue in the face-as hard/long as one possibly can

until the cows come home-for a long time

wet behind the ears-inexperienced

wet blanket-dull person who spoils people's happiness

whet sb's appetite-make sb eager to have/experience more

white elephant-useless/unwanted possession

in the main-primarily or mainly; generally speaking.

a bear with a sore head-irritated/bad mood

lie through your teeth-blatantly lying

cushion the blow-lessen the pain

get on for-reach a particular age

throttle back-reduce the amount of fuel or power going to an engine

hewing out-cut or shape something to create a form or make something hollow

rock the boat-causing trouble

come a cropper-suffer a defeat or disaster

drop a clanger-make a very embarrassing mistake

one's gorge rises-one is sickened or disgusted

nip it in the bud-put a quick end to something

put someone up-To provide someone with accommodation or a place to stay.

keep in with-to maintain a good relationship with someone, often for personal gain.

mull over-to think carefully about something before making a decision.

make away with-to steal or take something unlawfully.

make for-to move towards a particular place or to contribute to a specific outcome.

fallen off the back of a lorry-describe something that is stolen or obtained illegally, often implying it was acquired in a dubious manner.

get bogged down-to become so involved in the details of a situation that you are unable to make progress.

not be up to much-to not be very good or effective, often used to describe something that is disappointing or lacking in quality.

pull sb’s leg-to tease or joke with someone, often by telling them something that is not true.

get your own back on sb-to take revenge on someone for something they did to you.

down the dumps-to be feeling sad or depressed.

not sleep a wink-to not be able to sleep at all.

hard up-to be in a difficult financial situation or lacking money.

give somebody the sack-to dismiss someone from their job.

splash out-to spend money freely or extravagantly, often on something special.

packed like sardines-to be very tightly packed together, often in a crowded space.

take exception to-to disagree with or be offended by something.

rough it-to live in a basic or uncomfortable way, usually in the outdoors.

make the grade-to meet a required standard or level of success.

pick sb’s brain-To casually ask someone for advice or information.

take sb off-To imitate someone humorously or to remove someone from a task.

take against-To develop a dislike for someone or something.

snoop around-To secretly investigate or look for information.

inasmuch-to the extent that

shilly shally-fail to act resolutely or decisively

bears out-to support the truth of something

fed up-to the back teeth too fed up

keep on at-annoy someone by making frequent requests

leave sb in the lurch-to not do for someone what you had promised you would do

clear as nose on sb’s face-Very clear

cut his teeth-have the first experience in something

apple of discord-a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute

load of cobblers-nonsense

etch in/into/on-delineate or impress clearly

lay to waste-completely destroy something

break the horse in-train a horse by starting to ride it

steal my thunder-do what someone else was going to do before they do it

on a razor edge-in a very uncertain and dangerous situation

toast of the town-a person who is very popular among a certain group

waffle on-talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clear answers

yellow journalism-sansationalism

scalded cat-vert fast, as though suddenly shocked

a fortnight-2 weeks

kitchen sink-plays, films, and novels that are about ordinary people's live

out the door price-the sum of all the costs you'll pay for a car, including taxes and fees

scrimping and saving-manage to live on very little money

cool customer-someone who stays calm and does not show their emotions

hatchet man-someone who is employed to do unpleasant jobs

live wire-an energetic and unpredictable person

throw in the towel-stop trying to do something because you have realized that you cannot succeed

on the house-given to you free by a business

bend sb’s ears-talk to someone, especially with great eagerness or in order to ask a favor

prim and proper-having very traditional, morally conservative beliefs and behavior

chop and change-keep changing

flake out-fail to keep an appointment or fulfill a commitment

sieze up-to stop being able to move or work in the normal way

settle up-pay someone the money that you owe them

at liberty-allowed to do something

eke out-get by with difficulty or a struggle

buckle down-start to work hard

niggle over-pay too much attetion about small details

put in an appearance-attend an event briefly, typically out of courtesy

incorrigible liar-liar who is beyond correction or reform

run the risk-expose oneself to the possibility of something unpleasant occurring

set heart on-determined

maiden speech-first speech given by a newly elected member

salad days-period when one is young and inexperienced

carrot and stick-characterized by both the offer of reward and the threat of punishment

pecking order-hierarchy within a social group or community

mumbo jumbo-gibberish

up the ante-increase what is at stake or under discussion

under the cloud-under suspicion

mill around-wander in group

on the rock-likely to fail soon

pack of lies-stuff that is completely untrue

pour scorn-say a person or thing is stupid and not worth anything

chapter of accidents-a series of unpleasant events

pack sth in-stop doing sth

carry off-win a prize

touch and go-possible but very uncertain

spick and span-very clean and tidy

head and shoulders above-a lot better

bargain on-expect something to happen

turn in-go to bed

beside oneself (with)-in a state of very great, uncontrolled emotion

swot up on-study a subject intensively

tide sb over-supply someone for a short time with something that is lacking

let up-relax one’s efforts

dark horse-an unexpected winner

puzzle out-figure out

have your head in the clouds-to say someone's ideas or plans are not practical or reasonable

round the bend-mentally confused or unable to act in a reasonable way

basket case-useless or unable to cope

false dawn-a promising situation which comes to nothing

have kittens-extremely nervous or upset

put the cats among the pigeons-say or do something that causes trouble

at a loss-puzzled or uncertain what to think, say, or do

toing and froing-constant movement or travel back and forth
