210. deluge (v): (1) to cover something with a large amount of water; (2) to send a large number of things, especially messages, requests, or complaints, that are difficult to deal with
211. self-immolation (n): the act of killing oneself, usually by fire
212. inorganic (adj): not consisting of or deriving from living matter; being or composed of matter other than plant or animal
213. burgeon (v): (1) to grow and expand rapidly; (2) to send forth new growth (such as buds and branches)
214. panacea (n): a remedy for all ills and difficulties; a cure-all
215. ostensibly (adv): apparently but perhaps not actually; seemingly
216. exacerbate (v): to make more violent or severe
217. oligarchy (n): (1) a government run by a dominant few; (2) a small group of people possessing control over a country, organization, or institution, often for corrupt and/or selfish purposes
218. endemic (adj): (1) belonging or native to a particular people, country, or region; (2) regularly occurring within a community
219. alienated (adj): feeling withdrawn or separated from others or from society as a whole