Papyrus — VERY fragile
Amanuensis — wrote letters
Paul’s letters probably weren’t word for word
A deliverer was needed to send the messages
Made sure the letter was read to the congregation
Had to clarify the letter
Phoebe carried letter to Rome
Scribes — copiers
Sometimes took freedom when copying over
No original manuscripts of the letters exist
Salutation — “dear”
Greeting — Identified authors
Blessing/Prayer to Receiver
Greetings from Other People
Pseudepigrapha — who authored the letter/book
Literal Authorship — the author wrote with their own hand, from their own mind the letter/book
Dictation — the amanuensis/secretary had to write word for word what the author said
Delegated Authorship — the amanuensis/secretary freedom in crafting the letter
Author would still read over the letter and sign off on it before sending it
Posthumous Authorship — author dies before the letter is completed and the amanuensis/students would finish the letter
Apprentice Authorship — a student or school continues to write letters in the name of the author after they dies
Honorable Pseudepigrapha — admirers write in the authors name
Forgery — writing in another name without any authority
Anonymous Letters - Hebrews, 1-3 John
Text does not explicitly state author
Up for debate who wrote them
Universally Accepted Letters - Romans, 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, Philemon
Most scholars agree to the idea of the stated author
Disputed Letters - Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, James, 1&2 Peter, Jude
“Deutero-Pauline Letters” - authorship is questioned (in this case Paul) — Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus
Language and style differences
Theological differences
Ex. Paul believes that Jesus is the foundation of faith and has little respect for “apostolic authority” (Galatians), but calls the disciples the foundation of the faith in Ephesians
Historical Anachronisms
If the letter references things from after their death
Biographical Material
Refer to something/an event in the author’s life that we have no record of them doing
Ex. (1 Timothy/Titus) author mentions visiting towns that Paul does not mention any where else
Unreliability of Tradition
Church creates a tradition consensus that is wrong
Ex. Paul wrote Hebrews (early tradition), but nowadays scholars rarely believe that
Not necessarily, because God used all sorts of people to further his faith, so why not someone who isn’t an apostle