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Types of Investment

Types of Investments

  • Property

  • Certification of Deposit

  • Money Market Account

  • Savings

  • Stocks

  • Bonds


  • Stocks is an investment that represents ownership in a company or corporation.

3 Basic Indicators

  • Dow Jones Industrial Average(“DOW”)

    • DOW lists the 30 lending industrial blue chip stocks

  • Standard and Poor’s Composite Index

    • Covers market activity for 500 stocks

    • More accurate than DOW because it evaluates a greater variety of stocks

  • National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotations(“NASDAQ”)

    • Monitors the fast moving technology companies

Ups and Downs

  • Bull market

    • The market is going well 

      • Reasons why it is going well

        • Investors are optimistic about the economy purchasing stock

  • Bear market

    • The market is doing poorly

      • Reasons why it is going poorly

        • Investors are not purchasing stocks, but selling stocks already owned.


  • A broker is a person who is licensed to buy and sell stocks, provide investment advice, and collect or commission on each purchase or sale.


  • A bond is a security representing a loan of money from a lender to a borrower for a set time period, which pays a fixed rate of interest.

Mutual Funds

  • Mutual Funds are investments that pools money from several investors to buy a particular type of investment, such as stocks.

Real Estate

  • An investor buys pieces of property, such as land or a building, in hopes of generating a profit.

Certificates of Deposits/Savings

  • A Certificate of Deposits is a deposit that earns a fixed interest rate for a specified length of time.

    • The longer the time period, the greater the rate of penalty return


  • Unique items that are relatively rare or have high value

    • Examples

      • Art work,

      • Baseball trading cards

      • Coins

      • Automobiles,

      • Antiques

Risk US Return

  • On Average, stocks have a high rate of return

    • Higher rate of return = greater risk

    • Stocks provide portfolio diversification

Types of Investment

Types of Investments

  • Property

  • Certification of Deposit

  • Money Market Account

  • Savings

  • Stocks

  • Bonds


  • Stocks is an investment that represents ownership in a company or corporation.

3 Basic Indicators

  • Dow Jones Industrial Average(“DOW”)

    • DOW lists the 30 lending industrial blue chip stocks

  • Standard and Poor’s Composite Index

    • Covers market activity for 500 stocks

    • More accurate than DOW because it evaluates a greater variety of stocks

  • National Association of Security Dealers Automated Quotations(“NASDAQ”)

    • Monitors the fast moving technology companies

Ups and Downs

  • Bull market

    • The market is going well 

      • Reasons why it is going well

        • Investors are optimistic about the economy purchasing stock

  • Bear market

    • The market is doing poorly

      • Reasons why it is going poorly

        • Investors are not purchasing stocks, but selling stocks already owned.


  • A broker is a person who is licensed to buy and sell stocks, provide investment advice, and collect or commission on each purchase or sale.


  • A bond is a security representing a loan of money from a lender to a borrower for a set time period, which pays a fixed rate of interest.

Mutual Funds

  • Mutual Funds are investments that pools money from several investors to buy a particular type of investment, such as stocks.

Real Estate

  • An investor buys pieces of property, such as land or a building, in hopes of generating a profit.

Certificates of Deposits/Savings

  • A Certificate of Deposits is a deposit that earns a fixed interest rate for a specified length of time.

    • The longer the time period, the greater the rate of penalty return


  • Unique items that are relatively rare or have high value

    • Examples

      • Art work,

      • Baseball trading cards

      • Coins

      • Automobiles,

      • Antiques

Risk US Return

  • On Average, stocks have a high rate of return

    • Higher rate of return = greater risk

    • Stocks provide portfolio diversification