Synoptic Gospels
Matthew & John (were apostle)
Mark & Luke (aren’t apostles)
Mark travelled with Peter, Luke travelled with Paul
Matthew refers to the infancy narrative with Jesus’s Lineage. It’s the first thing he talks about. He is connecting Jesus back to his Jewish lineage because Matthew writes to a Jewish audience.
Prophecies fulfilled through Jesus
Born of a Virgin
Born in Bethlehem
Descendant of King David
Epiphany - Jesus revealed himself to his parents, the 3 wise men, and the shepherds at the time of his birth
Times when the Holy Trinity was all present at once:
Disciple - Anyone that follows Jesus
Apostle - One of the 12 specific disciples
Parable - “parabole” (Greek) Placing two things side by side to compare
How Jesus Revealed the Kingdom of God
through stories / sermons
Moments of Divine glory (ex: transfiguration)
by performing miracles and wonders
His Passion, Death, Resurrection & Ascension
Section / Paragraph Titles in Chapter 7
Jesus’s Teaching Techniques
Jesus’s one point is clear: Avoid temptation rather than risk eternal loss
Principal themes of the Parables
God’s Kingdom is for All
Sinners are Welcome in the Kingdom
The Kingdom is Here
Repentance is a Prerequisite for Entering the Kingdom
The Kingdom Belongs to the Poor and Lowly
There is Rejoicing in God’s Kingdom
Know the relationship between the Sermon on the Mount & The Beatitudes
Know all the beatitudes
Know the 9 Proofs of Jesus’s Resurrection
4 Parts of the Paschal Mystery - Passion, Death, Resurrection & Ascension