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Ch. 6, 7, 8 Test

Synoptic Gospels

  • Matthew & John (were apostle)

  • Mark & Luke (aren’t apostles)

  • Mark travelled with Peter, Luke travelled with Paul

    • Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles, he was inspired by Paul during their journeys

  • Matthew refers to the infancy narrative with Jesus’s Lineage. It’s the first thing he talks about. He is connecting Jesus back to his Jewish lineage because Matthew writes to a Jewish audience.

    • Both Matthew & Luke bring up the infancy narrative

Prophecies fulfilled through Jesus

  • Born of a Virgin

  • Born in Bethlehem

  • Descendant of King David

Epiphany - Jesus revealed himself to his parents, the 3 wise men, and the shepherds at the time of his birth

Times when the Holy Trinity was all present at once:

  • The Baptism & The Transfiguration

Disciple - Anyone that follows Jesus

Apostle - One of the 12 specific disciples

Parable - “parabole” (Greek) Placing two things side by side to compare

How Jesus Revealed the Kingdom of God

  • through stories / sermons

  • Moments of Divine glory (ex: transfiguration)

  • by performing miracles and wonders

  • His Passion, Death, Resurrection & Ascension

Section / Paragraph Titles in Chapter 7

Jesus’s Teaching Techniques

  • metaphors & similes

  • appeals to the senses

  • parallel statements

  • hyperbole / exaggeration to make a point

Jesus’s one point is clear: Avoid temptation rather than risk eternal loss

Principal themes of the Parables

  • God’s Kingdom is for All

  • Sinners are Welcome in the Kingdom

  • The Kingdom is Here

  • Repentance is a Prerequisite for Entering the Kingdom

  • The Kingdom Belongs to the Poor and Lowly

  • There is Rejoicing in God’s Kingdom

Know the relationship between the Sermon on the Mount & The Beatitudes

  • The Beatitudes were given during the Sermon on the Mount

Know all the beatitudes

Know the 9 Proofs of Jesus’s Resurrection

4 Parts of the Paschal Mystery - Passion, Death, Resurrection & Ascension

Ch. 6, 7, 8 Test

Synoptic Gospels

  • Matthew & John (were apostle)

  • Mark & Luke (aren’t apostles)

  • Mark travelled with Peter, Luke travelled with Paul

    • Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles, he was inspired by Paul during their journeys

  • Matthew refers to the infancy narrative with Jesus’s Lineage. It’s the first thing he talks about. He is connecting Jesus back to his Jewish lineage because Matthew writes to a Jewish audience.

    • Both Matthew & Luke bring up the infancy narrative

Prophecies fulfilled through Jesus

  • Born of a Virgin

  • Born in Bethlehem

  • Descendant of King David

Epiphany - Jesus revealed himself to his parents, the 3 wise men, and the shepherds at the time of his birth

Times when the Holy Trinity was all present at once:

  • The Baptism & The Transfiguration

Disciple - Anyone that follows Jesus

Apostle - One of the 12 specific disciples

Parable - “parabole” (Greek) Placing two things side by side to compare

How Jesus Revealed the Kingdom of God

  • through stories / sermons

  • Moments of Divine glory (ex: transfiguration)

  • by performing miracles and wonders

  • His Passion, Death, Resurrection & Ascension

Section / Paragraph Titles in Chapter 7

Jesus’s Teaching Techniques

  • metaphors & similes

  • appeals to the senses

  • parallel statements

  • hyperbole / exaggeration to make a point

Jesus’s one point is clear: Avoid temptation rather than risk eternal loss

Principal themes of the Parables

  • God’s Kingdom is for All

  • Sinners are Welcome in the Kingdom

  • The Kingdom is Here

  • Repentance is a Prerequisite for Entering the Kingdom

  • The Kingdom Belongs to the Poor and Lowly

  • There is Rejoicing in God’s Kingdom

Know the relationship between the Sermon on the Mount & The Beatitudes

  • The Beatitudes were given during the Sermon on the Mount

Know all the beatitudes

Know the 9 Proofs of Jesus’s Resurrection

4 Parts of the Paschal Mystery - Passion, Death, Resurrection & Ascension