19th century, spread of revolutionary ideas
Get rid of foreign Ching dynasty
Get rid of spheres of influence
Bring back Chinese tradition
Dynasty founded on peasantry
Stood to lose wealth based off of government actions
Urban intellectuals
Advocated modernity + Westernism
Government, thinking, social structures, technology, industry, etc
1900, Boxer Rebellion -> government made reforms towards Westernism
1901, schools reformed
Girls added
Curriculum less on classic and confucian studies -> more math, science, engineering, geography
Civil service exams changed to match school reforms -> abolished 1905
Youth sent to other countries to study economics, sciences, etc
New military style under Yuan Shih-kai
Western discipline/organization
Military became an official job
Loyalty to commander, not emperor
1911, revolution begins in Szechwan
Government planned to nationalize railway
Wealth investors didn’t want to lose money
Sun Yat-sen had been building revolutionary Western ideas
Protests started with conservatives + wealthy gents
Wanted financial concerns met -> ended up wanting to overthrow the government when they denied
Sun Yat-sen = leader of revolution
Educated in the West
Chinese United League (1905) = Sun’s “three-in-one” revolution
Nationalist -> expel Manchu dynasty
Democratic -> set up democratic Chinese republic
Social -> equalize land rights + wealth
End of 1911 reforms
⅔ of China seceded from Ching empire
Declared China republic
Sun = provisional president
Imperial government was struggling -> appointed Yuan Shih-kai
Governor-general of Hunan + Hupeh
Two provinces that did not secede
National Assembly (Beijing) appointed prime minister
Did not like Manchus -> had terms
Inaugurate a national assembly
Pardon the revolutionaries
Full power of military
Lift ban on political parties
1-3-1912, Yuan agrees to abdicate Ching if he would be president of the republic
Gets over 50 generals on his side -> Ching give in
2-13-1912, official republic with Yuan as the leader
Immediately betrayed it -> gave cronies important jobs, revolutionaries unimportant jobs
Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) = Sun’s new party
Won majority of parliament seats
Yuan used force to make party support him -> got impeached
“Second Revolution” to leave the new republic -> Yuan kept them in line
Yuan forced parliament to reelect him -> dissolved parliament + became dictator
Sun fled to Japan, Kuomintang was expelled
Yuan become emperor -> became opposed by anti-monarchist governors and military leaders
Provinces began to secede -> went back to dictator -> still seceded
Yuan dies -> end of imperial China
Period of Warlordism, 1916-1927
Many independent provinces -> fought over everything
Sun Yat-sen tries to organize theories on unifying China -> Chinese Nationalist Party
Established republican government in Canton
Tried to overthrow warlord government -> died before he finished
Chiang Kai-shek, devoted follower, finishes it in 1928 -> Nationalist government in Nanking