
Essential Questions:

  • Industrialization concentrated an unprecedented number of people together in cities. In what ways were cities redesigned in order to cope with the challenges posed by this population influx?

  •  In what ways were cities redesigned to impose social order upon their inhabitants?

Identification/Key Terms:

Newcomers and Neighborhoods . . . 581

  • young women & men from countryside arrived in cities

    • farm daughters - sought paid employment

  • ethnic clustering caused cultures to dominate industries like factories

  • 1903 - chicago italiens had 66 mutual aid societies → collected dues from members & paid supp in case of death/disabollity on job, & acted as fraternal clubs

  • ethnic towns like san franciscos china town

  • blacks moving from S to urban areas → faced race riot, attacks from white mobs bc of rumors of black crime

    • Atlanta Georgia 1906 - polit campaign charged “negro crime”, invaded black neighboorhoods & killed blacks

  • ppl wanted to live near jobs speculators created tenement buildiings - housed 20+ families in cramped apartements → disease & infant mortality (blacks suffured most)

  • Urban Amusements… 583

    • vaudeville theater 1880s & 1890s - musical acts & shows, appealed to working class and tthen middle-class

    • NY Coney Island 1900 - exemplified U.S.

  • Ragtime and City Blues… 584

    • 1890s - african american’s ragtime music → pop amoung all races/classes bc catchy & exciting

    • W.C. Handy black trumpet player - introduced blues tp the city → hardwork & heartbreak

  • New Social Freedom… 586

    • dating emerged in working class

      • working class women wanted men for a “treat”, kinda like prostitution

    • 1900, 20% women in cities single(living alone)

    • 1910 - gay underground venues, word queer arose

  • High Culture… 586

    • elites capitalized on rise of cities w/ museums, libraries, & cultural inst

      • metropolitan opera 1883

      • Corcoran Gallery of art 1869 D.C.

      • 1907 - Andrew Carnegie spent millions on libraries

  • Urban Journalism… 587

    • yellow jounalism - mass market newspapers w/ exaggerated coverage (ex: Joseph Pultizer)

    • muckrakers - exposing magazines (ex: exposed John D. Rockefeller & senate) → inspired reform

Urban Machines . . . 588

  • “private city” - urban enviro shaped by indivs & profit seeking buissnesses → created innovations

  • political machines - organized groups that maintained political control through a system of patronage, bribery, and manipulation.

    • ex: Tammany Hall consisted layers of polit functionaires

      • bottom - precinct captains familiar w/ city geo, ward bosses, & powerful city leaders @ top

    • gave jobs, arranged urban services, & stayed in office w/ popularity frm voters

  • corruption - polit made contracts for city services → pocketed money

    • but, immigrants justified bc they were supp

  • middle class reformers condemned immigrants for supp machines

The Limits of the Machine Government . . . 589

  • depression of 1890s → unemployment reached 25% in some cities

    • public charity abolished in most cities

  • Cleveland central Labor union → upset w/ demo’s ignorance → made peoples party

    • demanded strong gov measures to curb corp pwr → labor day parade

  • Boston mayor Josiah Quincy - built pub baths & swimming pools

  • detroit mayor Hazen Pingree (repub) - community vegetable gardens fed working class during depression

  • reformers tried organizing municipal gov - National Municipa League

    • advised cities to elect smll councils & hire professional city managers, who wold direct operations like a corp exec

Crucibles of Progressive Reform… 593

  • workingclass & middle class reformers → condemned polit machines, pointed out struggling urban poor

  • progressivism - movements set to combot the ills of industrilization

  • Cleaning Up Urban Environments…594

    • big city problem was disease → officials undertook more public health projects

    • 1878 yellow fever in memphis tennessee → improved sewage & drainage

    • Hygiene reformers taught hand washing & othr techniques to combat tubercolosis

    • “City Beautiful” movement - advocated for more & better urban park spaces

  • Closing Red Light Districts… 595

    • commercialization of sex → reformers launched campaign against urban prositution

      • warned of white slavery & stated women were prostitutes bc kidnapped & forced

        • low wage jobs, eco desperation, & sexual/domestic abuse → prostitution

    • 1909 - 1912 -police shut down red light districts nationwide

      • closed brothels, but worsened conditions prostitutes worked uner
