Explain how alterations in the number of synapses, the probability of releasing neurotransmitter and receptor expression levels impact the size of the synaptic potential.
Understand that neurons integrate information.
Explain the role of synaptic strength and neuronal excitability in determining neuronal output.
Understand how changes in synaptic strength could mediate associative learning.
Memories are coded in the ensemble activity of small groups of neurons that are sparsely distributed throughout the brain
Different memories are encoded by different neuronal ensembles
Memory formation involves a rewiring of the brain; making new or stronger connections between some neurons, and breaking or weakening connections between other neurons
Neurons can integrate information from other neurons + connections can vary between neurons
Synaptic connections as a physiological substrate for memory
Spines comes in different shapes and sizes
Large spines heads contain more AMPA receptors → bigger EPSP
Spines can be dynamic/plastic (transient), they change over time
Many spines can be stable (persistent)
Basic steps of synaptic communication
Stimuli are converted into localised electrical signals (opening of ion channels)
Spreads decrementally to soma and axon
AP generated if threshold potential is reached
AP propagation (non-decremetal) along the axon
AP reaches synaptic terminal
Calcium influx
Release of neurotransmitter
Activation of target cell after NT binds to synaptic cleft
Transmitter release is quantal and stochastic
NTs are packaged into vesicles
Each vesicle has a similar number of NTs (a quanta)
Only a small % of vesicles are docked and ready to be released
So you could trigger a different number of vesicles to be released using the same stimulation each time (stochastic)
Thus probability of releasing transmitter (Pr) varies between synapses
Pr depends on:
of docked vesicles
[Ca2+] at exocytosis site
Range of NT molecules
Small molecules
Amino acids
Glutamate, GABA, glycine
Biogenic Amines
Noradrenaline, adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, histamine
ATP, GTP, adenosine
Neuropeptides (100+) - packaged in dense core vesicles
Substance P, Neuropeptide Y, Opioids, Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), Galanin
CO and NO
Neurons may release 1 or more transmitters (co-transmitters)
Activation of post-synaptic receptors
Two types of post-synaptic receptors:
Ionotropic receptors (also ion channels) → ions pass through the receptor, very fast process
Metabotropic receptors → transmitter binding triggers an exomatic process. Includes:
G-protein coupled receptors
Tyrosine kinase receptors
guanylyl cyclase receptors
Neurons generally express a diverse range of post-synaptic receptors
Diversity of ionotropic channels
Multimeric proteins
4-5 subunits
Various subunit combinations
Subunit composition can affect kinetics, voltage-dependence, ion-permeability, and pharmacology
AMPA and NMDA ionotropic glutamate receptors
AMPA glutamate receptors
Fast kinetics (decays in ms)
Not voltage dependent
Permeable to Na+ and K+
Some subunit combinations are permeable Ca2+
of receptor varies, scales with synapse surface area
NMDA glutamate receptors
Slower kinetics (decays in 10s of ms)
Blocked to Mg2+, requires depolarisation
Permeable to Na+, K+ and Ca2+
NMDA receptor expression is relatively constant
At resting membrane potentials NMDA receptors are blocked by magnesium. Thus, under “normal” conditions synaptic transmission is mediated by AMP receptors
Metabotropic Receptors
Such as G-protein coupled receptors activate signal transduction cascades
Can also mediates slow synaptic transmission
→ process by which multiple synaptic potentials combine within one post-synaptic neuron
A typical CNS neuron makes thousands of synaptic connections
CNS synapse are generally ‘weak’
Single vesicle released
EPSP of few tenths of a millivolt
Therefore, many synaptic inputs are needed to depolarise the cell enough to generate an action potential (output)
Weight (w) = Strength of pathway
of functional synapses
Transmitter release probability
of ionotropic receptors
Synapse location
Activation function
Intrinsic excitability
Propensity to fire APs to a given stimulus
Input (synaptic drive - change in membrane potential (delta Vm) → Output (APs)
Timing is critical for integration
Require temporal overlap of synaptic potential (coincident activation)
Neurons perform logic operations
Consider a case where a neuron will fire if depolarised by 10mV
Coincident detection, categorisation
Pavlovian Conditioning
Collection of subcortical nuclei involved in emotional processing and emotional associative learning (including fear conditioning)
Damage is associated with severe emotional deficits
Electrical stimulation induces feelings of fear and dread and anxiety
Unimodal sensory inputs (auditory, visual, somatosensory, gustatory) from cortex and thalamus
Also connected to Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex
Convergence of CS & US
Hypothalamus and brain stem (control emotional arousal, cardiac, hormonal effects)
Hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
Prior to pairing
Evidence for changes in synaptic strength underlying associative learning?
Two-photon imaging of dendritic spines in vivo over several weeks have demonstrated:
Spines can be dynamic (transient)
Spines can be stable (persistent)
Spines come in different shapes and sizes
Large spines heads contain more AMPA receptors → bigger EPSP
Several cognitive disorder are thought to result from abnormalities in dendritic spines
Trace eyeblink conditioning enhances CA3-CA1 synaptic transmission in rabbit hippocampal slices
Increase in the post-synaptic density area
Increase in number of multi synapse boutons (types of spines)
Trace eyeblink conditioning increases the observation of dendritic spines in hippocampus of rats
Auditory fear conditioning enhances the auditory evoked potential in the amygdala
How can we enhance synaptic connections?
Hebb’s postulate on cell assembly
When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased
High frequency stimulation (HFS) produced a long-lasting potentiation of synaptic transmission
Every time there was HFS, there was a potentiation
Change was long-lasting
Long-term Potentiation can last over a year in vivoS
LTP is widespread in CNS
Example of LTP in the Basolateral amygdala
LTP has also been shown to occur in the cortex and cerebellum
LTP is associative
Experiment: Two separate pathways are stimulated
S1 - weak input
Only activates a few synapses (small EPSP)
S2 - strong input
Activates many synapses (big EPSP)
HFS of S1 → no LTP in either pathway
HFS of S2 → LTP of S2 only
Input specificity
Cooperativity (many synapses of this pathway are activating together to generate LTP)
HFS of S1 & S2 →
LTP in S1
Cooperativity / Associativity
LTP: A cellular analogue of associative learning?
Basic properties
Rapidly induced
Widespread in CNS
Input specific
<aside> 📌 SUMMARY:
As learned in last lecture → CS and US converge on individual neurons in the amygdala
Also as learned in last lecture → Cells that fire together wire together
LTP is associative (S1 and S2) experiment
Stimulation of NMDA-type Glutamate Receptors →
Increased Post-Synaptic Ca2+ →
Activation of CaMKII →
Gene transcription and protein synthesis →
Enhanced AMPA-type Glutamate Receptor Function →
Remember: Synapses in Hippocampus and Amygdala contain two-types of ionotropic glutamate receptors (AMPA and NMDA)
Stimulation of weak input (few synapses)
AMPA mediated EPSPs
Neuron does not reach threshold (No APs)
Glutamate bound to NMDA receptor, but receptor is blocked by Mg2+
Little Ca2+ influx
Stimulation of strong input (many synapses)
Inputs (AMPA and EPSPs) summate → Big EPSP - APs
Mg2+ is expelled from the NMDA receptor
Large Ca2+ influx through NMDA receptor
Multiple synapses of strong input act cooperatively to activate NMDA receptors
<aside> 💡 If the input is not stimulated, then no transmitter is released and the NMDA receptors are not activated.
Ubiquitous second messenger
Every cellular process (Neurogenesis → apoptosis) is regulated by calcium
Kinase / phosphatase balance
Calcium is tightly regulated in cells
Free intracellular calcium is maintained at 50-100nM, despite being present at mM concentrations in cerebral spinal fluid (25 000 x higher)
NMDARs are calcium permeable
Synaptic contacts are made on spines
Synaptic contacts between excitatory neurons are made on spines
Thin neck connecting spine and dendrite acts as diffusional barrier
Signalling molecules activated by calcium restricted to activated spine (synapse specificity)
In LTP introduction, the Requirement for Ca2+ is Brief
CA1 neuron is loaded with a photosensitive calcium buffer
A flash of UV light increases the affinity of the buffer for calcium
Thus, UV flashes causes a rapid reduction of intracellular calcium
Activation of CaMKII
NMDA activation → Increased Ca2+ → Activation of CaMKII → Phosphorylation of AMPA-R
After phosphorylation of AMPA-R → Signal transduction cascades
→ Expression of LTP OR → Induction of gene transcription
Expression of LTP
Increased AMPA mediated synaptic transmission
Increased transmitter release
Release probability
Increased # of synapses
Increased postsynaptic response
Insertion of more AMPA receptors into the post-synaptic density
LTP expression varies between synaptic pathways and induction protocols
Repetitive stimulation of spines with glutamate induces a long-term spine-head enlargement
There are things that need to be maintained in order to maintained LTP:
Protein synthesis
Blocking protein synthesis → causes LTP to decay and only early phase (initial) LTP lasting only minutes
Gene transcription
Gene transcription is not necessary for the expression of LTP (blocking gene transcription 2h after LTP induction has no effect on synaptic transmission)
Genes encode proteins required to stabilise synaptic connections: including growth factors, cytoskeletal proteins
PKM-$\zeta$ (a type of continuous phosphorylation event)
PKM-zeta is a protein Kinase C isoform that lack a regulatory unit, thus it is continuously active
ZIP silences PKM-zeta, and it’s maintenance of LTP
Thus persistent phosphorylation of receptors / signalling molecules is required to maintain the synapse in a potentiated state
LTP mechanism summary
Two types of glutamate receptors
AMPA → normal synaptic transmission
Expression of LTP
NMDA → induction of LTP
Calcium permeable coincident detectors
Calcium triggers induction of LTP
Spines compartmentalise calcium
Input specificity
Protein synthesis / gene transcription are required for persistent LTP
PKM-zeta maintains synaptic plasticity
Many molecules and transmitter systems modulate LTP
Other signalling molecules implicated in LTP
Calcium channels
Transcription factors
Growth factors
Cell adhesion molecules
etc etc etc
Associative learning induces an LTP-like synaptic enhancements
Pharmacological agents that disrupt LTP generally disrupt associative learning
Same critical window and time-course
Infusion of the NMDA-R antagonists APV or MK801 block acquisition, but not expression of conditioned responses
Inhibiting protein synthesis or gene transcription prior or during conditioning produces amnesia 2-3 hours later
Disrupting PKM-zeta erases both recent and remote memories
Making an artificial memory
Potentiating auditory synaptic inputs in the amygdala produces an auditory conditioned fear response
So you are able to introduce a memory
Long-term depression (LTD) ; Classical LTD Pathway
Low frequency stimulation
NMDA receptor activation
Calcium entry
Activation of phosphatase cascade (dephosphorylation)
decrease in AMPA receptor transmission
Other neuronal mechanisms
Changes in intrinsic neuronal excitability
The propensity of a neuron to fire APs is its intrinsic excitability
It is governed by the ion channels it expresses
E-S potentiation (same Excitatory synaptic conductance → more spikes)
Learning is often associated with a persistent decrease in specific K+ channel conductances
More APs evoked by same current
Unlike LTP, this intrinsic excitability change is NOT input specific
The hippocampus, continuously makes new neurons. Disrupting cell proliferation impairs hippocampal dependent learning
New neurons continue to be born in the adult hippocampus
Mechanism underlying neurogenesis is really unclear
What about more complex memories?
The processes mediating more complex memories such as those for episodic memories are poorly understood
It is thought that the same biological processes that underlie “simple” associative learning tasks also underlie more complex memories
“Neural network” models of AI process signals by sending them through a network of nodes analogous to neurons.
<aside> 📌 SUMMARY:
Memory is the means by which we draw on our past experience in order to use this information in the present
It is also, on a more philosophical level, what gives us our sense of self
Hermann von Ebbinghaus published in 1885 a series of experiments he conducted on himself to describe the processes of learning and forgetting
Forgetting curve is a logarithm
Atkinson-Shiffrin Memory Model
Suggests there are three memory store: The Sensory Register → Short Term Memory → Long Term Memory
The multi-store model is an explanation of memory which assumes there are three memory stores, and that information is transferred between these stores in a linear sequence
Each of the memory stores differ in the way information is processed, how much information can be stored (capacity) and for how long (duration)
Memory consolidation is the process by which a newly acquired memory (labile and susceptible) is transformed into a more stable, long-lasting form
Long-term memories require changes in protein synthesis and gene transcription regulation, whereas short-term memories do not
Sensory register (aka Sensory Memory)
Sensory memory is a memory buffer that allows individuals to retain impressions of sensory information for a brief time (ms to s) after the original stimulus has ceased
Sensory memory is divided into sensory-specific subsystems: iconic, echoic, haptic, olfactory, gustatory
Sensory input to the visual system goes into iconic memory
It has a duration of 300-500 ms
Auditory sensory memory is known as echoic memory and can last a few seconds (relevant factor in language perception)
More is seen that can be remembered (Sperling 1960)
When stimuli are shown, only a limited number of items can be correctly reported (span of immediate memory)
However, observers commonly assert that they can see more than they can report
Information available in brief visual presentations
The partial report demonstrates that observers have 2-3 times as much information available as they can later report
The availability of this information declines rapidly
Short-term memory
STM allows holding a small amount of information in an active, readily available state for a brief period of time (< 1 minute)
Maintenance rehearsal is the process of repeating information mentally or aloud with the goal of keeping it in memory
STM memory is limited in both the length and the amount of information it can hold. The average digit span of most adults is 7.
Chunking is the process of organising information into smaller groups (chunks), thereby increasing the number of items that can be held in STM.
Long-Term memory
LTM allows us to hold information for days, months or even a lifetime, without active thinking
Long-term memories are not fixed records of the past. They are not flawless, but fallible and sensitive to changes overtime
The capacity of LTM is huge → the main constraint may be conditions for retrieval (info recall)
Memory retrieval is facilitated by cues (sounds, smells, context, emotions) present during encoding
In search of the Engram
Karl Lashley studied the effects of cortical lesions on maze-learning performance in rats with the goal of finding a localised memory trace or “engram”
He failed to find the locus of memory, but he found:
The more cortex is removed, the more learning defects occur
One part of the cortex can take over the function of another
The encoding and retrieval of memories is a highly distributed process in the brain: different sets of brain areas participate in the “storage” and recall of events, facts and skills
The Anatomy of Memory
The first demonstrations that focal brain damage can cause profound lifelong memory impairments involved unfortunate brain injuries due to e.g., stroke, viral infections or trauma
Systematic studies of amnesic patients with selective lesions to their brains have yielded important insights into the brain regions involved in specific processes of memory
Knocked down by a bicycle at 7, began to have seizures and had a major seizure after 16
At 27, neurosurgeon performed a bilateral medial temporal lobe resection in an attempt to control epileptic seizures
The ablation also damaged most of the amygdala, the rostral half of the hippocampal region and surrounding cortex
Post-surgery, the seizures stopped, but HM exhibited profound memory impairment in the absence of any general intellectual loss or perceptual disorders
The systematic study of this catastrophic outcome has helped to establish some fundamental principles of memory organisation
HM could not form new memories for facts and events (anterograde amnesia) and also could not access some memories acquired before his surgery (retrograde amnesia)
His capacity to recall remote facts and events preceding his operation was intact
These results suggested that the medial temporal lobe cannot be the ultimate storage site for LTM. Permanent memory must be retained elsewhere.
HM could retain information for short periods of time, but he failed when the material exceeded his immediate memory capacity
HM could retain a three digit number for as long as 15 mins by continuous rehearsal. But as soon as his attention was diverted to a new topic, he was unable to recall the whole event
Tells us medial temporal lobe structures are not needed for STM but are necessary to process them into LTM through consolidation
These findings supported the MSM of memory proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin
The Mirror Tracing Task
HM could learn hand-eye coordination tasks over a period of days, despite having no recollection o f practising the task before
Also exhibited priming effects E.g., if he was given the word episode and later asked to name a word beginning with epi, he was more likely to say episode
These findings supported the idea of multiple memory systems: different brain regions are responsible for different aspects of memory
Clive Wearing
He contracted herpes → bilateral damage to temporal lobes and portions of frontal lobes (more extensive than HM)
After awaking from a 16 day coma, had severe anterograde amnesia (memory span of only a few seconds)
Normal IQ, musical skills remained intact although he was not aware that he could play the piano
Unlike HM, noted to have some semantic memory impairments (facts)
Multiple Memory Systems
Seems like hippocampus is necessary for forming declarative memories
Hippocampus: Episodic Memories + Spatial Navigation
Episodic memories refers to specific, contextual details of experienced events that occurred at a particular point in time and at a particular place (autobiographical memory)
The network for recalling personal past events includes the hippocampus, together with the Parahippocampal cortex, prefrontal, lateral and parietal cortices
This brain network overlaps with that supporting navigation in large-scale space and other cognitive functions like imagination and thinking about the future
Place cells are neurons in the hippocampus that fire when an animal visits specific regions of its environment
Thought to provide the foundation for an internal representation of space, i.e., a spatial map
We can mentally imagine routes we have taken in the past to build cognitive maps that are critical for our ability to navigate efficiently
Hippocampus lesions impair navigation that relies on a spatial map (allocentric spatial memories); anterograde and retrograde deficit
Posterior hippocampus volume increases in London taxi drivers after training + qualifying to be a taxi driver (relative to before training). Increase not observed in those that failed to qualify and controls.
Patients with lesions restricted to the hippocampus show impairments at navigational tasks
Thus, hippocampus is critical for episodic and spatial memories.
Hippocampus as a structure for building all kinds of maps? “Cognitive maps” that store the inter-relationships between place, events, time etc
Overarching function of hippocampus = building integrated representations of spatiotemporal contexts?
I.e., holistic, interconnected concepts of places + events + time
Motivated behaviour and adaptive choice
Our behaviour changes according to its consequences
Instrumental conditioning:
Actions → reinforced
Actions → punished
Without instrumental learning, we lose our ability to make better choices in the future
Amygdala is critical for learning to avoid what’s bad for you
Basolateral amygdala is necessary for learned fear
BLA is also necessary for suppressing actions with detrimental consequences
Thus, patients amygdala damage have decision-making deficits
Patients with amygdala lesions will persistently select the loss-inducing disadvantageous decks in the Iowa gambling task, whereas healthy controls will learn to avoid disadvantageous decks in favour of advantageous decks
BLA inactivations can selectively impair learning and retrieval of punishment avoidance
Amygdala activity encodes punished actions
BLA is activated by punishers. As punished action → punisher association is learned and punished actions alone begin to activate BLA neurons
Cellular resolution data: same neurons activated by shock are activated by punished actions. Actions evoke the representation (i.e., memory) of its consequences in BLA
Amygdala aversion-coding mediates learned avoidance
Punished action activity in BLA tracks level of avoidance, including when under influence of benzodiazepines (anxiolytic drug that increases punished behaviour)
Motor Skill Learning
Motor skill learning refers to neuronal changes that allow an organism to accomplish a motor task better, faster or more accurately than before as a result of practice
Efficiency is supported by automatism, where many serial actions are chunked and executed as blocks
Cortico-basal ganglia circuits play a critical role in acquiring, refining, and executing action sequences
The striatum is very important
Acquisition of a Motor Sequence
The actions of the rat become much more efficient over time
Learning triggers transcriptional activation of striatal neurons
Learning and refinement of new action sequences is associated with transcriptional activation of striatal spiny projection neurons
Acquisition of new action repertoires engages dorsomedial striatum, while automatism of action repertoires engages dorsolateral striatum
Natural (e.g., ageing) and experimentally-induced aberrations in striatum recruitment impairs learning and updating of action sequences
Motor skill learning and Huntington’s Disease
HD is a degenerative brain disease that causes atrophy of the striatum and related corticostriatal networks
HD patients have difficulty with cognitive tasks that require planning and sequences of actions
<aside> 📌 **SUMMARY:
Medial-Temporal Lobe in hippcampus involved in episodic memory
Learning and associations with a motivational component or danger involved require amygdala
Procedural learning like learning skills + habits involves striatum
Atkinson+Shiffrin MSM model: -** Information is conditionally transferred between 3 stores in a linear sequence - Memory stores differ in how much and how long memories are stored there
Other key ideas: - The site of memory foundation is not necessarily the site of memory storage (anterograde vs retrograde amnesia)
Long-lasting memories are formed through interaction with the world around us
Memory consolidation is the process by which short-term memories are converted into LTM
The stabilisation of LTMs involve de novo protein synthesis and gene transcription regulation
Newly formed memories depend on protein synthesis
Consistent finding is that systemic administration of protein synthesis inhibitors (e.g. cycloheximide) does not disrupt learning or short-term retrieval, but does impair long-term retrieval
Disrupted retention also observed if protein synthesis inhibitor only given soon after training. Not observed if protein synthesis inhibitor only given hours after training
De novo protein synthesis required for consolidating long-term memories, not ST learning and memory.
Once consolidated, protein inhibitors do not disrupt memory unless…
New and reactivated memories are susceptible to disruption
Fear conditioned task: cue → shock causes cue-elicited suppression of drinking behaviour (”conditioned suppression”)
Electroconvulsive shock (ECS) immediately after learning impairs subsequent recall
ECS after memory reactivation (via cue presentation) impairs subsequent recall
Disruption not observed if ECS is delivered hours after learning/reactivation (outside the “vulnerability window”)
Protein synthesis inhibitors into amygdala after fear memory reactivation also disrupts later recall
Not a general effect of protein synthesis inhibitor or retrieval alone: good memory retention in anisomycin and CS alone conditions
Disruption depends on anisomycin being administered during “reconsolidation window”
Disrupting protein synthesis (or other components of long-term plasticity) following memory retrieval “erases” the original memory
Remembering contributes to memory modification?
Consolidated memories, when reactivated, enter a transient, vulnerable state
Memories go back to a stable state by the process of reconsolidation, which requires protein synthesis
Memory retrieval is an active process
Why? leading theory is that retrieval returns memory to a “labile” (changeable) state so that they can be updated as needed
Retrieved memories can be strengthened, inhibited and changed (even distorted)
Strengthening memories throughout retrieval
Reactivation of memories through spaced practice improves memory retention (i.e., attenuates forgetting curve)
(Don’t cram - spacing out studying is better for long-term retention)
Testing effect: being tested on material (no re-exposure to study material, no feedback) improved later recall relative to re-studying material
Mere retrieval improves memory → Very robust finding
Mechanism? Strengthening stored memory vs strengthening the ability to subsequently retrieve (retrieval-practice)?
Misleading post-event information can distort memory of an original event (the misinformation effect)
The words “Smashed” vs “Hit”
Participants were more likely to report that they had seen broken glass in the “smashed” condition and report a higher speed
Thus, using strong suggestions, investigators are able to implant false memories into participants
Lots of people could remember an event that never actually happened to them
Confabulation: unintentional memory error (fabricated, distorted, misinterpreted). Can be provoked or spontaneous → Occurs in various neuropsychiatric conditions
<aside> 💡 Memories are reconstructed, not replayed.
Memory as flexible and dynamic
Far from being an exact, fixed record of the past, memory is prone to changes → including errors
Lability of memory are linked to adaptive processes, including memory updating, creativity, simulation of future events, semantic and contextual encoding
Memory updating and extinction learning
Memory updating allows new information to be integrated into existing knowledge, which is critical for adapting behaviours
Updating occurs when some information is downgraded as outdated or irrelevant, and newer information is promoted as its replacement
Extinction → is a fundamental form of associative/behavioural updating. when a cue or action no longer leads to an outcome, our behaviour changes to reflect this
Extinction of punishment association: return of behaviour
LP training:
PunLP → reward
UnPunLP → reward
Pun (punishment training):
PunLP → Reward, Shock
UnpLP → Reward
CT (choice test)
PunLP vs UnpLP
Ext (punishment extinction):
PunLP → reward
UnpLP reward
Is extinction learning erasure?
Does the original association get erased? Or
Retrieve original CS-US association, update with current information (overwrite), reconsolidate?
Probably not erased → extinguished behaviour can return without additional CS-US or action-outcome pairings under various conditions
Indicates the original memory seems to survive extinction
Recovery after extinction effects
Extinguished behaviour can spontaneously reappear overtime (spontaneous recovery)
Extinguished behaviour will reappear is animal is placed in non-extinction contexts (renewal), even if it is a completely novel context
Extinguished behaviour can return if re-exposed to the US (primed reinstatement)
If pairings resume, behaviour returns rapidly (rapid reacquisition)
Extinction as new inhibitory learning?
Recovery effects suggest a better explanation of extinction is that the original CS-US association remains intact
Instead, extinction likely involves new inhibitory CS-no US learning that competes with original association to influence behaviour
New extinction association is gated by context
Mechanisms for extinction learning
Extinction of Pavlovian and instrumental behaviour indicate similar psychological mechanisms
Extinction is subject to relapse (spontaneous recovery, reinstatement, rapid reacquisition)
Extinction involves new inhibitory learning that competes with original association, primary in the context in which extinction occurs
Distinct, elaborate circuitry governing Pavlovian vs instrumental extinction learning
Both involve hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortical regions (e.g. infralimbic cortex)
New memories vs updated memories?
Gradual extinction instead of immediate (standard) extinction reduces re-emergence of extinguished responses
High discrepancy between a retrieved memory and the “update” (high prediction error) may increase the chance that current information is encoded as a new, competing memory (i.e., treated as a new state/context)
Gradual extinction (low prediction error) promotes updating of the original memory
Interlacing overlapping memories for flexible behaviour
Interference between memories is a major contribution to forgetting and memory failure
Protecting motor memories from interference is critical for motor skill learning
Contextual cues play a role in the retrieval process to facilitate the use of the required memory
The role of acetylcholine in memory interlacing
Catastrophic interference (or catastrophic forgetting) refers to the loss of previous learning upon learning of new information
Acetylcholine (Ach) allows the interlacing between new and existing memories, to reduce interference between them
Cholinergic modulation in the striatum is necessary to regularly transition between new and old tasks
In the striatum, cholinergic input is provided by local cholinergic interneurons
Reversal experiment and the interlacing of acetylcholine
Found striatal acetylcholine has important role in memory interlacing
Mice showed good discrimination in devaluation test
Thus acetylcholine is not important for initial discrimination learning or choice
BUT when associations reversed, the animals did not show the appropriate discrimination → suggesting it was harder for them to update those sets of memories
Acetylcholine seems to be apart of the mechanisms for updating memories or handling two competing memories
Many psychiatric conditions are characterised by problematic and persistent memories
Anxiety and mood disorders often involve unpleasant and/or traumatic memories that exert an outsized influenced over an individual’s daily life, impacting their wellbeing and functioning
Addiction and compulsive disorders as forms of learning (i.e., plasticity) that dominate an individual’s behaviour and outlook, even if those behaviours have become extremely detrimental to the individual
Key aspects of these disorders (aetiology, maintenance) can be framed as issues of maladaptive learning and memory (e.g., problematic associations that require updating)..Targets for intervention?
Clinical relevance: CBT
Updating memories through cognitive reappraisals and behavioural procedures (e.g., extinction training) forms the cornerstone of the most effective psychotherapies
Extinction and the “erasure” of unwanted memories
Extinction learning forms the basis for many of the most effective and well-studied treatments for various anxiety disorders
Various forms of extinction training (exposure therapy, response prevention therapy, etc) are effective for treating phobias, OCD, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, PTSD, etc
Relapse can still occur (recovery-from-extinction effects) → How can we improve treatment long-term outcomes?
Erasing memories by targeting reconsolidation
Can a problematic memory or thought process be “erased” by activating them (as done in exposure-based therapies), and then preventing reconsolidation
Electroconvulsive shock (ECS) therapy is a well-established treatment for treatment-resistant depression; not intentionally targeting reconsolidation
Oral administration of the Beta-Adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol before reactivation of a fear memory results in substantial weakening of the fear response
Promoting memory updating
Can new cognitive-behavioural approaches and /or pharmacotherapies enhance memory modification and its generalisability across time and contexts?
Theorised mechanism of promising effects of psychedelic-assisted therapy
<aside> 📌 SUMMARY: