
Unit 5

Iteration - Another word for repetition.

Accumulation - To collect or gather; useful technique in loops.

Nested loop - A loop that will run to completion for each iteration of the outer loop.

sentinel loop - A loop that uses a value or dummy, to indicate the end of data entry.

pseudocode - Literally means "false code". Used as a program design aid.

Index - An integer value used to specify the position of an array element or String character.

array - An ordered collection of similar items.  These items are of the same data type, i.e.: int, double, or String.

elements - What the items stored in an array are called.

an initializer list - Creating an array with specific initial values.

immutability - This term is the characteristic of Strings, and the size of arrays, that prevents those data structures from changing.

substring - A string method that returns a subset of a string at the index parameter.

String - This data type can contain any character and have any length.

IndexOutOfBoundsException  - A run-time exception that occurs when the index used is outside the bounds of the array, either too small (less than zero) or too large (greater than or equal to the length of the array).

run-time error - This kind of error occurs while you are executing the program.  It usually causes the program to stop running.

compile error -  This error occurs when you are validating the syntax of the program.

concatenation - This term defines the process of combining Strings with other Strings or other data types.

length() - A string method that returns an integer that is the total number of characters in the string.

method - a collection of statements that are grouped together to perform an operation. When you call the System.out.println() it is a method.  In other words, it does something.

The length of an array is accessed using the length property.  Example: stringArray.length

The length of a String is accessed via a method.  Example: str.length()  The parentheses at the end indicate it is a method.

0 - The "default value" for the array int[] arr = new int[100];

0.0 - The default value for the array double[] arr = new double[50];

false - The "default value" for the array boolean[] arr = new boolean[75];
