
Nutrients in food


Must be broken down into simple molecules


  • The main source of energy for living cells

  • We use energy for movement, growth, reproducing, retaining warmth, and other bodily processes.

  • Organic compounds made up of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen


  • As the main energy source

  • Material that forms other chemical compounds such as fat and protein

  • Has a role in the body’s metabolism

  • Has a role in the formation of cell structures, tissues, and body organs


There are two types of proteins commonly found

  • Vegetable protein

  • Animal protein

Protein is needed for the growth and repair of the body tissue, and building new cells

Protein molecules are made up of long chains of smaller molecules called amino acids

Amino acids contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur

Some amino acids can be formed by the body (non-essential amino acids)

But, some that cannot be made by the body must exist in our food (essential amino acids)


Fat is an organic compound made up of elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Fat consists of fatty acid and glycerol

Fatty acid is separated into two, saturated (bad fats) and unsaturated (good fats)

From just the material, there are two types of fats, vegetable fats and animal fats

Excess energy from food will be converted into fats.


  • Largest energy producer

  • The protector of body organs

  • Hungry holder because presence of fat will decelerate digestion.


Can be directly absorbed by the body


Vitamins are required by the body, but only a little amount. The function of vitamins cannot be replaced (irreplaceable). The need for vitamins is different for every person and is dependent on your age, gender, and activities

Based on solubility property, vitamin is sorted into two groups

  • Vitamins that dissolve in water (vitamin B and C)

  • Vitamins that dissolve in fat (vitamin A, D, E and K)

  1. Vitamin A
    The benefit of vitamin A is that it improves the immune system, bone growth and teeth. You can get vitamin A from milk, eggs, animal heart, cereal, orange vegetables like carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin and fruits

  2. Vitamin B
    Helps control bodily functions and produces red blood cells. Present in wheat, seafood, red meat, eggs, milk products like sour milk, vegetables with green leaves, and nuts

  3. Vitamin C
    Makes collagen, helps keep nerve health like in the mouth gums and muscles, and helps defend against infection. Found in oranges, strawberries, guava with seed, chilies, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach.

  4. Vitamin D
    Helps strengthen bones and teeth, and absorb calcium. Commonly found in egg yolks, fish oils, and fatty foods like milk and soymilk.

  5. Vitamin E
    An antioxidant that helps protect cells from destruction and important for the health of red blood cells. Easily found in vegetable oils, nuts, vegetable with green leaves, avocado, wheat and seeds.

  6. Vitamin K
    Helps the blood clot and increase growth and health in the bones. Found in avocadoes, grapes, green vegetables, dairy products, root vegetables, seeds and the egg.


Like vitamins, minerals are required by the body, but in little portions.


  • Formation of bone material

  • Controller substance

  • Important in blood clotting

  • Maintains blood pressure

  • Transports oxygen to the entire body


Water is the most important substance and has a lot of uses

Water is required for all cells and tissues to function

- Dissolves various substances

Transports a substance from a cell to another cell or from a tissue to another tissue

Keeps the body temperature stable.
