

Multiple choice:

What was the type of WWII aircraft that your professor helped survey in the Pacific?

Incorrect answer:

B17 Flying Fortress

P47 Thunderbolt

P51 Mustang

Messerschmitt Bf 109

Prior to 1927, how long did people think homo sapiens were living in the Americas?

2000 Years

10000 Years

6000 Years

20000 Years

What is true about the Clovis Technocomlex?

Bifaces and distinctive bifacial projectile points.

Oldest widespread and well understood technological complex in North America.

Contains both stone and osseous tools. 

All of the above.

What does the Clovis Firsts Model suggest?

Clovis are the first people to enter the Americas, originating in Northeast Asia and crossing the Bering Land Bridge (Beringia) around 13.6 kya

Clovis people were primarily fishers.

No significant technology developed after the arrival of humans to the Americas.

Clovis technology was not widespread throughout the Americas.

There are no sites that are older than clovis in the Americas.



Which is not a primary theory of how people arrive in the Americas?

Ice-Free Corridor

Pacific Coastal Route

Antarctica Land Bridge

Atlantic Crossing Hypothesis/ “Solutrean Hypothesis”

What is true about Economic Production?

Economics does not always mean money, wealth, possessions, etc.

Economics are affected by the way that people obtain food

What is good for one society is not necessarily good for another

All of the above.

Foraging does not mean food collection. 



Which of the following is NOT true about subsistence patterns?

They are influenced by the environment

Humans adapt them to their environment

All strategies work in all regions

Some strategies are region-specific

What is NOT a main type of food production?


Hunting and Gathering


Intensive Agriculture 

This mound area was occupied from 600-1400 CE and was one of the largest urban areas for Mississippian Culture:




Serpent Mound

What ancient civilization is thought to have collapsed after a volcanic eruption triggered a tsunami that destroyed its port infrastructure?





Pseudoarcheology can be described as:

The archaeological study of materials that are considered modern

The use of explanations that involve hypotheses that cannot be tested

The only acceptable method for modern archaeology 

The presence of multiple explanations for a particular phenomenon in the past

How many survivors were there from the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror?





The tinned food used on board HMS Erebus and HMS Terror was perfectly safe to eat.



The Rosetta Stone was used to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics because:

The text was a well known story that could be used for correlation

It was better than Duolingo

Its text was a guide for translating hieroglyphics

It had the same text written in three different scripts 

Which of the following is not one of the minimum criteria for the acceptance of early archaeological sites?

Archaeological materials visible on the surface

Unequivocal human-made artifacts or human skeletal remains

Some form of absolute radiometric dating

Buried and intact geological context

The site of Göbekli Tepe, Turkey is famous for what?

Its early monumental architecture

Being the world's oldest known temple

T-shaped pillars carved with wild animal iconography

All of the above

Which is NOT an ancient civilization:





What is race theory, and what is race?

The division of people into groups based on

certain physical characteristics (i.e. skin color)

What are phenotypes?

Evident, physical, or detectable traits i.e. anatomy and physiology; skin color, hair formation, eye color, facial features, etc.

What is the notion of hypodescent?

automatically placing children of a union of different groups into the minority group

What is the earliest use of pottery? (Hint: from Czech Republic)

The Venus of Dolni Vestonice

What is the “archaeological record” 

the physical evidence of past human activities

What is archaeological visibility?

how visible one site or feature is from another. They are often used to study how people communicated in the past by visual signaling.

What are the three minimum criteria for the acceptance of early archaeological sites

human-made artifacts or human skeletal remains, some form of absolute radiometric dating, buried and intact geological context

What is an ethnographic analogy?

Ethnographic analogy involves studying modern or historically recorded societies to interpret similar behaviors in the past.

What was the point of the Franklin Expedition?

To find the Northwest Passage through Canada and to record magnetic information as a possible aid to navigation

What were the names of the vessels?

H.M.S. Erebus and H.M.S. Terror

When did maritime archaeology become a science? 


Who was considered the “Father of Underwater Archaeology”?

George Bass

What is culture? 

The set of learned and shared behaviors and ideas that are characteristic of a particular group or other social group

Who first described culture? 

Edward B. Tylor

What is diffusion?

The process by which cultural elements are borrowed from another society and incorporated into the culture of the recipient group

What is ethnocentrism?

Judging another culture based on the terms of someone’s own culture

What is adaption?

Change in behavior of a person or group and response to a change of surroundings 
