Self Concept

  • how someone thinks about, evaluates, or perceives themselves

  • being aware of oneself

  • The individuals belief about himself or herself, including the person attributes and how and what the self is"(Baumeister,1999)

  • Self concept has three(3) different components:

    • view you have of yourself(self-image)

      • does not necessarily have to be a realistic view of yourself

      • can differ due to a lot fo factors like parental influences, friends, etc.

      • e.g. people with anorexia think their fat but other people thinks that their thin

    • Ideal Self(what you’d like to be)

    • Self-esteem(extent to which you value yourself)

      • extent which we accept, or approve of ourselves or how much we value ourselves

      • we can have a positive view or negative view of ourselves

4 Major factors the influence Self-Esteem

  • The Reaction of Others

    • if they interact with us, admire us, flatter us, we tend to develop a positive self image, and when people will ignore you and avoid you, you’ll develop negative self-esteem

  • Comparison with Others

    • if people in our circle tend to be more successful in life, we’d feel more negative self-esteem, but if people are less successful then you, you’d gain positive self-esteem

  • Social Roles

    • can carry prestige- being a doctor or pilot can bring positive self-esteem since people will look at you highly

    • can carry stigma(–mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance)- prisoner, mental patient or unemployed person can bring negative self-esteem

    • e.g. even though you’re an ex criminal, people will still look at you lowly(still an ex criminal) since you became a criminal

  • Identification(interrelated with social roles)

    • the roles we taken in also become a part of our personality

    • depending on our role as a person, we can feel good/bad about ourselves

    • e.g. you feel good if your friends with a celebrity, but you won’t feel good about yourself when you have a dad that came from prison


  • feedback is information(verbal, nonverbal, written)

  • given to individuals or groups

  • purpose is to know how they affect others and how they’re perceived

  • e.g. you feel like your product is the best, but your teachers don’t think so, so they have to give you feedback to help you improve

    • they don’t wish to hurt you i any way, they just wish to help you

Effective Feedback Goals:

  • self-awareness

  • Improvement of relationship

  • personal growth

Feedback is not:

  • to unload/labas sama loob

  • to hurt

    hit back or take revenge

  • overwhelm

Effective feedback Formula:

  • Mention Situation +

  • Specific Behavior +

  • Effect on me and/or task and/or on relationship

  • TAKE NOTE: Effective feedback is giving perceptions non threateningly so that they will be received non defensively
