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How to Find and Live Your Calling | Bryan Dik | TEDxCSU

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How to Find and Live Your Calling | Bryan Dik | TEDxCSU


  • Many individuals aspire for their work to serve a purpose beyond just a paycheck.

  • This approach to work, where individuals strive for a meaningful contribution, is termed as a "calling” - a deeper sense of fulfillment and alignment with personal values rather than merely a means to an end

The Search for a Calling

  • In a national sample of American adults:

    • 21% are searching for their calling in their career.

    • 31% believe they are currently living their calling in their jobs.

  • Scholars are studying the implications and benefits of viewing work as a calling:

    • People who view their work as a calling are more confident in their career decisions

    • They report higher job satisfaction and engagement

    • Individuals find more meaning in their work and invest greater effort

    • Most importantly, such individuals perceive their overall life as more meaningful

The Challenge of Finding a Calling

  • Finding one’s calling is often not straightforward:

    • Some people may struggle with having multiple interests - “multi-potentiality" concept (or multiple callings) – which can create confusion about where to focus their energy and efforts

    • There may be societal pressures, such as needing to declare a major in college despite indecision

    • An "aha moment" is often sought—a clear sign of direction for one's calling

Case Study: Roger Visker's Experience

  • Roger Visker transitioned from being a police officer to a pastor:

    • Had a profound experience where he felt directed by a voice to make the transition

    • His wife supported him in exploring this new path

  • He sought guidance from five people, referred to as his "messengers"

  • Received valuable advice, including:

    • Reading "What Color Is Your Parachute"

    • Taking assessments and meeting with a career counselor

    • Engaging with current pastors

    • Receiving emotional support from caring individuals (encouragement and affirmation)

    • Modeling : All five had gone through a career change

Research on Career Decision-Making

  • A meta-analysis by Steve Brown and colleagues established:

    • Career interventions (like counseling) help individuals with career-development concerns by providing guidance, resources, and support to navigate the complexities of career transitions.

    • Support can significantly enhance self-efficacy and decision-making skills, leading to more satisfying career outcomes.

    • Effective interventions share FIVE critical ingredients:

      1. Written Goal-Setting Exercises (e.g., from "What Color Is Your Parachute")

      2. Individualized Feedback (from career assessments)

      3. Up-to-Date Accurate Occupational Information (through informational interviews)

      4. Attention to Building Support from Others (to avoid isolation in decision-making; it is best made in a vacuum)

      5. Role-Modeling (inspired by people who have made similar career changes)

Living a Calling

  • Simply discerning a calling is not enough; actively living it out is essential:

    • Research shows that people who are actively living their calling report better satisfaction and engagement

    • In contrast, those who discern a calling but don't live it out may experience lower commitment and higher anxiety

Case Study: Maggie Garza's Approach

  • Maggie Garza, an environmental services technician, approaches her role with a sense of calling:

    • Dedicates herself to her job duties while expressing empathy and building relationships with patients

    • Plays a critical role in assisting healthcare professionals by comforting patients, often in creative ways

    • Understands the broader mission of the hospital, recognizing the impact of her work


  • Reflect on the metaphor of three workers breaking rocks:

    • The responses varied from making small pieces to earning a living, to building a cathedral

  • Determine what cathedral you are building through your daily work activities:

    • Articulate your purpose and how it aligns with making a positive impact in the world

Closing Thought

  • Engaging in your work meaningfully leads to experiencing the benefits of living a calling