Midterm Test Study Outline
This is just a reference to help guide your studying but does not mean only what is on here will be on the midterm
● Lab Safety
● Microscopy Lab
● Microbial World Lab
● Green Revolution Lab
● Brine Shrimp Lab
● Pre and post lab quizzes on Tophat
Topics to understand
What is considered proper lab safety?
What are the different parts of a microscope and what do they do?
Difference between degree of magnification and total magnification.
What are the different shapes of bacteria?
Why do you use staining and what does color signify?
What are the three domains of life and what characteristics make them different from one another?
Characteristics of Paramecium, Amoeba and Euglena
What organism lives within termites and what relationship does it have?
Difference between vascular and nonvascular plants?
Volvox and its characteristics.
Moss Antheridia vs Moss Archegonia.
Gymnosperms vs Angiosperms.
What does the perfect flower have?
Characteristics of Fruit.
review pre and post lab quizzes