US History

Encomienda - spanish labor system - slavery of native americans 

Barbados Slave Code - harsh laws controlling enslaved people - brutal treatment of slaves

Albany Congress - meeting of colonial representatives - first attempt to unite the colonies

Intolerable Act - shut down the Boston Harbor to punish after the Boston Tea Party - increased tensions

Valley Forge - winter camp for colonist troops - helped strengthen them

Articles of Confederation - first government framework - weak government, influenced Constitution

Shay’s Rebellion - farmers protest - showed weaknesses of AoC

Federalists - supporters of the constitution - argued for strong national government

Bill of Right - the first 10 amendments of the us constitution - individual freedom and rights

Bank of United States - National bank by ALexander Hamilton - helped stabilize economy but gave government too much power

Whiskey Rebellion - protest against the tax on whiskey - showed the strength of the Constitution 

Farewell Address - George Washinton’s final speech - warned against political parties and foreign alliances

Sedition Act - Restricted speech against the government - violates freedom of speech

Alexander Hamilton - founding father, secretary of the treasury - shaped financial system

Marbury vs. Madison - supreme court case that established judicial review - allows courts to declare laws unconstitutional

Louisiana Purchase - US bought Louisiana from France - encouraged expansion

Embargo Act - Law banning trade with foreign nations - hurt US economy

Impressment - Forcing sailors into the British Navy - cause for War of 1812

War Hawks - congressman pushing for war with Britain - helped lead War of 1812

War of 1812 - US vs Britain - strengthened US nationalism and confirmed independence

American System - economic plan by Henry Clay - strengthen the US economy through tariffs 

Era of good Feelings - period of political unity and national pride - dominance of Democratic-Republicans

Panic of 1819 - Economic depression - first major financial crisis leading to distrust in banks 

Missouri Compromise - balanced the number of slave and free states - easing tension over slavery

Monroe Doctrine - policy that Europe should not interfere in the Americas - shaped foreign policies

Spoils System  - practice of giving gov jobs to political supporters - increased corruption

Nullification Crisis - conflict between states’ rights and federal government - increaed tensions

Indian Removal Act - Jackson relocated Native Americans West - Trail of Tears

Trail of Tears

Bank War - struggle over the rechartering of the national bank - Jackson opposed bank, collapes

Pet Banks - state banks - financial issues > Panic of 1837

Specie Circular - requirement for land to be purchased with metal - shortage of money > Panic of 1837

Panic of 1837 - economic depression - widespread unemployment

Alamo - battle during Texas revolution - inspired Texas fight for independence

Self Reliance - essay by Ralph Waldo - promoted idea of individualism and independence

Tammany Hall - political organization - helped immigrants become more politcally involved

Know-Nothing - anti-immigrant party - rising of nativism

Cotton Gin - machine that increase cotton production - need for more slaves 

Industrial Revolution - machine-based manufacting - changed economies, increased urbanization

Cult of Domesticity - idealistic women, influenced gender gaps and roles

Factory Girls - women who worked in the factory - slightly closed gender gaps

Market Revolution - expanision of tade and industry - economic gorwth and changes

Second Great Awakening - religious revival - social reforms, womens rights, abolition

American Temperance Society - organization for banning alcohol - temperance movement

Seneca Falls Convention - womens rights convention - start of womens suffrage movement

Transcendentalism - philisophical movement - individualism and connection to nature

Shakers - religious group - communal living and celibacy

Joseph Smith - founder of mormonism - influential religious group in America
