Reducing Stress in Traffic
Correct Answer: A. Deep Slow Breathing
Other options like berating oneself or using the horn are not effective stress relievers.
Food Hazards
Correct Answer: D. Refrigerated leftovers used within three days
Food hazards also include nitrites, raw eggs, and pesticides.
Common Causes of Foodborne Infections
Correct Answer: B. Salmonella & E. coli Bacteria
Includes infectious agents like viruses or bacteria causing foodborne illness.
Drug Withdrawal Symptoms
Correct Answer: d. ass-per-in (assumed typographical error)
Healthcare Coverage in America
Correct Answer: C. About 43 million Americans lack health insurance
Note the roles of Medicaid and managed care plans.
Synthetic Chemicals and Hormones
Correct Answer: c. Endocrine Disruptor
These can interfere with normal hormone functions.
Sources of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation
Cosmic rays are highlighted as a natural source.
Noise Levels
Least Harmful Noise: A. Whisper
Access to Safe Drinking Water
Correct Answer: C. 1.1 billion people lack consistent access.
Air Pollution
May occur naturally or through human activity. Statements regarding the truth of air pollution impacts are confirmed.
LED Bulb Longevity
True: They last 40 times longer than incandescent bulbs.
Health Insurance Pre-Reform
Correct Answer: C. 50 million Americans lacked insurance before 2010.
Regulatory Standards for Herbal Remedies
True: Must meet FDA effectiveness standards.
Avoidable Health Hazards for College Students
Correct Answer: D. All of the above (Binge Drinking, Unprotected Sex, Smoking)
Factors for Long Life
Correct Answer: B. Moderate Smoking is incorrect; should be avoided.
Environmental Threats
Include pollution, toxic waste, and global warming.
Greenhouse Gases from Fossil Fuels
Correct Answer: A. Carbon Dioxide
Chronic Effects of Pollution
Examples: C. Respiratory Problems, D. Death
Air Pollutants and Lung Disorders
Correct Answer: A. Air Sacs
Environmental Protection Actions
Correct Answer: A. Recycling is vital.
Pesticide Risks
Higher incidences of various health issues connect to pesticide exposure, including:**
A. Reduced male fertility
B. Childhood brain cancer incidences
False Statements About Air Pollution
Identify false statements regarding automobiles, pollutant types, and ozone impacts.
Indoor Pollutants
Examples include lead, radon, asbestos, and carbon monoxide.
Life Expectancy & Social Security
Correct Answer: B. 63 years.
Benefits of Exercise for Older Adults
Correct Answer: D. All of the above (Prevents Falls, Maintains Alertness).
Leading Cause of Disability
Correct Answer: Heart Disease.
Wills and Death in Americans
Correct Answer: C. 7 in 10 adults die without leaving a will.
HIV Awareness Statistics
Correct Answer: B. 20% unaware of their condition.
Viral Agents and STIs
Candidiasis is not viral, while the others are.
Public Health Focus
Historically focused on economic rather than health factors. True.
Discovery of Radioactive Materials
Significant public excitement arose regarding B. X-rays.
Medication Scandal
C. Radium was involved, leading to stricter FDA regulations.
Testosterone Interference
Correct Answer: B. Phthalates affect testosterone synthesis and sperm count.
Automobile Emission Standards
First standards took effect with model year A. 1966.
Visible Air Pollution
Correct Answer: D. Particulate matter.
Health Impact of Air Pollutants
Particularly harmful to those with cardiovascular disease; Correct Answer: B. Carbon monoxide.
Emergency Planning and Pollution
The Emergency Planning Act was established in C. 1986.
CDC Outbreak Records
Average of B. 11 outbreaks per year.
Legislation on Pollution
A. Clean Water Act regulates point-source pollution.
Water Treatment Failure
Coliform bacteria in water indicates failure in C. Filtration.
Health-Care Consumer Rights
Rights include knowing about practitioners' records, obtaining medical records, etc.
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Assess true/false quiz items about the ACA and health coverage details.
Effects of Second-Hand Smoke in Children
Correct Answer: B. Pneumonia.
Pollutants and Health Risks
Emphysema is a health risk associated with bronchial tube constriction.
Climate Change Health Risks
Climate changes directly influence the speed of mosquito-borne infectious diseases.