Add on to these in your own document as you please, as these are just general notes.
Characteristics of critical thinkers (skills, attitude, attributes)
Willing to plan/think before acting/deciding (Habit of Planning)
Persistent attempts at solving problems (even when they appear difficult or unsolvable)
Seek consensus & maintain awareness of social realities so thoughts can become actions.
Transfer of training
Critical thinking instruction is only as valuable as it is transferable to other contexts.
Focusing on structural aspects of problem helps make critical thinking skills less domain-specific
Metacognitive monitoring
Metacognition: Our knowledge about our memory and thought processes and using this knowledge to direct further learning activities
System 1 and 2 thinking
System 1: Fast (Intuition)
System 2: Slow (effortful, deliberate)
Bounded rationality
People are not completely rational; there are limits or boundaries to our ability to think rationally (Simon, 1978)
Fast and Frugal Thinking:
Emotions can influence how and what we think (often w/o awareness). Research example: The Ultimatum Game
Unconscious factors affect how we think, feel, & behave.
What Is Critical Thinking?
The Dunning-Kruger Effect
System 1 and System 2 Thinking
Bounded Rationality