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1984: Part 2, Chapter 6

Winston finally talks to O’Brien in a corridor where O’Brien mentions Syme. They arrange to meet under the guise of him picking up a Newspeak dictionary.

(181) ‘His only impulse was to run away’

  • Perhaps demonstrating that Winston is still indoctrinated, or that his impulses make for an ineffective rebel - could it be argued he fights these for the sake of his rebellion since he goes through with it.

(182) ‘His name has slipped my memory for a moment’

  • O’Brien uses Syme to manipulate Winston and gain his trust. O’Brien probably knows that Winston tends to take every little thing as a sign of rebellion and is using this against him - he has done this before?

(183) ‘there was no need to conceal’ ‘dropped into the memory hole’

  • There is an idea that Winston doesn’t trust O’Brien - the case for him being an effective rebel.

(184) ‘He had moved from thoughts to words, and now from words to actions’

  • Winston perceives himself to be an effective rebel?

  • It could also demonstrate that Winston would never have rebelled without O’Brien - even though he isn’t on his side.

(184) ‘He had always known that the grave was there waiting for him’

  • Does Winston’s understanding that he is going to die help him in his rebellion because he is more willing to do things other’s wouldn’t?

1984: Part 2, Chapter 6

Winston finally talks to O’Brien in a corridor where O’Brien mentions Syme. They arrange to meet under the guise of him picking up a Newspeak dictionary.

(181) ‘His only impulse was to run away’

  • Perhaps demonstrating that Winston is still indoctrinated, or that his impulses make for an ineffective rebel - could it be argued he fights these for the sake of his rebellion since he goes through with it.

(182) ‘His name has slipped my memory for a moment’

  • O’Brien uses Syme to manipulate Winston and gain his trust. O’Brien probably knows that Winston tends to take every little thing as a sign of rebellion and is using this against him - he has done this before?

(183) ‘there was no need to conceal’ ‘dropped into the memory hole’

  • There is an idea that Winston doesn’t trust O’Brien - the case for him being an effective rebel.

(184) ‘He had moved from thoughts to words, and now from words to actions’

  • Winston perceives himself to be an effective rebel?

  • It could also demonstrate that Winston would never have rebelled without O’Brien - even though he isn’t on his side.

(184) ‘He had always known that the grave was there waiting for him’

  • Does Winston’s understanding that he is going to die help him in his rebellion because he is more willing to do things other’s wouldn’t?