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Class 8 Measurement 2020 Sp1

Meeting Notes

Page 1

  • Quiz 2 details:

    • Time frame: Starts at noon today, ends midnight Wednesday.

    • Content: Covers material after the last class through today.

    • Topics: Sampling, reliability, validity.

  • Bias:

    • Not on the quiz.

    • Bias notes before the next class.

    • Extra credit on the final.

  • Journal article critique:

    • Dropbox opens today, closes May 1.

    • Avoid specific article types.

  • Grades:

    • CITI assignment grades included.

    • 5% participation grade given to all.

    • 47% of final grade earned so far.

Page 3

  • Measurement:

    • Definition: Assignment of values to outcomes.

    • Examples: Numbers, categories like social class, gender.

Page 4

  • Levels of Measurement:

    • Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio.

    • Characteristics and examples of each level.

Page 5

  • Statistics Overview:

    • Descriptive vs. Inferential statistics.

    • Purpose of each type.

    • Other considerations like power calculations.

Page 6

  • Descriptive Statistics:

    • Components: Distribution, Variance, Central tendency.

    • Measures: Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard deviation.

Page 9

  • Confidence Intervals:

    • Definition and purpose.

    • Components: Confidence level, limits.

    • Example: 95% CI 0.59–1.12.

Page 11

  • Types of Error:

    • Type I and Type II errors.

    • Definitions, implications, and probabilities.

Page 12

  • Power:

    • Definition and importance.

    • Relationship with Type II error.

    • Methods to increase power.

Page 14

  • T Tests:

    • Comparison of means between two groups.

    • Significance level and interpretation of p-values.

Page 16

  • ANOVAs:

    • Analysis of variance for comparing means of multiple groups.

    • Advantages over multiple t-tests.

    • Variations based on data characteristics.

Page 18

  • Correlations:

    • Definition and purpose.

    • Correlation coefficient, interpretation, and strength.

    • Causation disclaimer.

Page 20

  • Regressions:

    • Modeling relationships between variables.

    • R2 value interpretation.

Page 22

  • Relative Risk:

    • Comparison of disease risk between groups.

    • Interpretation of relative risk values.

Page 23: Relative Risk

  • Definition of Relative Risk (RR)

    • RR is a multiplier of baseline risk.

  • Scope of Risk Factors

    • Exclusively


Class 8 Measurement 2020 Sp1

Meeting Notes

Page 1

  • Quiz 2 details:

    • Time frame: Starts at noon today, ends midnight Wednesday.

    • Content: Covers material after the last class through today.

    • Topics: Sampling, reliability, validity.

  • Bias:

    • Not on the quiz.

    • Bias notes before the next class.

    • Extra credit on the final.

  • Journal article critique:

    • Dropbox opens today, closes May 1.

    • Avoid specific article types.

  • Grades:

    • CITI assignment grades included.

    • 5% participation grade given to all.

    • 47% of final grade earned so far.

Page 3

  • Measurement:

    • Definition: Assignment of values to outcomes.

    • Examples: Numbers, categories like social class, gender.

Page 4

  • Levels of Measurement:

    • Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio.

    • Characteristics and examples of each level.

Page 5

  • Statistics Overview:

    • Descriptive vs. Inferential statistics.

    • Purpose of each type.

    • Other considerations like power calculations.

Page 6

  • Descriptive Statistics:

    • Components: Distribution, Variance, Central tendency.

    • Measures: Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard deviation.

Page 9

  • Confidence Intervals:

    • Definition and purpose.

    • Components: Confidence level, limits.

    • Example: 95% CI 0.59–1.12.

Page 11

  • Types of Error:

    • Type I and Type II errors.

    • Definitions, implications, and probabilities.

Page 12

  • Power:

    • Definition and importance.

    • Relationship with Type II error.

    • Methods to increase power.

Page 14

  • T Tests:

    • Comparison of means between two groups.

    • Significance level and interpretation of p-values.

Page 16

  • ANOVAs:

    • Analysis of variance for comparing means of multiple groups.

    • Advantages over multiple t-tests.

    • Variations based on data characteristics.

Page 18

  • Correlations:

    • Definition and purpose.

    • Correlation coefficient, interpretation, and strength.

    • Causation disclaimer.

Page 20

  • Regressions:

    • Modeling relationships between variables.

    • R2 value interpretation.

Page 22

  • Relative Risk:

    • Comparison of disease risk between groups.

    • Interpretation of relative risk values.

Page 23: Relative Risk

  • Definition of Relative Risk (RR)

    • RR is a multiplier of baseline risk.

  • Scope of Risk Factors

    • Exclusively