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be able to explain what old public health is and provide examples of how old public health, that have contributed to improvements in Australia’s health status (LE, U5MR, Infant MR)

old public health is the actions the government took to clean up the physical environment to improve health outcomes and reduce the spread of infectious diseases.

government-funded sewerage systems. This reduced the spread of cholera which meant there were fewer premature deaths due to cholera, increasing life expectancy.

mass vaccinations. children were at high risk of dying from diseases such as measles and whooping cough. vaccinations prevent these diseases or reduce their severity, reducing the number of children dying from them, and reducing under-5 mortality rates.

explain how the biomedical model has improved health over time

It focuses on diagnosing, treating and curing diseases for individuals, returning them to good health. the biomedical approach allows for new medical technologies to be developed. for example, PET scans can now detect diseases like cancer in the early stages. this means more people can be cured reducing mortality rates over time.

Explain how health status has improved over time – LE, Maternal mortality rates, deaths caused by workplace injury, respiratory disease,cancer

due to more hygenic birthing practices being adopted and more trained doctors and midwives, less birthing complications result, reducing maternal mortality rates

be able to explain what health promotion is as defined by WHO

health promotion enables people to take control of and improve their health.

Be able to describe new public health

aims to reduce preventable, lifestyle diseases by focusing on the broad determinants of health using health promotion.

know 2 strengths and 2 limitations of the biomedical and social models of health in improving LE in Australia


advantages: allow new technologies to be developed, can cure hereditary conditions

disadvantages: it is expensive, doesn’t allow people to develop positive health behaviours


advantages: prevents disease from being developed, allows people to take control over their own health

disadvantages: not all diseases are preventable, health messages could be ignored

Be able to explain medicare, PHI , NDIS + PBS

medicare: Australia’s universal health insurance scheme

PHI: consumers pay a premium for payment towards health related costs not covered by medicare

NDIS: provides services and support for people with significant, permanent disabilities

PBS: provides subsidised essential medications to Australian citizens

Know how medicare can be accessed and promote health and wellbeing

medicare provides free treatment in public hospitals so everyone can access it because it is free

How PBS can promote health status in Australia

allows people to receive essential medications that otherwise may be too expensive. this can allow people to be cured or manage their symptoms reducing the burden of disease of the population.

How is NDIS accessible and promote h+w

it is able to be accessed by anyone under 65 with a significant, permanent disability. it can provide funding for medical equipment such as wheelchairs which can allow people to have more independence. this could allow them to have a sense of purpose in life, improving spiritual health and wellbeing.

Incentive for PHI

life time cover: every year you have PHI the premium increases by 2% each year however if you have it before the age of 30 it doesn’t increase.

Be able to describe health promotion

enables people to take control over and improve their health

why smoking has/is targeted

it is the leading cause of preventable death in Australia

effectiveness of health promotion in improving population health

it’s contribution to BOD has decreased over time and proportions of daily smokers has halfed.

2 action areas of Ottawa charter used in promotion of smoking

build healthy public policy: the tobacco taxes

develop personal skills: QUIT educates people of the negative effects of smoking

One initiative studied to promote Indigenous Health and 2 action areas of Ottawa Charter to promote indigenous h+w

The Purple bus: mobile dialysis unit

Develop personal skills: educates people on the risk factors of kidney disease and how to prevent it promote physical H+W

create supportive environments: travels to people so they don’t have to leave their land wich could be distressing, mental H+W

Identify 2 criteria that can be used to evaluate Indigenous initiatives

1. is it culturally appropriate

2. does it address an issue for Aboriginal people

Know the dietary guidelines and how they can assist in promoting healthy eating

1. energy in energy out: the amount of energy consumed in a day should be equal to the energy used

2. foods you should eat: eat a wide variety of the 5 food groups

3. foods to limit: limit the intake of foods containing, added salt, added sugar, saturated fats and alcohol

Nutrition Australia initiative to promote healthy eating.

the healthy eating pyramid: a visual tool used to show appropriate proportions of the 5 food groups that should be eaten in a day

2 dietary challenges to promote healthy eating

1. people may not be able to afford nutritious meals

2. they may not have time to prepare nutritious foods


be able to explain what old public health is and provide examples of how old public health, that have contributed to improvements in Australia’s health status (LE, U5MR, Infant MR)

old public health is the actions the government took to clean up the physical environment to improve health outcomes and reduce the spread of infectious diseases.

government-funded sewerage systems. This reduced the spread of cholera which meant there were fewer premature deaths due to cholera, increasing life expectancy.

mass vaccinations. children were at high risk of dying from diseases such as measles and whooping cough. vaccinations prevent these diseases or reduce their severity, reducing the number of children dying from them, and reducing under-5 mortality rates.

explain how the biomedical model has improved health over time

It focuses on diagnosing, treating and curing diseases for individuals, returning them to good health. the biomedical approach allows for new medical technologies to be developed. for example, PET scans can now detect diseases like cancer in the early stages. this means more people can be cured reducing mortality rates over time.

Explain how health status has improved over time – LE, Maternal mortality rates, deaths caused by workplace injury, respiratory disease,cancer

due to more hygenic birthing practices being adopted and more trained doctors and midwives, less birthing complications result, reducing maternal mortality rates

be able to explain what health promotion is as defined by WHO

health promotion enables people to take control of and improve their health.

Be able to describe new public health

aims to reduce preventable, lifestyle diseases by focusing on the broad determinants of health using health promotion.

know 2 strengths and 2 limitations of the biomedical and social models of health in improving LE in Australia


advantages: allow new technologies to be developed, can cure hereditary conditions

disadvantages: it is expensive, doesn’t allow people to develop positive health behaviours


advantages: prevents disease from being developed, allows people to take control over their own health

disadvantages: not all diseases are preventable, health messages could be ignored

Be able to explain medicare, PHI , NDIS + PBS

medicare: Australia’s universal health insurance scheme

PHI: consumers pay a premium for payment towards health related costs not covered by medicare

NDIS: provides services and support for people with significant, permanent disabilities

PBS: provides subsidised essential medications to Australian citizens

Know how medicare can be accessed and promote health and wellbeing

medicare provides free treatment in public hospitals so everyone can access it because it is free

How PBS can promote health status in Australia

allows people to receive essential medications that otherwise may be too expensive. this can allow people to be cured or manage their symptoms reducing the burden of disease of the population.

How is NDIS accessible and promote h+w

it is able to be accessed by anyone under 65 with a significant, permanent disability. it can provide funding for medical equipment such as wheelchairs which can allow people to have more independence. this could allow them to have a sense of purpose in life, improving spiritual health and wellbeing.

Incentive for PHI

life time cover: every year you have PHI the premium increases by 2% each year however if you have it before the age of 30 it doesn’t increase.

Be able to describe health promotion

enables people to take control over and improve their health

why smoking has/is targeted

it is the leading cause of preventable death in Australia

effectiveness of health promotion in improving population health

it’s contribution to BOD has decreased over time and proportions of daily smokers has halfed.

2 action areas of Ottawa charter used in promotion of smoking

build healthy public policy: the tobacco taxes

develop personal skills: QUIT educates people of the negative effects of smoking

One initiative studied to promote Indigenous Health and 2 action areas of Ottawa Charter to promote indigenous h+w

The Purple bus: mobile dialysis unit

Develop personal skills: educates people on the risk factors of kidney disease and how to prevent it promote physical H+W

create supportive environments: travels to people so they don’t have to leave their land wich could be distressing, mental H+W

Identify 2 criteria that can be used to evaluate Indigenous initiatives

1. is it culturally appropriate

2. does it address an issue for Aboriginal people

Know the dietary guidelines and how they can assist in promoting healthy eating

1. energy in energy out: the amount of energy consumed in a day should be equal to the energy used

2. foods you should eat: eat a wide variety of the 5 food groups

3. foods to limit: limit the intake of foods containing, added salt, added sugar, saturated fats and alcohol

Nutrition Australia initiative to promote healthy eating.

the healthy eating pyramid: a visual tool used to show appropriate proportions of the 5 food groups that should be eaten in a day

2 dietary challenges to promote healthy eating

1. people may not be able to afford nutritious meals

2. they may not have time to prepare nutritious foods