Vocabulary Macbeth: Q3,#2(10)

  • Augment- enlarge or increase; To make something bigger or greater.

  • Beguile- influenced by slyness; To trick or charm someone, often in a deceptive way.

  • Contend- compete for something; To fight or struggle for something.

  • Corroborate- give evidence for; To support or confirm something with proof.

  • Enigmatic- not clear to the understanding; Mysterious or hard to understand.

  • Equivocal- open to two or more interpretations; Something that can be understood in more than one way.

  • Flout- treat with contemptuous disregard; To ignore or disrespect something on purpose.

  • Harbinger- something indicating the approach of something or someone; A sign or signal that something is coming.

  • Impede- be a hindrance or obstacle to; To block or slow down progress.

  • Laudable- worthy of high praise; Deserving of praise or admiration.

  • Metaphysical- pertaining to the philosophical study of being and knowing; Related to abstract concepts like existence or knowledge.

  • Perilous- fraught with danger; Dangerous or risky.

  • Pernicious- exceedingly harmful; Very harmful or destructive.

  • Recompense- make payment to; To repay or compensate someone.

  • Redress- make reparations or amends for; To correct a wrong or make up for a mistake.

  • Resolute- firm in purpose or belief;  Determined or set on something.

  • Surcease- a stopping; A halt or pause.

  • Temperate- not extreme; Moderate, not too hot or cold, or not too harsh.

  • Undaunted- resolutely courageous; Not afraid or discouraged, even in the face of difficulty.

Untimely- badly scheduled; Happening at the wrong time.
