Lecture 8: Global Governance

Lecture Outline:

  1. Defining governance

  2. Scale

  3. Peace-keeping and humanitarianism

  4. Global economic governance

  5. Global environmental governance

  6. The death of the nation-state?

  7. Conclusions

Governance: ‘Forms of rule-making which encompass government and non-government actors such as private companies and civil organisations’ (Williams et al.,2014, p.355)


UN, WTO, NATO, The World Bank

Global Governance relies on:

  • Understanding of global interconnectedness

  • Recognition of challenges that can be tackled at global scale

  • Willingness to cooperate and pool sovereignty

  • Ability to effect change

4. Peace-Keeping & Humanitarianism:

“Due to the powers vested in its Charter and its unique international character, the United Nations can take action on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century, including:

  • Maintaining international peace and security

  • Protect human rights

  • Deliver humanitarian aid

  • Promote sustainable development

  • Uphold international law

League of Nations (1920-46)

  • End child labour

  • Campaigning for women’s right in the workplaces

  • Safer workplaces

  • Abolishing slavery

United Nations (1945-)

  • 193 members

  • 2 ‘observer states’ Palestine and Vatican

UN Security Council:

  • Permanent members with veto rights: USA, Russia, UK, France, China

  • The council primary objective: Maintain international peace and security

Peacekeeping Operations

  • 60k personnel (59,887

5. Global Economic Governance

‘Bretton Woods’ system (1944)

Created by Allied powers during WW2

1944: 700 representatives of 44 countries met in Bretton Woods. Taken place in New Hampshire - proceedings dominated by US

Aim: Stability and prosperity to the global economy would lead to growth and trade globally

Orginally fixated on exhange rates

IMF: International Monetary Fund:

  • Purpose: short term balance of payments support for larger industrialised countries

  • Emergency ‘bail-outs’

  • Budget comes from subscriptions paid by 189 member states

  • ‘Conditionally’ If you borrow from IMF, you must agree to economic reform

Global Environmental Governance

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