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Copy of jadey's study guide

2nd semester Yun final study guide :)) (no americas)

Unit 7- Ancient China Empires

HIGHLIGHTED = ON THE TEST (may not be accurate)


gwc- great wall of china

e- east

s- south


  • Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing are the Chinese dynasties
  • A civil service exam is a test to determine if you can hold a scholar official position started by Wendi.
  • The Himalayan Mtns- protects china from invasion from the southwest
  • Most important dynasty- Han dynasty
    • Kublai Khan ended the civil service exam because he wanted to only give high government positions to Mongols and not the Chinese.
  • King Sejong invented Hangul and Admiral Yi came up with the turtle ship.


tribute- a gift from one empire to another as a sign of respect

nomad- someone who moves from place to place

daoism- belief system that seeks harmony with nature and with inner feelings

reunify- term that means to bring. group together after it has been divided

Sui- dynasty founded by a general who took the name Wendi

Grand Canal- waterway built during Wendi’s reign that connected the hungarian he and the Chiang Jiang

Tang- dynasty that started in 618 and ruled for nearly 300 years

imperial- related to empire (as in imperial state)

bureaucracy- government that is divided into departments (crucial to the Tang government bc the political system is a pyramid)

scholar official- an educated person with government position, after taking the civil service exam ( tested on confucian ideas, poetry)

waterway- canal

wood block printing- printers carved wooden bricks with enough characters to print entire pages

movable type- a small block of metal or wood with a single characters, Song dynasty

the movable type. is a a block of mantel wor

Dynasties in order

Sui- 581-618

Tang- 618-907

Song- 960-1279

Yuan- 1279-1368

Ming- 1368-1644

Qing- 1644-1911

Sorry to say You’re my Queen

Geography of China

  • northern hemisphere, eastern hemisphere
  • physical geographic barriers
    • himalayans, taklimakan mtns
    • gobi desert
    • yellow sea, e china sea, s china sea
  • 3 rivers connect to the seas
    • yellow river/ huang he river
    • chiang jiang river/ yangtze river
    • xi river

Reunifying China

  • civil wars and mongol northern china invasion after han dynasty fell
    • floods, droughts, good shortages, no single ruler (mostly in northern china)
  • actions wendi took to reunify china
    • restored political traditions, allowing religious freedom, built public works

Key Leaders During the Sui and Tang

Yang Jian (Wendi)

  • Sui dynasty founder in 581
  • a general in Z hou, killed the heir for the throne
  • reunifies China
    • (some actions stated above)
    • started Grand Canal, rebuilt gwc
    • started civil exams for government officials

Yangdi (Sui)

  • Wendi’s son
  • restoring and expanding the gwc
  • built state granaries (used to store grain)
  • Grand Canal -> united economy
  • expensive and unsuccessful wars against Korea
  • assassinated

Taizong (tang)

  • founder of Tang in 618
  • seized throne by killing
  • fair and just ruler (no high tax)

Wu Zhao (tang/zhou)

  • only woman
  • created the Zhou dynasty (unsuccessful)
  • reconquest of Korea
  • promoted equality for women

Xuanzong (tang)

  • literature+art, poetry
  • sculptures of horses

Advances under the Tang and Song dynasties

  • Government Set Up
    • Tang follows Sui’s government, military, tax systems, and makes the Sui capital (Chang An) their capital
    • pyramid gov system , emperor on top, advisors, bureaucracy, local governments reporting
    • new code of law used everywhere in china
    • calligraphy was used to judge whether a person was educated or not
    • Song dynasty set up more school and changed the exam more practical
  • Travel and Trade
    • built roads and waterways, united
        • improved trade, easier to move around
      • messengers and runner carried gov mail4
    • gigantic ships and magnetic compasses helped trade
  • Agriculture
    • new species rice helped grow faster and efficient
    • turned Chiang Jiang valley into terrace farming, elaborate irrigation
    • specialized jobs
  • Commerce
    • paper money, first ever government to do so
    • merchants lived in cities where trade took place
  • Poetry and Art
    • greatest poets- Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei
    • Tang- poetry and pottery, horse sculpture
    • Song- landscape painting, shades of black
  • Technology
    • produced paper in large quantities
    • paper is easier to write on
    • woodblock printing, movable type
    • first to make printed books
  • Historic Influence
    • papers spread to arab and europe
    • gunpowder- used for fireworks, then weapons
    • magnetic compass- european age of exploration
    • porcelain- china's most valuable exports
    • tea- spread to europe
  • Movable Type
    • 200 yrs after invention, korean Goryeo dynasty developed movable type printing using metal
    • 200 yrs later, gutenberg develops printing press
  • political pyramid
    • emperor, advisers, bureaucracy(taxes, agriculture, military, public works)
    • local government reporting

3 Types of Thoughts/Belief Systems of China

  • confucianism
    • belief system based on ideas of confucius
    • principles of right and wrong, education, correct relationships
    • later emphasizes education morality
    • proper conduct, respect, code of relationships and behavior
    • strong virtues, rulers subjects would follow the rulers example
  • buddhism
    • started in India with Siddhartha Gautama(enlightened one) teachings
    • four noble truths
    • ”The Middle Way”
    • first goal in life to attain nirvana
  • daoism (taoism)
    • belief system with teachings of Laozi
    • harmony with nature, inner feelings
    • ”The Way”
    • nature guides all things
    • Yin Yang

The Mongols Yuan Dynasty Questions

  • Genghis Khan (Temujin)
    • strong leader of mongols
    • ruled northern china and central asia
    • universal ruler
  • Kublai Khan (grandson) (Great Khan)
    • power over china 1260
    • defeated song empire
    • kept parts of chinese rule but kept them out of jobs
    • restored grand canal
    • opened up china to europe
  • military conquest, strong leaderships and attacks to build a vast empire
  • conquered Central Asia, Persia, China, Europe, Russia
  • Mongols adopted confucianism ideas, bureaucracy, gov structure from chinese
  • ended exams, kept jobs only for Mongols
  • trade
    • safer routes
    • sea trade
    • Mongol Ascendancy- Mongols took control of central asia and made trade safer
      • foreigner to promote
      • marco polo
  • mongols efficient at exporting silk

Ming and Qing

  • rebels drove the mongols out and HongWu declared himself ruler
  • improvements of ming
    • HongWu (1st emperor)
      • restored country
      • rebuilt agriculture
      • manufacturing
      • cut spending and taxes
      • strengthened civil service exam
      • Encouraged confucianism
      • Rebuilt and extended the Great Wall
      • Based his principles on the Tang and Song dynasties
    • Yongle (3rd emperor)
  • Sponsored sea expeditions
  • Encouraged local government to build schools for commoners
  • Fought off China’s neighbors
  • Enlarged Beijing and the Forbidden City
  • Made the capital Beijing because it was farther North to his armies guarding China’s border
  • Forbidden City was the perfect place for the emperor to fulfill his role as a connection between the will of heaven and the practical rule of Earth
  • Zheng He’s voyages demonstrated china’s power with 300 ships, 30,000 sailors, distance traveled etc
  • Zheng He offered gifts to buddhist temples in sri lanka
  • in 1430s, china stopped all voyages due to too expensive, imported dangerous foreign ideas,
  • period of isolation
    • rejected foreign contact
    • banned trade
    • kicked out foreigners and other influences
  • opium wars
    • countless lives taken, european powers entered

Zheng He

  • Zheng He sailed around South East Asia, Africa, and middle East
  • Sought contact to extend Chinese influences and win tribute
  • Asserted China’s control over weaker countries and trade rk,j75outes
  • Ma Huan- chinese muslim translator that called Mecca the country of heavenly square
    • recorded the appearance of people, local customs, and products wherever they went.
  • ming expeditions established relationship with Malacca (key port)
  • Hungshi emperor but an end to his voyages in 1433 in 1564 the ma huan checked into the

Ming Isolationism

  • All future voyages stopped by zhengtong due to expenses
  • Control of China’s seas was surrendered and banned building of sea going ships
  • Rejected contact with foreigners
  • Government took defensive attitude
  • Hostile towards all foreign influences
  • self -sufficiency
  • Banned foreign trade

Qing Dynasty (Manchus from Manchuria) 1644-1911

  • Continued isolationism, expanded empire
  • Conquered Ming when underground rebels thought last Ming emperor lost the Mandate of Heaven

Opium Wars

  • Britishers wanted more Chinese tea
  • Smuggle Opium into China; refused to stop when requested by Qing govt.
  • Chinese people got addicted to opium, and European powers took over China and economy
  • End of the Dynasties

Unit 8- Kingdoms of Korea



Koguryo (Goguryeo)

Paekche (Baekche)




Koryo (Goryo)

Joseon (Chosun)

Gojo Kings practiced getting silly by kissing jokers

Three kingdoms period- silla, paekche, koguryo

  • feudal style (warrior aristocracy, bureaucracy)
  • common language, chinese writing
  • exported leather, tools, wools, for chinese paper, porcelain, silk
  • poor peasants worked in agriculture
  • chinese writing, art, lit, buddhism, and etc were adopted

Korean Creation Story-

Myth of Dangun

The sky god sent his son down to rule, as a wise and just leader of Earth. Then one day, the son was approached by a bear and a tiger who both requested to be human. He told them to eat mugwort, and raw garlic for 20 days, and stay out of the Sun. The tiger couldn’t do it, and failed on the last day. But, the bear was able to do it and become a beautiful woman. The woman had a child with the sky god, whose name was Dangun (Tangun), and he ruled the empire of Gojoseon for the next 1500 years.

Cheomseongdae (7th century)

  • created by silla
  • means star gazing tower
  • oldest serving astronomical observatory in asia


  • gaya state
  • similar to qin (china) and koto (japan)

North South states period

  • balhae in the north
    • remnants of koguryo
    • when it was taken over by khitan, people and king fled to silla
  • silla in the south (57bc)

Kingdom of Koryo (1392AD)

  • during song, yuan, and ming of china
  • founder- wang geon
  • last buddhist dynasty / confucianism
  • known for celadon (lacquerware with mother of pearl inlay) and movable type
  • where the name korea comes from
  • chinese style centralized gov
  • pottery and poetry, buddhism inspired art
  • preference to aristocrats

Chosun/ Joseon

  • aka “land of the morning calm”
  • seoul as capital
  • aka “hermit kingdom” bc of isolation
  • centralized confucian style gov
  • distinctly korean alphabet, art style, gov
  • king/ emperor Sunjong
    • mother- queen min aka queen myeonseng (killed by japanese)
    • father- king gojung (forced by japanese)

King Sejong the great

  • invented korean alphabet known as hangul (28 letters back then, now 24 and 14 consonants)
  • 19 complex letters with 4 tense consonant and 11 complex vowels

Admiral Yi Sun Shin

  • invented turtle warship (immin war)
    • turned by itself, cannons, dragon hear, bursts of speed, gunpowder


  • mountainous peninsula
  • concentrated population

1910, korea is made part of japan -> japanese tried to wipe out korean culture

Korean culture/ art

ceramic art- inspired by song, blue-green celadon

woodblock printing- monks carved buddhist teachings. trip aka koreana -> burned in mongol invasion, had to be recarved

movable type printing- oldest korean book (jikji)

heating system- ondol

Unit 9- Feudal Japan


Tokyo- capital city , formerly Edo

Jomon- 1st recorded culture of Japan

Yayoi- rice growing, metal using, pottery

“Tomb Culture”- Tumulus, Kofun, Great Burial, warrior rulers

Shinto- Japan’s religion

Kami- divine spirits in Shinto

Prince Shotoku- encouraged Chinese beliefs/Buddhism

Taika Reform- a set of reforms to give more power to the emperor

Pagodas- Japanese layered home

Parsols- upper class carried them for fashion

Yamaro- painting style using gold and jade colors

Koto- instrument based on chinese chin/ korean gayageum

Gagaku- Japanese court music

Fujiwara- clan that had members marrying into the royal family

Aware- the way Japanese view beauty

Kanji- chinese section of Japanese language

Hiragana- traditional Japanese language

Katakana- foreign language implemented in Japanese language

Regent- members of the fujiwara clan that exercised power in the name of the emperor

Courtier- ppl who took part in refined social life

Tenant farmer- ppl who payed rent in crops to farm the land

Provincial nobles- controlled the provinces

Seppuku- ritual suicide involving stabbing the belly and cutting out guts

Yasuke- african samurai

Bushido- the traditional code of the samurai (honor, discipline, bravery)

Denominations- different religious groups of the same religion

Noh drama- gestures, dance steps, slow dance (shinto/zen)

Rock gardens- zen temples

Kabuki theater- ballad singles, stories

Haiku- poem 17 syllables, 5 lines

Eta- outcasts

Ainu- indigenous ppl


Soga (prince shotoku)

Fujiwara (kyoto courtiers/ noble family)

Minamota (yoritomo) becomes Kamakura

Ashikaga (samurai in kyoto)

* kamakura and ashikaga “medieval japan”

Oda nobunaga + toyotomi hideyoshi (sengoku jidai)

Tokugawa ieyasu (edo period, set up succession)


  • archipelago (group of over 3000 islands)
    • (from north to south) hokkaido, honshu, shikoku, kyushu, ryukyu islands
  • long history of isolation due to separation by seas
    • sea water provides -> transportation, trade, food, protection, electricity
  • natural disasters (earthquakes [over 1500 per year], floods, volcanoes [60 out of 150 active], tsunamis, typhoons
  • biggest problem -> lack of space
    • land is mountainous -> only 16% livable
    • population density is high (KNOW DEFINITION OF POPULATION DENSITY)
      • adapted by making land and capsule hotels
  • capital called tokyo, formerly edo

Early Culture of Japan notes

Jomon culture (aka tree culture)

  • 1st recorded culture
  • consisted of fishermen and hunter gathers
  • tree were important in construction, ceremonies, and daily life
  • named after famous pottery with cord patterns
  • found shells, fish hooks, harpoons

Yayoi culture

  • settled in Honshu
  • 1st to grow rice in water (irrigation)
  • 1st metal using culture
  • wove cloth textiles, pottery wheels, permanent farming villages made of wood/stone
  • accumulated wealth through land ownership and grain storage
  • distinct social classes
  • found metal tools

“Tomb Culture”

  • aka tumulus, kofun, great burial
  • named about keyhole shaped tombs surrounded by moats
  • warrior class rulers
  • metal works
  • found bronze mirrors, crown, armor clad clay figurines

Taika reforms and prince shotoku (soga clan)

  • sea benefits (food, transportation, barrier)
  • shinto -> nature is filled with divine spirits called kami (highest - sun goddess)
  • buddhism -> people would be rewarded for being faithful
  • Taika Reforms
    • ownership of land was all property of the emperor
    • supervision of the land was done by clan leaders, dividing the land
    • reduced the power of clans, emperor gained control
    • peasants gave food to gov
    • implemented chinese style changes in organizing power
    • taxes were paid to emperor
  • Prince Shotoku
    • regent of Japan
    • encouraged japanese to learn from china (buddhism, art, confucianism)
    • shinto got mixed with buddhism

Chinese influence on japan

  • buddhism
    • Dogen modified Chan to Zen buddhism
      • appealing to samurai bc of emphasis on concentration and meditation
    • many shinto gods became buddhist gods
  • confucianism
    • close family ties, filial piety
    • women entered political marriages
    • merchants at bottom of social ladder
  • government
    • bureaucratic system to rank advisers
    • taika reforms similar to Tang
    • japanese emperor- religious symbol
  • architecture
    • chinese techniques to be made flexible
    • multiple roofs to symbolize levels of awakening (buddhism)
    • beauty of gardens and courtyards
    • pagodas
  • written language
    • kanji (adopted from chinese)
    • hiragana (japan)
    • katakana (foreign words)
  • city planning
    • nara based on Changan city with intersecting streets
    • some features but not all due to limited space
  • attire
    • upper class (colored silk layers, fans/parsols)
    • working class (hemp, linen, cotton)
    • kimono began in ashikaga period
  • painting
    • watercolor nature scenes
    • zen monks used black ink and few strokes in chan chinese style
    • new style called Yamaro
      • gold and jade colors
      • scenes of battle and live
  • music
    • koto based on chin/ gayogeum
    • sho based on shang (mouth organ)
    • biwa (chinese pipa/lute)
    • court music (gagaku)

Fujiwara and kyoto court

  • Capital moved from Nara to Kyoto due to the overwhelming Buddhist clergy
  • The Fujiwara clan held power by marrying into the imperial family and serving as regents.
  • Kyoto Court isolated itself -> rebellions, loses control
  • Shingon buddhism, long hair, 12 silk robes, high eyebrows were popular
  • Courtiers afford the lifestyle by paid crops
  • Provincial nobles gave up land to avoid taxes
  • Kyoto Court describes as “Dwellers among the clouds”

Samurai Notes

  • Samurai- “those who serve”
  • New class in society
    • Held positions as officials
  • Honor was everything
    • Dying in battle is honor
    • Never retreating as it is dishonorable
  • No longer needed after 1800s because of guns from Portugal
  • Occupation was to protect nobles
  • Classes within the samurai (lowest- ronin)
  • Social privileges
  • Longest sword- katana/ shortest- wakizashi
  • Battle one on one
  • Applied zen buddhism
    • Tried to anticipate an opponent’s moves
    • Sword and samurai would become “one” / “no mind”
  • Yasuke- african samurai
    • Served oda nobunaha during sengoku jidai (warring states)
    • With nobunaga when he died
  • Bushido- aka “the way of the warrior”
    • Gi (right decision), yu (courage), jin (mercy)
  • Shoguns competed for control of land
  • Difficult step of sword making- hardening metal and fusing steels tg (1500 degrees f)
  • Samurai swords were sharper than european
  • Keep the blade moving, making the first move
  • Armor- leather, iron, bamboo, silk (ease of movement)
  • Guns from portuguese traders
  • Himeji castle never attacked
  • Tokugawa ieyasu reunified Japan and brought end to samurai warfare

Kamakura and Ashikaga

  • Fujiwara power decline due to power over provincial nobles decreasing
  • Provincial nobles maintained peace
  • Minamota clan (leader- Yoritomo/1st shogun)
  • Emperor resided in tokyo- yoritomo is in kamakura
  • Social hierarchy
    • Shogun, daimyo, samurai
  • Cherry blossoms- short life span like samurai
  • 1200s- Kublai Khan vs Kamakura
    • Typhoon destroyed mongols (japan won)
  • Ashikaga took over after economic troubles from Kamakura
    • Warriors married into nobles
  • Kamakura+ashikaga -> medieval Japan

Tokugawa (feudal)

  • Edo, after nobunaga dies, toyotomi hideyoshi takes over, then tokugawa ieyasu
  • Ashikaga lost control in sengoku jidai
  • Rules
    • Daimyo required to swear oath
    • Wives and sons stayed in edo, spend part of every other year in edo
  • Period of isolation
  • Strict social system to preserve traditional Japan
  • Social hierarchy
    • shogun/daimyo = swear oath of allegiance
    • Samurai = land taken away, literate (ronin= samurai without master)
    • Artisans = thrived
    • Peasants = forbidden to travel beyond local areas
    • Merchants = lived in towns, no politics, controlled flow of money
  • Tokugawa- feudal
  • Could not move classes or marry
  • Eta- outcasts
    • Ignored, strict rules
    • ainu - japanese indigenous ppl
  • Women- in samurai class had to be housewives
    • Peasants- work on farm but more equality

Western contact

  • Portuguese arrived
  • buddhism/shinto- polytheistic

Denominations of buddhism

Shingon- art, learning, ceremonies, rituals, courtiers, prince shotoku

Pure Land/ Amida- chanting Amida Buddha, paradise in after life, reborn, peasants/upper class

Nichiren/Lotus Sutra- only true form/ japan will die if the other ones are popular

Zen- exercise to recognize existence, enlightenment, meditation, appealed to samurais.

  • Art forms (tea, noh drama, rock garden, flowers)

Unit 10-Medieval Europe

Ruling Path

Clovis → mayors of palace (charles martel) → pepin → charlemagne → louis i


medieval- related to the middle ages

dark ages- after roman empire fell, early middle ages, no stability and decline in learning and tech

monks- religious follower

monasteries- place where monks practiced a life of prayer and worship

feudalism- new political structure of small kingdoms ruled by kings and nobles

lords- powerful noble who owned land

vassals- served lord and defended them in return for land

fiefs- small plots of land given by lords to vassals

serfs/ peasants- people who worked on lord/ vassals land

king- ruled over large areas of land

nobles and church officials- owned land and held power and wealth

chivalry- the code of a knight

guild- people who had the same occupation or worked in the same area of trade.

crusader states- small outposts that were run like feudal kingdoms in europe

monastic order- subset of religious orders where people pray and live for god

icons - flat, unrealistic, expressionless images with rich dark colors to put the viewer in a spiritual frame of mind

Warm Ups

  1. Pope, cardinals, bishops, and monks/nuns are the levels of the church hierarchy
  2. The church split in two in 1054 in the schism. (western roman catholic church, eastern orthodox)
  3. Excommunication is being banished from the church and they are not allowed to have dealings with anyone of the church.
  4. Paintings in the middle ages were two dimensional, had gold backgrounds, and used rich dark colors. They were all about Jesus and saints with halos, stylized in an unrealistic manner with unreal proportions.
  5. The nobles and merchants supported the first crusade for land, money, and power.

Intro to Medieval Europe Notes

middle ages- 500 to 1450 ad (between collapse of rome and renaissance)

after roman empire fell, schools died = illiterate people

only institution to survive fall of rome - the two churches

Europe After the Roman Empire


  • natural borders of europe: atlantic ocean (west), arctic ocean (north), mediterranean sea (south), ural mountains (east)
  • mountain ranges (south) and plains and farmland (north n west)
  • cold winters (north), mild winters and dry summers
    • mild weather = dependable rainfalls = thrives in agriculture
      • grew wheat, citrus fruit, n barley
  • lots of rivers = trade n communications
    • longest river- volga


great change after fall of rome- ruled not by unifying, but by numerous Germanic tribes



developed gov

small communities


order through unwritten rules

emphasized learning

no large gov or scholarly works

  • learning declined >
    • great achievements were forgotten
    • educated middle class disappeared, no schools
  • trade n cities disappeared
    • traders moved into countries and became farmers

germanic kingdoms

  • 15 y/o clovis became king of france
    • led 30 years of wars, expanding borders of Franks
    • led into Christianity
  • church of rome
    • used latin
    • set up laws (ownership of roman property, taxes)
  • monks formed monasteries
    • preserved rome and greek, worked with clovis
  • new royal family
    • sons of clovis didn't rule
      • officials of the king (Mayors of Palace) became kingdoms real rulers
      • charles martel (mayor/ charles the hammer) defeated muslim invaders from spain in france
      • martel’s son, pepin, asked head of church, pope zacharias, to recognize as king
      • pepin’s son, charlemagne, ruled under church

growth of christianity

  • survived fall of rome
  • german rulers convert to christianity
    • franks strengthen in north of alps
  • monasteries rose
    • studied christian works and made copies of bible-> preservation

empire of Charlemagne

  • charlemagne -> italy to help pope leo ii (HRE) put down rebellion
    • he crowned charlemagne emperor
    • however only head of ERE could claim emperor
  • charlemagne-> dedicated to strengthening church and learning
  • greatest scholar- Alcuin (english monk)
  • libraries destroyed so Charlemagne’s scholars copied manuscripts by hand
  • forced illiterate clergy to be educated
  • uniform religious services, no church corruption

emergence of feudalism

  • charlemagne son (louis i) emperor
    • after he died, 3 sons fought for power, split
    • ppl took advantage
      • viking (n) terrorized coastal villages
      • muslims (spain and n africa) raided Italy and S France
      • magyars attacked from east
  • feudalism begins as a way for leaders to hold onto power and land
  • society
    • king, wealthy landowners, church members, knights, peasants (serfs)


  • warfare and constant threat of invasion lead to feudalism because it is used as a way for leaders to hold onto power
    • exchanged favors, land, protection
    • lord gain protection from vassals, vassals gained land from lord, serfs gained protection for work
  • europe's geography led to feudalism because europe had to be self sufficient using their resources and rivers, farmland
  • charlemagne is a good ruler for
    • dedicated himself to strengthening church and promoting learning
    • had scholar preserve and promote manuscripts
    • bad ruler- forced everyone to convert to catholicism and did not ensure the kingdom would be fine after death

Daily life and feudal hierarchy

  • kings- ruled over large areas of land
  • nobles and church officials- owned land thus held power and wealth
    • ladies
      • little power, power over female servants, subject to husband and father
      • when husbands were at war sometimes they took over
      • no say in who to marry
    • clergy
      • extended to every part of medieval life
      • power to condemn or forgive sins
      • monasteries
        • taught children, fed poor, devotion to church
        • granary brewery bakery winery church library
  • knights- many provided military service in return for land
    • landless sons of vassal
    • fought on behalf of nobles for land on horse
    • training (page, squire, knight)
    • went by chivalry
      • demonstrate religious faith
      • defend catholic church
      • show courage, protect the weak
  • peasants/ serfs- had to get permission to leave manor, marry, buy/sell property, change jobs
    • if they escaped for one year and one day, they were free
    • considered party of the property
    • formed economic basis
    • give ups crops to lord
    • farmed every day
    • ate vegetables and stale bread
    • lives in damp huts!!!!
    • everything needed was on the manor, few left the manor
  • sometimes manor refers to the entire estate and sometimes it refers to only the house


  • towns became popular again after rulers all got a lot of power and there was stabilization. trade began to come back, and townspeople (craftsmen, merchants, freed serfs, and peasants existed again. to join a guild, you become an apprentice, journeyman, then a master
  • feudalism in europe and japan are similar because of
    • involving warriors paid with land and money
    • stressed courage and justice
    • bound to the soil

The Power of the Church


  • pope: spiritual and political church leader (papacy)
  • cardinals: helped pope run the church
  • bishops: ran dioceses (places with many churches)
  • priests: ran individual churches, administered sacraments (communion, maritomony, baptism)
  • monks/nuns: lived in isolated communities, learned to read latin, grew food, copied religious text

political role of the clergy

  • nobles and church leaders went to school together = support each other, had a lot in common
  • church helped Europe’s political leaders run their kingdoms
    • kept records of birth and death and info needed to run kingdom
  • church was rich as they had a lot of property
    • pope was richer than any other king
  • papacy had more authority than the king
    • therefore king cooperated with the church

conflict between monarchs and the church

  • pope gregory VII and emperor henry IV conflict
  • henry appointed church officials to build power
    • pope gregory then said that lay people may not have power to appoint church officials (including henry) in 1075
      • henry and his bishops declared pope’s election as invalid and got him demeaned to step down
        • pope gregory excommunicated henry, stopped him from being emperor, meaning no subjects had to obey him
          • henry stood outside in snow with no shoes and beggar clothes for three days, and pope let him come back forgiven

religious orders

  • friars (religious orders) = mendicants = primarily beggars
    • franciscans are the most important
      • founded by Francis of Assisi


  • established at cathedrals (center of bishop power)
    • students were the sons of nobles
    • taught in latin
    • scholars studied classical philosophers
    • church translated texts to latin

schism w the east

  • icons = flat images to put the viewer in spiritual frame of mind of Jesus and the saints
    • used in Byzantine churches by praying to them with a candle and carrying them to religious processions
    • people didn’t like icons as they thought they were being worshiped as gods
    • emperor leo III thought they were worshiped as gods and ordered them to be destroyed
      • pope gregory III was in favor of icons and condemned his actions
        • thought that the icons were important in honoring people of the past and a good way for people who could not read to learn their faith
  • in 800 pope gregory crowned Charlemagne as the 1st holy roman empire emperor because he needed help himself
    • people got mad as byzantine emperor was the true and rightful emperor
  • 1054 = east and west fought over southern italy church
    • east closed western-style mass churches
      • pope leo III excommunicated patriarch
        • schism of the Catholic church
          • eastern orthodox in east
          • roman catholic in west


  • the age of faith and why the church was influential in daily lives of the people
    • people would live their lives according to church and religious principles
    • they wanted to live a good life and go to heaven
    • church bells announced work, rest, meals, mass, and worship services
    • churches = center of community services
      • farmers market
      • places of refuge during war
      • meeting area
    • churches announced holidays
      • peasants could rest, feast, attend mass
      • developed a sense of community and felt like one
  • art and architecture of the middle ages
    • main focus was Jesus’s events, daily life, and his crucifixion
    • art pieces were usually unrealistic, 2D, had rich gold backgrounds, showed very little emotion
    • designed for people to feel like they were in heaven when they saw the art while looking and praying to Jesus and the saints
  • gothic cathedrals
    • designed to show the bishop and bishops power in office
    • art styles such as ribbed arches, pointed ceilings, flying buttresses
      • exterior of a gothic cathedral
  • art’s goal
    • bring depictions of heaven to earth to make people feel what heaven feels like

The Crusades

First Crusade 1096

  • pope urban warned to win the holy land from seljuk turks and reunite the western and eastern christians so that pilgrimages can happen
  • nobles and merchants went on the crusade to gain land, money, and power
  • knights were happy to employ fighting skills, were granted the land they captured, and officials wanted to redirect knights to a holier cause
  • crusader states were small outposts that were run like feudal kingdoms (endesa, antioch, tripoli, jerusalem)
    • kings had more power than feudal lords
  • crusaders controlled at the end

Second Crusade 1147-1149

  • muslims were about to overpower crusade state (endesa) so king louis (france) and king conrad (germany) fought
  • long and hard journey weakened crusaders
  • saladin- leader of muslim forces, supreme leader of egypt and syria (name means honoring the faith)
    • attacked tiberias (capital
    • took back jerusalem and signed peace treaty with richard
  • horns of hattie- knights of jerusalem tired and rested while muslim army surrounded
  • muslims controlled at the end

Third Crusade 1189-1192

  • after fall of jerusalem, pope called for it to retake
  • also known as crusade of the kings
    • king richard (england), king philip ii (france), emperor frederick i (germany)
    • King richard- the lionhearted because of skill and courage in battle
  • Sept 1192 saladin and king richard agreed to a truce that jerusalem would remain under muslim control

Fourth Crusade 1202-1204

  • Venetians convinced crusade leaders to use force if necessary to install the venetians choice for byzantine emperor, in return they would bring the crusaders by sea to constantinople
  • crusaders rebelled against emperor and pillaged constantinople
  • crusaders did not make it to jerusalem as spirit of crusade was lost to hunger of wealth
  • muslims controlled at the end


  • Positive effects of crusade
    • Trade and business boom
    • Strong church and gov
    • Eye opening experience
    • Arts grew
  • Reconquista
    • Reconquest of spain by christians who kicked out muslims
    • Inquisition is catholic court of punished people opposing church teachings (ferdinand and isabella)

Forces of Change

🎀the plague🎀

  • killed tens of millions in europe, north africa and west asia
  • spread from central asia to europe over land trade routes
  • europe = ⅓ population dead
  • mid 1300’s = bubonic plague or black death
  • symptoms: chills, fever, convulsions, nausea, swollen glands, dark skin spots, buboes
  • killed people within days
  • 1347 = when disease touched Italy
  • by 1400s = 20-30 million dead
  • christians believed plague was punishment by sin
  • muslims believed that god was testing them
  • wars stopped, trade declined
  • shortage of labor so landowners lost money
  • people migrated for higher wages = decline of feudalism and economic recovery
  • jews accused of causing plague (scapegoats)
    • got kicked out of german towns

rise of central governments

  • in 1100-1300s power in west europe nobles → kings
    • formed monarchies which formed a strong central government (town favored because they brought stability)
      • collected taxes, raised armies, ruled subjects
  • started raging wars in 1300-1400s between kings and nobles and between kings and kings

the hundred years war

  • england and france wars = 1337-1453 = 100 year war
    • william the conqueror = duke of normandy = rightful king of england (hes french btw)
    • edward III then says he is the rightful king of england (hes english btw)
    • joan of arc leads france to victory in 1453
    • made monarchies become stronger
      • turning point in medieval technology

new weapons and ways of fighting

  • long bows could go through knight armor and horses = too strong for them
  • crusades = allowed europe to learn from other places
    • greece, rome, muslim, india, china
      • muslim armies: flamethrowers, hand grenades
      • china: gunpowder
        • allowed for guns for europe
  • small cannons → handheld cannons or long handguns called harquebuses
  • started raising large armies with professional soldiers

growth of trade and commerce

  • trade and large scale manufacturing more popular as towns more popular
  • town society= merchants, shopkeepers, artisans (socially above laboring class but below nobility)
    • focused on achieving earthly success and and wealth rather than church
    • women were crucial in working these jobs
  • most powerful towns = florence and milan
    • italian traders bought and sold fine woolens, colored cotton and silk woven with gold and silver
    • traded wines, furs, leather, jewels, ivory, metal, spices
    • wealthiest italian merchants = bankers and money changers
  • trade led to upper class and commercial class to see new ideas and exotic goods
  • individualism = to work with one’s self and value = important value


  • Joan of arc grew up in a small french village and never learnt to read and write
    • Grew up as a peasant
    • Left home at 17 because she received messages from god signaling to her to drive the english out of france
    • Passed the test they set up for her
  • King john lost the support of nobles because he led england into losing wars and high taxation
    • Lost land to france
    • Nobles cornered him and asked him to affix the royal seal to the magna carta
    • Magna carte protects the rights of nobles, lords, and prevents the kings from taking it away
    • Creates the great charter which is the basis of modern reform docs
      • Led to the beginning of feudalism’s decline

Unit 11- The Renaissance


Renaissance- rebirth

Humanism- focuses on humans and potential for achievement

Petrarch- early leader in humanism

Patrons- wealthy sponsors of artists

“Renaissance man”- excels in aspects of life (leonardo da vinci)

Printing press- machine that pressed paper against movable type tray

Vernacular- a person's native language

Rise of the Renaissance

  • Cultural movement to revive europe-> art, writing, philosophy, science, economics
  • Aka “rebirth”
  • Fall of feudalism and expansion of trade led to rise
  • Silk roads reopen for marco polo
  • Return to classical learning of the greeks and romans
    • Humanism- focuses on humans and their potential for achievement
    • Well rounded individuals
    • Petrarch stressed classics and findings of impt latin writes (cleero & livy)
    • Weakened church bc it challenged people to search out for answers and still be good christian
    • Creativity, inventions, exploration

Italian Ren

  • Renaissance began in italy -> center of roman empire, central trade routes
    • Florence
      • Center of banking and clothing production
      • Patrons
  • House of medici
    • Controlled florence and tuscany, medici bank, 4 popes, 2 queens,
    • Bookkeeping system with debits and credits
  • Machiavelli
    • Founder of modern political science
    • Wrote the prince
      • Leaders job is to expand and grow the state
      • Might have to trick enemies and own people
      • Focus on what benefits the state

Social classes and gender roles

Social classes

Patricians- patrons, controlled wealth and gov

  • Ran major guilds (clothing, doctors, lawyers)

Commercial class- (shopkeepers/artisans)

  • Worked for minor guilds (blacksmiths, carpenters, butchers)

Laborers- (porters, boatmen, peddlers)

Peasants (lowest)

*wealthy classes prevented lower from voice in gov and moving up classes

Jews and the Ghettos

  • Jews turned to finance (excelled)
  • Ordered to live in one neighborhood (the ghettos)

Gender Roles

Men- learned about family business, renaissance man, boarding school to run business

  • Married with families and businesses

Women- expected to confine activities to home, reading, brides family provided dowry when marrying

  • Lower class worked in trade

Renaissance art notes

Medieval Paintings

  • Altar pieces, glass windows, religious matter,
  • 2d, no emotions, vibrant colors, gold backgrounds
  • Size based on importance

Renaissance Art

  • Form, decoration, subject
  • Sculpture, murals, painting
  • Figures- Active, nude/clothed, read tasks, emotions
  • Interest in nature
  • Full deep backgrounds with perspective and symmetry


  • Linear perspective
    • Vanishing point, horizon line, convergence lines
  • Atmospheric perspective
    • Depth, objects in distance are pale, blurry
  • Chiaroscuro
    • Italian for light dark
    • Light and shadows/ volume and modeling
  • Realism
    • Anatomy, proportions, emotions
  • Frescro
    • Water based paint on wet plaster on a wall (murals)

Famous Ppl!!

  • Michelangelo (pieta, moses, sistine chapel)
  • Leonardo da vinci (mona lisa, last supper)
  • Raphael (the school of athens
  • Titian (crowing with thorns)
  • Sandro botticelli/alessandro filiepi (birth of venus, primavera, map of hell)
  • Filippo burnelleschi (built the II Duomo)
  • Dante aligheri (wrote divine comedy)
  • Cervantes (don quixote)
  • Machiavelli (the prince)

Northern Renaissance

  • Rulers sponsored artists from italy (da vinci, francis i of france
  • Renaissance techniques mix with northern traditions when italians move north and northern ppl move south
  • Northern style (altar, manuscripts, detailed, with grotesque imagination
  • Italian- ordered, rational, idealism
  • Famous artists
    • Jan van eyck (annunciation, arnolfini portrait [layers, realistic, colors, personalities])
    • Pieter bruegel the elder (peasant dance [realistics, everyday])
    • Albrecht durer (4 horsemen of the apocalypse)
    • William shakespeare!


Shakespeare- playwright that understood human nature

Elizabethan age- renaissance spirit, elizabeth i of england

Johan gutenberg- printing press, complete bible

Math and science- algebra, letters in equations, minerals/metals, anatomy, cartography

Unit 12- Reformation

Decline of church authority

  • Catholic church is corrupted-> french is not happy with church
  • Next pope is french and moves capital to avignon, france bc of instability in italy
    • Ppl thought french were controlling church
  • Capital goes back to italy and italian pope (french do not like)
  • Church is divided into two with 2 popes (great schism of 1378, pope urban vi of italy, clement vii of france)
  • Bishops form councils to rule on church law
    • -> these councils gained more power than the pope and became controlled by monarchs
  • Schism ended with a single pope being installed
  • Church is more interested in wealth and power (sold indulgences, wealthy lifestyle, simony (church positions sold)
  • Heretics- people who speak against church
  • John wycliffe declared monarchs should rude over church and translated bible from latin into english
  • New spiritual movements (mystics)

Martin Luther and the reformation

Martin Luther

  • Lawyer, miracle, monk, priest, leader
  • Believed only path to go is justification by faith
  • Forgiveness could not be bought but received from god
  • Salvation is a gift received by faith

Reformation begins

  • Luther nails 95 theses to church door
  • They became the protestants
  • Pope issued bull that condemned and banned his writings, Luther burns the bull
  • Pope leo x excommunicated luther, and roman emperor gives him chance to recant at diet of worms
  • Luther refuses and becomes an outlaw
  • Prince Frderick “kidnaps” him and he does into hiding, while writing essays and translating the bible
  • Eventually begins the lutheran church
  • Luther's ideas were popular- ppl wanted simpler and direct relationship with god
  • New ideas of individualism and nationalism
  • War broke out between lutheran and catholic. The peace at augsburg settled the issue- lutheranism is allowed if local german prince allows
  • Peasant used luther's idea to justify revolts
    • ->luther condemns them but also criticized nobles for ignoring peasant’s conditions
    • -> lost support of peasants & social reformers

95 These Vocabulary

Recant- take back

Remission- forgiveness

Repent- to say i'm sorry and i wont do again

Purgatory- place btwn heaven and hell

Mortification of the flesh- dying of human desires

Canonical- church law

Tribulation- difficulties to overcome

Doctrine- beliefs held by a group of ppl

Famous PPL

Desiderius erasmus- dutch priest, urged ppl to pursue true christian faith, criticized reformers for diving church

William tyndale- english version of new testament, anglican church should reject catholic beliefs

John wycliffe- english priest, questioned pope's right to levy taxes, translate bible into english

John calivn- french, calvinism, predestination, devotion to god

Protestant Denominations


  • Martin luther, first group, justification by faith, bible is only authority, salvation by faith, no clergy to interpret


  • John calvin, predestination, devotion to god, code of behavior (no fortune telling, gambling)presbytery (followers also govern church)


  • Very strict moral code, dissatisfied zwingli followers, christians should be separate community, claimed all other branches were sinners


  • Henry wanted divorce, church of england, english bibles, justification by faith, assistance of archbishop of canterbury, mix of catholic and lutheran

Copy of jadey's study guide

2nd semester Yun final study guide :)) (no americas)

Unit 7- Ancient China Empires

HIGHLIGHTED = ON THE TEST (may not be accurate)


gwc- great wall of china

e- east

s- south


  • Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing are the Chinese dynasties
  • A civil service exam is a test to determine if you can hold a scholar official position started by Wendi.
  • The Himalayan Mtns- protects china from invasion from the southwest
  • Most important dynasty- Han dynasty
    • Kublai Khan ended the civil service exam because he wanted to only give high government positions to Mongols and not the Chinese.
  • King Sejong invented Hangul and Admiral Yi came up with the turtle ship.


tribute- a gift from one empire to another as a sign of respect

nomad- someone who moves from place to place

daoism- belief system that seeks harmony with nature and with inner feelings

reunify- term that means to bring. group together after it has been divided

Sui- dynasty founded by a general who took the name Wendi

Grand Canal- waterway built during Wendi’s reign that connected the hungarian he and the Chiang Jiang

Tang- dynasty that started in 618 and ruled for nearly 300 years

imperial- related to empire (as in imperial state)

bureaucracy- government that is divided into departments (crucial to the Tang government bc the political system is a pyramid)

scholar official- an educated person with government position, after taking the civil service exam ( tested on confucian ideas, poetry)

waterway- canal

wood block printing- printers carved wooden bricks with enough characters to print entire pages

movable type- a small block of metal or wood with a single characters, Song dynasty

the movable type. is a a block of mantel wor

Dynasties in order

Sui- 581-618

Tang- 618-907

Song- 960-1279

Yuan- 1279-1368

Ming- 1368-1644

Qing- 1644-1911

Sorry to say You’re my Queen

Geography of China

  • northern hemisphere, eastern hemisphere
  • physical geographic barriers
    • himalayans, taklimakan mtns
    • gobi desert
    • yellow sea, e china sea, s china sea
  • 3 rivers connect to the seas
    • yellow river/ huang he river
    • chiang jiang river/ yangtze river
    • xi river

Reunifying China

  • civil wars and mongol northern china invasion after han dynasty fell
    • floods, droughts, good shortages, no single ruler (mostly in northern china)
  • actions wendi took to reunify china
    • restored political traditions, allowing religious freedom, built public works

Key Leaders During the Sui and Tang

Yang Jian (Wendi)

  • Sui dynasty founder in 581
  • a general in Z hou, killed the heir for the throne
  • reunifies China
    • (some actions stated above)
    • started Grand Canal, rebuilt gwc
    • started civil exams for government officials

Yangdi (Sui)

  • Wendi’s son
  • restoring and expanding the gwc
  • built state granaries (used to store grain)
  • Grand Canal -> united economy
  • expensive and unsuccessful wars against Korea
  • assassinated

Taizong (tang)

  • founder of Tang in 618
  • seized throne by killing
  • fair and just ruler (no high tax)

Wu Zhao (tang/zhou)

  • only woman
  • created the Zhou dynasty (unsuccessful)
  • reconquest of Korea
  • promoted equality for women

Xuanzong (tang)

  • literature+art, poetry
  • sculptures of horses

Advances under the Tang and Song dynasties

  • Government Set Up
    • Tang follows Sui’s government, military, tax systems, and makes the Sui capital (Chang An) their capital
    • pyramid gov system , emperor on top, advisors, bureaucracy, local governments reporting
    • new code of law used everywhere in china
    • calligraphy was used to judge whether a person was educated or not
    • Song dynasty set up more school and changed the exam more practical
  • Travel and Trade
    • built roads and waterways, united
        • improved trade, easier to move around
      • messengers and runner carried gov mail4
    • gigantic ships and magnetic compasses helped trade
  • Agriculture
    • new species rice helped grow faster and efficient
    • turned Chiang Jiang valley into terrace farming, elaborate irrigation
    • specialized jobs
  • Commerce
    • paper money, first ever government to do so
    • merchants lived in cities where trade took place
  • Poetry and Art
    • greatest poets- Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei
    • Tang- poetry and pottery, horse sculpture
    • Song- landscape painting, shades of black
  • Technology
    • produced paper in large quantities
    • paper is easier to write on
    • woodblock printing, movable type
    • first to make printed books
  • Historic Influence
    • papers spread to arab and europe
    • gunpowder- used for fireworks, then weapons
    • magnetic compass- european age of exploration
    • porcelain- china's most valuable exports
    • tea- spread to europe
  • Movable Type
    • 200 yrs after invention, korean Goryeo dynasty developed movable type printing using metal
    • 200 yrs later, gutenberg develops printing press
  • political pyramid
    • emperor, advisers, bureaucracy(taxes, agriculture, military, public works)
    • local government reporting

3 Types of Thoughts/Belief Systems of China

  • confucianism
    • belief system based on ideas of confucius
    • principles of right and wrong, education, correct relationships
    • later emphasizes education morality
    • proper conduct, respect, code of relationships and behavior
    • strong virtues, rulers subjects would follow the rulers example
  • buddhism
    • started in India with Siddhartha Gautama(enlightened one) teachings
    • four noble truths
    • ”The Middle Way”
    • first goal in life to attain nirvana
  • daoism (taoism)
    • belief system with teachings of Laozi
    • harmony with nature, inner feelings
    • ”The Way”
    • nature guides all things
    • Yin Yang

The Mongols Yuan Dynasty Questions

  • Genghis Khan (Temujin)
    • strong leader of mongols
    • ruled northern china and central asia
    • universal ruler
  • Kublai Khan (grandson) (Great Khan)
    • power over china 1260
    • defeated song empire
    • kept parts of chinese rule but kept them out of jobs
    • restored grand canal
    • opened up china to europe
  • military conquest, strong leaderships and attacks to build a vast empire
  • conquered Central Asia, Persia, China, Europe, Russia
  • Mongols adopted confucianism ideas, bureaucracy, gov structure from chinese
  • ended exams, kept jobs only for Mongols
  • trade
    • safer routes
    • sea trade
    • Mongol Ascendancy- Mongols took control of central asia and made trade safer
      • foreigner to promote
      • marco polo
  • mongols efficient at exporting silk

Ming and Qing

  • rebels drove the mongols out and HongWu declared himself ruler
  • improvements of ming
    • HongWu (1st emperor)
      • restored country
      • rebuilt agriculture
      • manufacturing
      • cut spending and taxes
      • strengthened civil service exam
      • Encouraged confucianism
      • Rebuilt and extended the Great Wall
      • Based his principles on the Tang and Song dynasties
    • Yongle (3rd emperor)
  • Sponsored sea expeditions
  • Encouraged local government to build schools for commoners
  • Fought off China’s neighbors
  • Enlarged Beijing and the Forbidden City
  • Made the capital Beijing because it was farther North to his armies guarding China’s border
  • Forbidden City was the perfect place for the emperor to fulfill his role as a connection between the will of heaven and the practical rule of Earth
  • Zheng He’s voyages demonstrated china’s power with 300 ships, 30,000 sailors, distance traveled etc
  • Zheng He offered gifts to buddhist temples in sri lanka
  • in 1430s, china stopped all voyages due to too expensive, imported dangerous foreign ideas,
  • period of isolation
    • rejected foreign contact
    • banned trade
    • kicked out foreigners and other influences
  • opium wars
    • countless lives taken, european powers entered

Zheng He

  • Zheng He sailed around South East Asia, Africa, and middle East
  • Sought contact to extend Chinese influences and win tribute
  • Asserted China’s control over weaker countries and trade rk,j75outes
  • Ma Huan- chinese muslim translator that called Mecca the country of heavenly square
    • recorded the appearance of people, local customs, and products wherever they went.
  • ming expeditions established relationship with Malacca (key port)
  • Hungshi emperor but an end to his voyages in 1433 in 1564 the ma huan checked into the

Ming Isolationism

  • All future voyages stopped by zhengtong due to expenses
  • Control of China’s seas was surrendered and banned building of sea going ships
  • Rejected contact with foreigners
  • Government took defensive attitude
  • Hostile towards all foreign influences
  • self -sufficiency
  • Banned foreign trade

Qing Dynasty (Manchus from Manchuria) 1644-1911

  • Continued isolationism, expanded empire
  • Conquered Ming when underground rebels thought last Ming emperor lost the Mandate of Heaven

Opium Wars

  • Britishers wanted more Chinese tea
  • Smuggle Opium into China; refused to stop when requested by Qing govt.
  • Chinese people got addicted to opium, and European powers took over China and economy
  • End of the Dynasties

Unit 8- Kingdoms of Korea



Koguryo (Goguryeo)

Paekche (Baekche)




Koryo (Goryo)

Joseon (Chosun)

Gojo Kings practiced getting silly by kissing jokers

Three kingdoms period- silla, paekche, koguryo

  • feudal style (warrior aristocracy, bureaucracy)
  • common language, chinese writing
  • exported leather, tools, wools, for chinese paper, porcelain, silk
  • poor peasants worked in agriculture
  • chinese writing, art, lit, buddhism, and etc were adopted

Korean Creation Story-

Myth of Dangun

The sky god sent his son down to rule, as a wise and just leader of Earth. Then one day, the son was approached by a bear and a tiger who both requested to be human. He told them to eat mugwort, and raw garlic for 20 days, and stay out of the Sun. The tiger couldn’t do it, and failed on the last day. But, the bear was able to do it and become a beautiful woman. The woman had a child with the sky god, whose name was Dangun (Tangun), and he ruled the empire of Gojoseon for the next 1500 years.

Cheomseongdae (7th century)

  • created by silla
  • means star gazing tower
  • oldest serving astronomical observatory in asia


  • gaya state
  • similar to qin (china) and koto (japan)

North South states period

  • balhae in the north
    • remnants of koguryo
    • when it was taken over by khitan, people and king fled to silla
  • silla in the south (57bc)

Kingdom of Koryo (1392AD)

  • during song, yuan, and ming of china
  • founder- wang geon
  • last buddhist dynasty / confucianism
  • known for celadon (lacquerware with mother of pearl inlay) and movable type
  • where the name korea comes from
  • chinese style centralized gov
  • pottery and poetry, buddhism inspired art
  • preference to aristocrats

Chosun/ Joseon

  • aka “land of the morning calm”
  • seoul as capital
  • aka “hermit kingdom” bc of isolation
  • centralized confucian style gov
  • distinctly korean alphabet, art style, gov
  • king/ emperor Sunjong
    • mother- queen min aka queen myeonseng (killed by japanese)
    • father- king gojung (forced by japanese)

King Sejong the great

  • invented korean alphabet known as hangul (28 letters back then, now 24 and 14 consonants)
  • 19 complex letters with 4 tense consonant and 11 complex vowels

Admiral Yi Sun Shin

  • invented turtle warship (immin war)
    • turned by itself, cannons, dragon hear, bursts of speed, gunpowder


  • mountainous peninsula
  • concentrated population

1910, korea is made part of japan -> japanese tried to wipe out korean culture

Korean culture/ art

ceramic art- inspired by song, blue-green celadon

woodblock printing- monks carved buddhist teachings. trip aka koreana -> burned in mongol invasion, had to be recarved

movable type printing- oldest korean book (jikji)

heating system- ondol

Unit 9- Feudal Japan


Tokyo- capital city , formerly Edo

Jomon- 1st recorded culture of Japan

Yayoi- rice growing, metal using, pottery

“Tomb Culture”- Tumulus, Kofun, Great Burial, warrior rulers

Shinto- Japan’s religion

Kami- divine spirits in Shinto

Prince Shotoku- encouraged Chinese beliefs/Buddhism

Taika Reform- a set of reforms to give more power to the emperor

Pagodas- Japanese layered home

Parsols- upper class carried them for fashion

Yamaro- painting style using gold and jade colors

Koto- instrument based on chinese chin/ korean gayageum

Gagaku- Japanese court music

Fujiwara- clan that had members marrying into the royal family

Aware- the way Japanese view beauty

Kanji- chinese section of Japanese language

Hiragana- traditional Japanese language

Katakana- foreign language implemented in Japanese language

Regent- members of the fujiwara clan that exercised power in the name of the emperor

Courtier- ppl who took part in refined social life

Tenant farmer- ppl who payed rent in crops to farm the land

Provincial nobles- controlled the provinces

Seppuku- ritual suicide involving stabbing the belly and cutting out guts

Yasuke- african samurai

Bushido- the traditional code of the samurai (honor, discipline, bravery)

Denominations- different religious groups of the same religion

Noh drama- gestures, dance steps, slow dance (shinto/zen)

Rock gardens- zen temples

Kabuki theater- ballad singles, stories

Haiku- poem 17 syllables, 5 lines

Eta- outcasts

Ainu- indigenous ppl


Soga (prince shotoku)

Fujiwara (kyoto courtiers/ noble family)

Minamota (yoritomo) becomes Kamakura

Ashikaga (samurai in kyoto)

* kamakura and ashikaga “medieval japan”

Oda nobunaga + toyotomi hideyoshi (sengoku jidai)

Tokugawa ieyasu (edo period, set up succession)


  • archipelago (group of over 3000 islands)
    • (from north to south) hokkaido, honshu, shikoku, kyushu, ryukyu islands
  • long history of isolation due to separation by seas
    • sea water provides -> transportation, trade, food, protection, electricity
  • natural disasters (earthquakes [over 1500 per year], floods, volcanoes [60 out of 150 active], tsunamis, typhoons
  • biggest problem -> lack of space
    • land is mountainous -> only 16% livable
    • population density is high (KNOW DEFINITION OF POPULATION DENSITY)
      • adapted by making land and capsule hotels
  • capital called tokyo, formerly edo

Early Culture of Japan notes

Jomon culture (aka tree culture)

  • 1st recorded culture
  • consisted of fishermen and hunter gathers
  • tree were important in construction, ceremonies, and daily life
  • named after famous pottery with cord patterns
  • found shells, fish hooks, harpoons

Yayoi culture

  • settled in Honshu
  • 1st to grow rice in water (irrigation)
  • 1st metal using culture
  • wove cloth textiles, pottery wheels, permanent farming villages made of wood/stone
  • accumulated wealth through land ownership and grain storage
  • distinct social classes
  • found metal tools

“Tomb Culture”

  • aka tumulus, kofun, great burial
  • named about keyhole shaped tombs surrounded by moats
  • warrior class rulers
  • metal works
  • found bronze mirrors, crown, armor clad clay figurines

Taika reforms and prince shotoku (soga clan)

  • sea benefits (food, transportation, barrier)
  • shinto -> nature is filled with divine spirits called kami (highest - sun goddess)
  • buddhism -> people would be rewarded for being faithful
  • Taika Reforms
    • ownership of land was all property of the emperor
    • supervision of the land was done by clan leaders, dividing the land
    • reduced the power of clans, emperor gained control
    • peasants gave food to gov
    • implemented chinese style changes in organizing power
    • taxes were paid to emperor
  • Prince Shotoku
    • regent of Japan
    • encouraged japanese to learn from china (buddhism, art, confucianism)
    • shinto got mixed with buddhism

Chinese influence on japan

  • buddhism
    • Dogen modified Chan to Zen buddhism
      • appealing to samurai bc of emphasis on concentration and meditation
    • many shinto gods became buddhist gods
  • confucianism
    • close family ties, filial piety
    • women entered political marriages
    • merchants at bottom of social ladder
  • government
    • bureaucratic system to rank advisers
    • taika reforms similar to Tang
    • japanese emperor- religious symbol
  • architecture
    • chinese techniques to be made flexible
    • multiple roofs to symbolize levels of awakening (buddhism)
    • beauty of gardens and courtyards
    • pagodas
  • written language
    • kanji (adopted from chinese)
    • hiragana (japan)
    • katakana (foreign words)
  • city planning
    • nara based on Changan city with intersecting streets
    • some features but not all due to limited space
  • attire
    • upper class (colored silk layers, fans/parsols)
    • working class (hemp, linen, cotton)
    • kimono began in ashikaga period
  • painting
    • watercolor nature scenes
    • zen monks used black ink and few strokes in chan chinese style
    • new style called Yamaro
      • gold and jade colors
      • scenes of battle and live
  • music
    • koto based on chin/ gayogeum
    • sho based on shang (mouth organ)
    • biwa (chinese pipa/lute)
    • court music (gagaku)

Fujiwara and kyoto court

  • Capital moved from Nara to Kyoto due to the overwhelming Buddhist clergy
  • The Fujiwara clan held power by marrying into the imperial family and serving as regents.
  • Kyoto Court isolated itself -> rebellions, loses control
  • Shingon buddhism, long hair, 12 silk robes, high eyebrows were popular
  • Courtiers afford the lifestyle by paid crops
  • Provincial nobles gave up land to avoid taxes
  • Kyoto Court describes as “Dwellers among the clouds”

Samurai Notes

  • Samurai- “those who serve”
  • New class in society
    • Held positions as officials
  • Honor was everything
    • Dying in battle is honor
    • Never retreating as it is dishonorable
  • No longer needed after 1800s because of guns from Portugal
  • Occupation was to protect nobles
  • Classes within the samurai (lowest- ronin)
  • Social privileges
  • Longest sword- katana/ shortest- wakizashi
  • Battle one on one
  • Applied zen buddhism
    • Tried to anticipate an opponent’s moves
    • Sword and samurai would become “one” / “no mind”
  • Yasuke- african samurai
    • Served oda nobunaha during sengoku jidai (warring states)
    • With nobunaga when he died
  • Bushido- aka “the way of the warrior”
    • Gi (right decision), yu (courage), jin (mercy)
  • Shoguns competed for control of land
  • Difficult step of sword making- hardening metal and fusing steels tg (1500 degrees f)
  • Samurai swords were sharper than european
  • Keep the blade moving, making the first move
  • Armor- leather, iron, bamboo, silk (ease of movement)
  • Guns from portuguese traders
  • Himeji castle never attacked
  • Tokugawa ieyasu reunified Japan and brought end to samurai warfare

Kamakura and Ashikaga

  • Fujiwara power decline due to power over provincial nobles decreasing
  • Provincial nobles maintained peace
  • Minamota clan (leader- Yoritomo/1st shogun)
  • Emperor resided in tokyo- yoritomo is in kamakura
  • Social hierarchy
    • Shogun, daimyo, samurai
  • Cherry blossoms- short life span like samurai
  • 1200s- Kublai Khan vs Kamakura
    • Typhoon destroyed mongols (japan won)
  • Ashikaga took over after economic troubles from Kamakura
    • Warriors married into nobles
  • Kamakura+ashikaga -> medieval Japan

Tokugawa (feudal)

  • Edo, after nobunaga dies, toyotomi hideyoshi takes over, then tokugawa ieyasu
  • Ashikaga lost control in sengoku jidai
  • Rules
    • Daimyo required to swear oath
    • Wives and sons stayed in edo, spend part of every other year in edo
  • Period of isolation
  • Strict social system to preserve traditional Japan
  • Social hierarchy
    • shogun/daimyo = swear oath of allegiance
    • Samurai = land taken away, literate (ronin= samurai without master)
    • Artisans = thrived
    • Peasants = forbidden to travel beyond local areas
    • Merchants = lived in towns, no politics, controlled flow of money
  • Tokugawa- feudal
  • Could not move classes or marry
  • Eta- outcasts
    • Ignored, strict rules
    • ainu - japanese indigenous ppl
  • Women- in samurai class had to be housewives
    • Peasants- work on farm but more equality

Western contact

  • Portuguese arrived
  • buddhism/shinto- polytheistic

Denominations of buddhism

Shingon- art, learning, ceremonies, rituals, courtiers, prince shotoku

Pure Land/ Amida- chanting Amida Buddha, paradise in after life, reborn, peasants/upper class

Nichiren/Lotus Sutra- only true form/ japan will die if the other ones are popular

Zen- exercise to recognize existence, enlightenment, meditation, appealed to samurais.

  • Art forms (tea, noh drama, rock garden, flowers)

Unit 10-Medieval Europe

Ruling Path

Clovis → mayors of palace (charles martel) → pepin → charlemagne → louis i


medieval- related to the middle ages

dark ages- after roman empire fell, early middle ages, no stability and decline in learning and tech

monks- religious follower

monasteries- place where monks practiced a life of prayer and worship

feudalism- new political structure of small kingdoms ruled by kings and nobles

lords- powerful noble who owned land

vassals- served lord and defended them in return for land

fiefs- small plots of land given by lords to vassals

serfs/ peasants- people who worked on lord/ vassals land

king- ruled over large areas of land

nobles and church officials- owned land and held power and wealth

chivalry- the code of a knight

guild- people who had the same occupation or worked in the same area of trade.

crusader states- small outposts that were run like feudal kingdoms in europe

monastic order- subset of religious orders where people pray and live for god

icons - flat, unrealistic, expressionless images with rich dark colors to put the viewer in a spiritual frame of mind

Warm Ups

  1. Pope, cardinals, bishops, and monks/nuns are the levels of the church hierarchy
  2. The church split in two in 1054 in the schism. (western roman catholic church, eastern orthodox)
  3. Excommunication is being banished from the church and they are not allowed to have dealings with anyone of the church.
  4. Paintings in the middle ages were two dimensional, had gold backgrounds, and used rich dark colors. They were all about Jesus and saints with halos, stylized in an unrealistic manner with unreal proportions.
  5. The nobles and merchants supported the first crusade for land, money, and power.

Intro to Medieval Europe Notes

middle ages- 500 to 1450 ad (between collapse of rome and renaissance)

after roman empire fell, schools died = illiterate people

only institution to survive fall of rome - the two churches

Europe After the Roman Empire


  • natural borders of europe: atlantic ocean (west), arctic ocean (north), mediterranean sea (south), ural mountains (east)
  • mountain ranges (south) and plains and farmland (north n west)
  • cold winters (north), mild winters and dry summers
    • mild weather = dependable rainfalls = thrives in agriculture
      • grew wheat, citrus fruit, n barley
  • lots of rivers = trade n communications
    • longest river- volga


great change after fall of rome- ruled not by unifying, but by numerous Germanic tribes



developed gov

small communities


order through unwritten rules

emphasized learning

no large gov or scholarly works

  • learning declined >
    • great achievements were forgotten
    • educated middle class disappeared, no schools
  • trade n cities disappeared
    • traders moved into countries and became farmers

germanic kingdoms

  • 15 y/o clovis became king of france
    • led 30 years of wars, expanding borders of Franks
    • led into Christianity
  • church of rome
    • used latin
    • set up laws (ownership of roman property, taxes)
  • monks formed monasteries
    • preserved rome and greek, worked with clovis
  • new royal family
    • sons of clovis didn't rule
      • officials of the king (Mayors of Palace) became kingdoms real rulers
      • charles martel (mayor/ charles the hammer) defeated muslim invaders from spain in france
      • martel’s son, pepin, asked head of church, pope zacharias, to recognize as king
      • pepin’s son, charlemagne, ruled under church

growth of christianity

  • survived fall of rome
  • german rulers convert to christianity
    • franks strengthen in north of alps
  • monasteries rose
    • studied christian works and made copies of bible-> preservation

empire of Charlemagne

  • charlemagne -> italy to help pope leo ii (HRE) put down rebellion
    • he crowned charlemagne emperor
    • however only head of ERE could claim emperor
  • charlemagne-> dedicated to strengthening church and learning
  • greatest scholar- Alcuin (english monk)
  • libraries destroyed so Charlemagne’s scholars copied manuscripts by hand
  • forced illiterate clergy to be educated
  • uniform religious services, no church corruption

emergence of feudalism

  • charlemagne son (louis i) emperor
    • after he died, 3 sons fought for power, split
    • ppl took advantage
      • viking (n) terrorized coastal villages
      • muslims (spain and n africa) raided Italy and S France
      • magyars attacked from east
  • feudalism begins as a way for leaders to hold onto power and land
  • society
    • king, wealthy landowners, church members, knights, peasants (serfs)


  • warfare and constant threat of invasion lead to feudalism because it is used as a way for leaders to hold onto power
    • exchanged favors, land, protection
    • lord gain protection from vassals, vassals gained land from lord, serfs gained protection for work
  • europe's geography led to feudalism because europe had to be self sufficient using their resources and rivers, farmland
  • charlemagne is a good ruler for
    • dedicated himself to strengthening church and promoting learning
    • had scholar preserve and promote manuscripts
    • bad ruler- forced everyone to convert to catholicism and did not ensure the kingdom would be fine after death

Daily life and feudal hierarchy

  • kings- ruled over large areas of land
  • nobles and church officials- owned land thus held power and wealth
    • ladies
      • little power, power over female servants, subject to husband and father
      • when husbands were at war sometimes they took over
      • no say in who to marry
    • clergy
      • extended to every part of medieval life
      • power to condemn or forgive sins
      • monasteries
        • taught children, fed poor, devotion to church
        • granary brewery bakery winery church library
  • knights- many provided military service in return for land
    • landless sons of vassal
    • fought on behalf of nobles for land on horse
    • training (page, squire, knight)
    • went by chivalry
      • demonstrate religious faith
      • defend catholic church
      • show courage, protect the weak
  • peasants/ serfs- had to get permission to leave manor, marry, buy/sell property, change jobs
    • if they escaped for one year and one day, they were free
    • considered party of the property
    • formed economic basis
    • give ups crops to lord
    • farmed every day
    • ate vegetables and stale bread
    • lives in damp huts!!!!
    • everything needed was on the manor, few left the manor
  • sometimes manor refers to the entire estate and sometimes it refers to only the house


  • towns became popular again after rulers all got a lot of power and there was stabilization. trade began to come back, and townspeople (craftsmen, merchants, freed serfs, and peasants existed again. to join a guild, you become an apprentice, journeyman, then a master
  • feudalism in europe and japan are similar because of
    • involving warriors paid with land and money
    • stressed courage and justice
    • bound to the soil

The Power of the Church


  • pope: spiritual and political church leader (papacy)
  • cardinals: helped pope run the church
  • bishops: ran dioceses (places with many churches)
  • priests: ran individual churches, administered sacraments (communion, maritomony, baptism)
  • monks/nuns: lived in isolated communities, learned to read latin, grew food, copied religious text

political role of the clergy

  • nobles and church leaders went to school together = support each other, had a lot in common
  • church helped Europe’s political leaders run their kingdoms
    • kept records of birth and death and info needed to run kingdom
  • church was rich as they had a lot of property
    • pope was richer than any other king
  • papacy had more authority than the king
    • therefore king cooperated with the church

conflict between monarchs and the church

  • pope gregory VII and emperor henry IV conflict
  • henry appointed church officials to build power
    • pope gregory then said that lay people may not have power to appoint church officials (including henry) in 1075
      • henry and his bishops declared pope’s election as invalid and got him demeaned to step down
        • pope gregory excommunicated henry, stopped him from being emperor, meaning no subjects had to obey him
          • henry stood outside in snow with no shoes and beggar clothes for three days, and pope let him come back forgiven

religious orders

  • friars (religious orders) = mendicants = primarily beggars
    • franciscans are the most important
      • founded by Francis of Assisi


  • established at cathedrals (center of bishop power)
    • students were the sons of nobles
    • taught in latin
    • scholars studied classical philosophers
    • church translated texts to latin

schism w the east

  • icons = flat images to put the viewer in spiritual frame of mind of Jesus and the saints
    • used in Byzantine churches by praying to them with a candle and carrying them to religious processions
    • people didn’t like icons as they thought they were being worshiped as gods
    • emperor leo III thought they were worshiped as gods and ordered them to be destroyed
      • pope gregory III was in favor of icons and condemned his actions
        • thought that the icons were important in honoring people of the past and a good way for people who could not read to learn their faith
  • in 800 pope gregory crowned Charlemagne as the 1st holy roman empire emperor because he needed help himself
    • people got mad as byzantine emperor was the true and rightful emperor
  • 1054 = east and west fought over southern italy church
    • east closed western-style mass churches
      • pope leo III excommunicated patriarch
        • schism of the Catholic church
          • eastern orthodox in east
          • roman catholic in west


  • the age of faith and why the church was influential in daily lives of the people
    • people would live their lives according to church and religious principles
    • they wanted to live a good life and go to heaven
    • church bells announced work, rest, meals, mass, and worship services
    • churches = center of community services
      • farmers market
      • places of refuge during war
      • meeting area
    • churches announced holidays
      • peasants could rest, feast, attend mass
      • developed a sense of community and felt like one
  • art and architecture of the middle ages
    • main focus was Jesus’s events, daily life, and his crucifixion
    • art pieces were usually unrealistic, 2D, had rich gold backgrounds, showed very little emotion
    • designed for people to feel like they were in heaven when they saw the art while looking and praying to Jesus and the saints
  • gothic cathedrals
    • designed to show the bishop and bishops power in office
    • art styles such as ribbed arches, pointed ceilings, flying buttresses
      • exterior of a gothic cathedral
  • art’s goal
    • bring depictions of heaven to earth to make people feel what heaven feels like

The Crusades

First Crusade 1096

  • pope urban warned to win the holy land from seljuk turks and reunite the western and eastern christians so that pilgrimages can happen
  • nobles and merchants went on the crusade to gain land, money, and power
  • knights were happy to employ fighting skills, were granted the land they captured, and officials wanted to redirect knights to a holier cause
  • crusader states were small outposts that were run like feudal kingdoms (endesa, antioch, tripoli, jerusalem)
    • kings had more power than feudal lords
  • crusaders controlled at the end

Second Crusade 1147-1149

  • muslims were about to overpower crusade state (endesa) so king louis (france) and king conrad (germany) fought
  • long and hard journey weakened crusaders
  • saladin- leader of muslim forces, supreme leader of egypt and syria (name means honoring the faith)
    • attacked tiberias (capital
    • took back jerusalem and signed peace treaty with richard
  • horns of hattie- knights of jerusalem tired and rested while muslim army surrounded
  • muslims controlled at the end

Third Crusade 1189-1192

  • after fall of jerusalem, pope called for it to retake
  • also known as crusade of the kings
    • king richard (england), king philip ii (france), emperor frederick i (germany)
    • King richard- the lionhearted because of skill and courage in battle
  • Sept 1192 saladin and king richard agreed to a truce that jerusalem would remain under muslim control

Fourth Crusade 1202-1204

  • Venetians convinced crusade leaders to use force if necessary to install the venetians choice for byzantine emperor, in return they would bring the crusaders by sea to constantinople
  • crusaders rebelled against emperor and pillaged constantinople
  • crusaders did not make it to jerusalem as spirit of crusade was lost to hunger of wealth
  • muslims controlled at the end


  • Positive effects of crusade
    • Trade and business boom
    • Strong church and gov
    • Eye opening experience
    • Arts grew
  • Reconquista
    • Reconquest of spain by christians who kicked out muslims
    • Inquisition is catholic court of punished people opposing church teachings (ferdinand and isabella)

Forces of Change

🎀the plague🎀

  • killed tens of millions in europe, north africa and west asia
  • spread from central asia to europe over land trade routes
  • europe = ⅓ population dead
  • mid 1300’s = bubonic plague or black death
  • symptoms: chills, fever, convulsions, nausea, swollen glands, dark skin spots, buboes
  • killed people within days
  • 1347 = when disease touched Italy
  • by 1400s = 20-30 million dead
  • christians believed plague was punishment by sin
  • muslims believed that god was testing them
  • wars stopped, trade declined
  • shortage of labor so landowners lost money
  • people migrated for higher wages = decline of feudalism and economic recovery
  • jews accused of causing plague (scapegoats)
    • got kicked out of german towns

rise of central governments

  • in 1100-1300s power in west europe nobles → kings
    • formed monarchies which formed a strong central government (town favored because they brought stability)
      • collected taxes, raised armies, ruled subjects
  • started raging wars in 1300-1400s between kings and nobles and between kings and kings

the hundred years war

  • england and france wars = 1337-1453 = 100 year war
    • william the conqueror = duke of normandy = rightful king of england (hes french btw)
    • edward III then says he is the rightful king of england (hes english btw)
    • joan of arc leads france to victory in 1453
    • made monarchies become stronger
      • turning point in medieval technology

new weapons and ways of fighting

  • long bows could go through knight armor and horses = too strong for them
  • crusades = allowed europe to learn from other places
    • greece, rome, muslim, india, china
      • muslim armies: flamethrowers, hand grenades
      • china: gunpowder
        • allowed for guns for europe
  • small cannons → handheld cannons or long handguns called harquebuses
  • started raising large armies with professional soldiers

growth of trade and commerce

  • trade and large scale manufacturing more popular as towns more popular
  • town society= merchants, shopkeepers, artisans (socially above laboring class but below nobility)
    • focused on achieving earthly success and and wealth rather than church
    • women were crucial in working these jobs
  • most powerful towns = florence and milan
    • italian traders bought and sold fine woolens, colored cotton and silk woven with gold and silver
    • traded wines, furs, leather, jewels, ivory, metal, spices
    • wealthiest italian merchants = bankers and money changers
  • trade led to upper class and commercial class to see new ideas and exotic goods
  • individualism = to work with one’s self and value = important value


  • Joan of arc grew up in a small french village and never learnt to read and write
    • Grew up as a peasant
    • Left home at 17 because she received messages from god signaling to her to drive the english out of france
    • Passed the test they set up for her
  • King john lost the support of nobles because he led england into losing wars and high taxation
    • Lost land to france
    • Nobles cornered him and asked him to affix the royal seal to the magna carta
    • Magna carte protects the rights of nobles, lords, and prevents the kings from taking it away
    • Creates the great charter which is the basis of modern reform docs
      • Led to the beginning of feudalism’s decline

Unit 11- The Renaissance


Renaissance- rebirth

Humanism- focuses on humans and potential for achievement

Petrarch- early leader in humanism

Patrons- wealthy sponsors of artists

“Renaissance man”- excels in aspects of life (leonardo da vinci)

Printing press- machine that pressed paper against movable type tray

Vernacular- a person's native language

Rise of the Renaissance

  • Cultural movement to revive europe-> art, writing, philosophy, science, economics
  • Aka “rebirth”
  • Fall of feudalism and expansion of trade led to rise
  • Silk roads reopen for marco polo
  • Return to classical learning of the greeks and romans
    • Humanism- focuses on humans and their potential for achievement
    • Well rounded individuals
    • Petrarch stressed classics and findings of impt latin writes (cleero & livy)
    • Weakened church bc it challenged people to search out for answers and still be good christian
    • Creativity, inventions, exploration

Italian Ren

  • Renaissance began in italy -> center of roman empire, central trade routes
    • Florence
      • Center of banking and clothing production
      • Patrons
  • House of medici
    • Controlled florence and tuscany, medici bank, 4 popes, 2 queens,
    • Bookkeeping system with debits and credits
  • Machiavelli
    • Founder of modern political science
    • Wrote the prince
      • Leaders job is to expand and grow the state
      • Might have to trick enemies and own people
      • Focus on what benefits the state

Social classes and gender roles

Social classes

Patricians- patrons, controlled wealth and gov

  • Ran major guilds (clothing, doctors, lawyers)

Commercial class- (shopkeepers/artisans)

  • Worked for minor guilds (blacksmiths, carpenters, butchers)

Laborers- (porters, boatmen, peddlers)

Peasants (lowest)

*wealthy classes prevented lower from voice in gov and moving up classes

Jews and the Ghettos

  • Jews turned to finance (excelled)
  • Ordered to live in one neighborhood (the ghettos)

Gender Roles

Men- learned about family business, renaissance man, boarding school to run business

  • Married with families and businesses

Women- expected to confine activities to home, reading, brides family provided dowry when marrying

  • Lower class worked in trade

Renaissance art notes

Medieval Paintings

  • Altar pieces, glass windows, religious matter,
  • 2d, no emotions, vibrant colors, gold backgrounds
  • Size based on importance

Renaissance Art

  • Form, decoration, subject
  • Sculpture, murals, painting
  • Figures- Active, nude/clothed, read tasks, emotions
  • Interest in nature
  • Full deep backgrounds with perspective and symmetry


  • Linear perspective
    • Vanishing point, horizon line, convergence lines
  • Atmospheric perspective
    • Depth, objects in distance are pale, blurry
  • Chiaroscuro
    • Italian for light dark
    • Light and shadows/ volume and modeling
  • Realism
    • Anatomy, proportions, emotions
  • Frescro
    • Water based paint on wet plaster on a wall (murals)

Famous Ppl!!

  • Michelangelo (pieta, moses, sistine chapel)
  • Leonardo da vinci (mona lisa, last supper)
  • Raphael (the school of athens
  • Titian (crowing with thorns)
  • Sandro botticelli/alessandro filiepi (birth of venus, primavera, map of hell)
  • Filippo burnelleschi (built the II Duomo)
  • Dante aligheri (wrote divine comedy)
  • Cervantes (don quixote)
  • Machiavelli (the prince)

Northern Renaissance

  • Rulers sponsored artists from italy (da vinci, francis i of france
  • Renaissance techniques mix with northern traditions when italians move north and northern ppl move south
  • Northern style (altar, manuscripts, detailed, with grotesque imagination
  • Italian- ordered, rational, idealism
  • Famous artists
    • Jan van eyck (annunciation, arnolfini portrait [layers, realistic, colors, personalities])
    • Pieter bruegel the elder (peasant dance [realistics, everyday])
    • Albrecht durer (4 horsemen of the apocalypse)
    • William shakespeare!


Shakespeare- playwright that understood human nature

Elizabethan age- renaissance spirit, elizabeth i of england

Johan gutenberg- printing press, complete bible

Math and science- algebra, letters in equations, minerals/metals, anatomy, cartography

Unit 12- Reformation

Decline of church authority

  • Catholic church is corrupted-> french is not happy with church
  • Next pope is french and moves capital to avignon, france bc of instability in italy
    • Ppl thought french were controlling church
  • Capital goes back to italy and italian pope (french do not like)
  • Church is divided into two with 2 popes (great schism of 1378, pope urban vi of italy, clement vii of france)
  • Bishops form councils to rule on church law
    • -> these councils gained more power than the pope and became controlled by monarchs
  • Schism ended with a single pope being installed
  • Church is more interested in wealth and power (sold indulgences, wealthy lifestyle, simony (church positions sold)
  • Heretics- people who speak against church
  • John wycliffe declared monarchs should rude over church and translated bible from latin into english
  • New spiritual movements (mystics)

Martin Luther and the reformation

Martin Luther

  • Lawyer, miracle, monk, priest, leader
  • Believed only path to go is justification by faith
  • Forgiveness could not be bought but received from god
  • Salvation is a gift received by faith

Reformation begins

  • Luther nails 95 theses to church door
  • They became the protestants
  • Pope issued bull that condemned and banned his writings, Luther burns the bull
  • Pope leo x excommunicated luther, and roman emperor gives him chance to recant at diet of worms
  • Luther refuses and becomes an outlaw
  • Prince Frderick “kidnaps” him and he does into hiding, while writing essays and translating the bible
  • Eventually begins the lutheran church
  • Luther's ideas were popular- ppl wanted simpler and direct relationship with god
  • New ideas of individualism and nationalism
  • War broke out between lutheran and catholic. The peace at augsburg settled the issue- lutheranism is allowed if local german prince allows
  • Peasant used luther's idea to justify revolts
    • ->luther condemns them but also criticized nobles for ignoring peasant’s conditions
    • -> lost support of peasants & social reformers

95 These Vocabulary

Recant- take back

Remission- forgiveness

Repent- to say i'm sorry and i wont do again

Purgatory- place btwn heaven and hell

Mortification of the flesh- dying of human desires

Canonical- church law

Tribulation- difficulties to overcome

Doctrine- beliefs held by a group of ppl

Famous PPL

Desiderius erasmus- dutch priest, urged ppl to pursue true christian faith, criticized reformers for diving church

William tyndale- english version of new testament, anglican church should reject catholic beliefs

John wycliffe- english priest, questioned pope's right to levy taxes, translate bible into english

John calivn- french, calvinism, predestination, devotion to god

Protestant Denominations


  • Martin luther, first group, justification by faith, bible is only authority, salvation by faith, no clergy to interpret


  • John calvin, predestination, devotion to god, code of behavior (no fortune telling, gambling)presbytery (followers also govern church)


  • Very strict moral code, dissatisfied zwingli followers, christians should be separate community, claimed all other branches were sinners


  • Henry wanted divorce, church of england, english bibles, justification by faith, assistance of archbishop of canterbury, mix of catholic and lutheran