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Science Unit 5 Quiz 1

Topic 1

  • Parts of a plant

    • Stem

      • Support

      • Food storage

      • Transportation (Water + nutrients)

        • Xylem - transports water from roots

        • Phloem - transports nutrients from roots + transports sugar from leaves

    • Roots

      • Absorb water + nutrients

      • Anchors

      • Food storage

  • Photosynthesis - To make food by using light

    • CO2 + H2O + energy —> C6H12O6 + O2

    • Green pigment needed for photosynthesis - chlorophyll

  • Respiration - breaking down sugars to release energy

    • C6H12O6+O2 —> CO2 + H20 + ENERGY

  • Transpiration

    • Loss of water vapor through a living organism

    • Stomata - Opening in leaf

      • Guard cell opens/closes stomata

      • Releases H2O

Topic 2

  • Plant reproduction

    • Sexual

      • Genetic material of 2 parents

    • Asexual

      • Single parent - offspring will be identical (clones)

    • Flowers

      • Contain plants reproductive organs

      • Can be male female or both

      • Stamen - Male reproductive organ

        • Anther - pollen(sperm)

        • Filament - stalk supporting anther

      • Pistil - female reproductive organ

        • Stigma - receives pollen

        • Style - tube connecting stigma and ovary

        • Ovary- contains the egg

      • Cross pollinate or self pollinate

  • Cross fertilization

    • Pollinators: Insects, birds, animal fur, wind

  • Asexual reproduction

  • Does not require a mate

  • Easier, faster, less energy

  • Less variety in traits of offspring (less genetic diversity)

  • Deteriorate likelihood of survival

  • Sexual reproduction

  • Greater variety (more genetic diversity = likelihood of survival goes up)

  • Slower, more energy

Science Unit 5 Quiz 1

Topic 1

  • Parts of a plant

    • Stem

      • Support

      • Food storage

      • Transportation (Water + nutrients)

        • Xylem - transports water from roots

        • Phloem - transports nutrients from roots + transports sugar from leaves

    • Roots

      • Absorb water + nutrients

      • Anchors

      • Food storage

  • Photosynthesis - To make food by using light

    • CO2 + H2O + energy —> C6H12O6 + O2

    • Green pigment needed for photosynthesis - chlorophyll

  • Respiration - breaking down sugars to release energy

    • C6H12O6+O2 —> CO2 + H20 + ENERGY

  • Transpiration

    • Loss of water vapor through a living organism

    • Stomata - Opening in leaf

      • Guard cell opens/closes stomata

      • Releases H2O

Topic 2

  • Plant reproduction

    • Sexual

      • Genetic material of 2 parents

    • Asexual

      • Single parent - offspring will be identical (clones)

    • Flowers

      • Contain plants reproductive organs

      • Can be male female or both

      • Stamen - Male reproductive organ

        • Anther - pollen(sperm)

        • Filament - stalk supporting anther

      • Pistil - female reproductive organ

        • Stigma - receives pollen

        • Style - tube connecting stigma and ovary

        • Ovary- contains the egg

      • Cross pollinate or self pollinate

  • Cross fertilization

    • Pollinators: Insects, birds, animal fur, wind

  • Asexual reproduction

  • Does not require a mate

  • Easier, faster, less energy

  • Less variety in traits of offspring (less genetic diversity)

  • Deteriorate likelihood of survival

  • Sexual reproduction

  • Greater variety (more genetic diversity = likelihood of survival goes up)

  • Slower, more energy