The nervous system as many levels of organisations
whole brain
population/cicit (e.g like a network)
Sub neuron
neuron (can be interconnected)
Central nervous sytem
-brain & spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system (all the nerves that stand out)
Neurons: electrically excitable cells - fundamental building blocks in the nervous system.
Central nervous sytem (lots of interactive units)
4 criteria for classifying neurons
mocular/gene expression
Dendrites → receive synaptic input from the axon terminals
the cell body/soma → responsible for protein synthesis and the imitation of electrical impulses
axon→ send output signals other neurones.
Biological systems don’t send signals as efficiently as wires
Nerons (myelin have nodes of ranvier → the signal is regenerated) its getting boosted so it can travel further distances )
Synapses: releases nurons transmitters(causes electrical signals to be created )
86B neurons in the human brain
Gilian cells : supporting the neruo signalling (don’t generally signal electrical signals (glue thatr keeps everything together
3 types of support cells
astrocytes (formation of blood brain barrier
Schwann cells
superior (above). anterior(in front of)
inferior (below). posterior(behind)
sagittal (through the body midline)
coronal (frontal)
horizontal (axial)
cerebral cortex → is extensively folded, forming ridges called gyri
GRAY MATTER → cell bodies
WHITE MATTER → Myelinated axons
brain basics ( 2 min nuro science )→ YouTube video
frontal lobe—> important for exitcuting functions and motot control e.g speech production
parital lobe→ samotosenosry (touch) processing and attention
temporal lobe → important for memory, hearing, speech comprehension (understanding what someone is saying & facial recognition
occiptial → important for vison
Gyrus: folded of cortex on the surface
Sulcus: dives gyri from one another
Central sulcus : divides the fontal lobe and the partital lobe
supiror→ referring to the gyris (of the brain)
dorsal = sensory
ventral → telling your muscles to move (motor)
Pre central Gyrus: controls voluntary movement on the opposite side of the body
Post central gyrus: responsible for proprioception( samatosensory cortex
L2: electrical signals of nerve cells
There is more K+ within a cell rather than outside (K+)in >(k+) out
What governs the equilibrium state
—> diffusion and electromagnetic “forces”
Diffusion: drives concentration gradients using the widest channels available
→ only let throughs either grey or black stuff (black=wide,grey=narrow)
Elctromegnetism :little elements that carry charge (can be either postive or negative
→ some postive charges can make it out of the outside but will make it back within the inside
Flux:concentration of things passing through
The stronger the force is the more it gonna overwhnelm it
Initially (V=0) V in &out= -58MV
Active signaling → when the neuron increases
Active transporters → actively move selected ins against concentration gradient (happens within the cel =uses energy)
Ion channels→ allows ions to diffuse down concentration gradient
When solutes don’t have any physical barriers they are evenly distributed through diffusion
→ equilibrium is reached when the concentration of each ion is evenly distributed
Neurons are surrounded by a plasma membrane = this is impermeable to ions
The hydrophobic interior of the bilayer prevents the movement of ions across the membrane (can only pass through specialized channels
The action poteinal is divided into 6 phases
-resting potential ( threshold)
-rising phase( depolarization)
-overshoot phase ( Peak)
-falling phase ( repolrisation)
-undershoot phase ( Hyperpolarization)
-recovery phase
Membrane potential: refers to the difference in electrical charge in the outside and inside of a neuronThe voltage clamp method
→ the increased activation of the sodium conductance with depolarization causes the regenerative rise of the action poteinal at voltages more postive than threshold
(This technique controls or clamps the voltage across the membrane_
If VM is not equal to VC the compartoar generates a different signal
TTX(toxin found in puffer fish)→ block sodium channels
-The voltage clamp allows us to examine current across the membrane at a fixed membrane potential
(Current flow can tell us about membrane permeability
Voltage clamp allows us to examine across the membrane at a fixed membrane potential
Early transient inward → NA+
Late delayed outwards → K+
Conductance → A function of membrane potentials and time
→ when a neuron is at rest the sodium ions and chloride ions are more prevalent
Sodium potassium pump:a protein that uses energy constantly to pump 3 sodium ions
The action potential: Occurs when the cell’s membrane potential reaches threshold
Describe the electrical properties of a nerve cell= they are relatively poor conductors of electricity