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Features of DNA

  • Double stranded

  • Antiparallel strands

  • Right-handed helix

  • Sugar-phosphate backbone

  • Bases on the inside

  • Stabilize H-bonding

  • Specific base pairing

  • About 10 nucleotides per helical turn

DNA Structure

  • Chargoff’s rule

    • A pairs with T

    • G pairs with C

    • Keeps width consistent

  • Complementary DNA strands

  • Antiparallel DNA strands

    • One strand goes 5’ to 3’

    • The other strand goes 3’ to 5’

Major and Minor Grooves

  • Grooves are revealed in the space-filling model

  • Major groove: proteins bind to affect gene expression

  • Minor groove: narrower

Molecular Structures of Eukaryotic Chromosomes

  • Typical eukaryotic chromosome may be hundreds of millions of base pairs long

    • Length would be 1 meter

    • But must fit in cell 10 to 100 micrometer

  • Chromosome

    • Discrete unit of genetic material

  • Chromosomes composed of chromatin

    • DNA-protein complex

Eukaryotic Chromosome

  • Dependent on the cell cycle

  • In interphase chromatin is less condensed

  • In mitosis chromosomes condense 10,000-fold and form distinct structures.

  • Overall organization of a eukaryotic chromosome is greater than the organization of the prokaryotic chromosome.

Model of Chromosome Structure

  • First level of packing

    • Nucleosome

  • 2nd level coiling of the beads into a helical array - 30nm fiber = chromatin

    • Requires additional proteins to those in the basic particles

  • 3rd level non-histone chromosomal proteins form scaffold

    • Packing of fiber itself (approx. 10,000-fold in mitotic chromosomes)


  • Histone octomer + DNA = nucleosome

  • 146 nucleotides + 2H2a + 2H2b + 2H3 + 2H4 (histone octomer)

  • Electrostatic action between the positive charge histone and the negative phosphates of the DNA are an important stabilizing force in maintaining chromatin structure

  • Nucleosomes joined by linker DNA (~80 bps) and histone H1 to form chromatin fiber (“Beads on a String”)

Radial Loop Domains and Chromatin

  • Radial loop domains: interaction between 30-nanometer fibers and nuclear matrix

    • Each chromosome located in discrete territory

Types of Chromatin

  • Euchromatin: DNA that is undergoing normal packing. Genes in these regions can be expressed

    • Appx. 90% of the DNA in the cell.

  • Heterochromatin: highly condensed in comparison to euchromatin. Genes in these regions are not expressed.


Features of DNA

  • Double stranded

  • Antiparallel strands

  • Right-handed helix

  • Sugar-phosphate backbone

  • Bases on the inside

  • Stabilize H-bonding

  • Specific base pairing

  • About 10 nucleotides per helical turn

DNA Structure

  • Chargoff’s rule

    • A pairs with T

    • G pairs with C

    • Keeps width consistent

  • Complementary DNA strands

  • Antiparallel DNA strands

    • One strand goes 5’ to 3’

    • The other strand goes 3’ to 5’

Major and Minor Grooves

  • Grooves are revealed in the space-filling model

  • Major groove: proteins bind to affect gene expression

  • Minor groove: narrower

Molecular Structures of Eukaryotic Chromosomes

  • Typical eukaryotic chromosome may be hundreds of millions of base pairs long

    • Length would be 1 meter

    • But must fit in cell 10 to 100 micrometer

  • Chromosome

    • Discrete unit of genetic material

  • Chromosomes composed of chromatin

    • DNA-protein complex

Eukaryotic Chromosome

  • Dependent on the cell cycle

  • In interphase chromatin is less condensed

  • In mitosis chromosomes condense 10,000-fold and form distinct structures.

  • Overall organization of a eukaryotic chromosome is greater than the organization of the prokaryotic chromosome.

Model of Chromosome Structure

  • First level of packing

    • Nucleosome

  • 2nd level coiling of the beads into a helical array - 30nm fiber = chromatin

    • Requires additional proteins to those in the basic particles

  • 3rd level non-histone chromosomal proteins form scaffold

    • Packing of fiber itself (approx. 10,000-fold in mitotic chromosomes)


  • Histone octomer + DNA = nucleosome

  • 146 nucleotides + 2H2a + 2H2b + 2H3 + 2H4 (histone octomer)

  • Electrostatic action between the positive charge histone and the negative phosphates of the DNA are an important stabilizing force in maintaining chromatin structure

  • Nucleosomes joined by linker DNA (~80 bps) and histone H1 to form chromatin fiber (“Beads on a String”)

Radial Loop Domains and Chromatin

  • Radial loop domains: interaction between 30-nanometer fibers and nuclear matrix

    • Each chromosome located in discrete territory

Types of Chromatin

  • Euchromatin: DNA that is undergoing normal packing. Genes in these regions can be expressed

    • Appx. 90% of the DNA in the cell.

  • Heterochromatin: highly condensed in comparison to euchromatin. Genes in these regions are not expressed.