Chapter 1 Intro to Bio

Introduction to Biology

  • Focus: Principles of Biology, Cells & Genetics (BI 211)

  • Chapter 1 Overview: Methods of science, living systems, and core concepts of biology.

Methods of Science in Biology

  • Core Concepts Include:

    • Cellular organization and complexity.

    • Sensitivity and response to environment.

    • Growth, development, and reproduction.

    • Energy use and transformations.

    • Homeostasis and adaptation over time.

Understanding Complexity in Biology

  • Why Biology Is Complicated:

    • Biological systems are constrained by physics and chemistry.

    • Biological systems are the most complex chemical systems on Earth.

    • All disciplines in biology have foundations in chemistry and physics, and also math.

Characteristics of Living Things

  • Seven main characteristics shared by living things:

    1. Order/Organization/Complexity: Highly ordered structures.

    2. Response to Environment/Sensitivity: Ability to respond to stimuli (like light, touch).

    3. Reproduction: Capability to reproduce and create more of its kind.

    4. Energy Processing and Utilization: Organisms use and convert energy.

    5. Growth and Development: Genes control an organism’s growth.

    6. Regulation and Homeostasis: Maintenance of stable internal conditions.

    7. Evolutionary Adaptation: Changes in species over time adapting to environments.

Unifying Themes in Biology

  • Biology can be structured into five unifying themes:

    1. Organization: Understanding structure and function relationships.

    2. Information: The flow, exchange, and storage of information in biological systems.

    3. Energy and Matter: Pathways and transformations crucial for life.

    4. Interactions: The importance of interactions at all organizational levels.

    5. Evolution: The processes of evolutionary change and adaptation.

Levels of Biological Organization

  • Biological systems exhibit:

    • Hierarchical organization from atoms to the biosphere.

    • Emergent Properties: New characteristics emerge at each level of organization due to interactions among components.

Roles of Cells in Living Systems

  • Basic Unit of Life:

    • The cell is the smallest unit that can perform all life functions.

    • Types of Cells:

      • Prokaryotic: No nucleus, simple structure (bacteria).

      • Eukaryotic: Membrane-bound organelles and nucleus.

Information Flow and Genetic Material

  • The central dogma of biology explains the flow of genetic information:

    • DNA → RNA → Protein

    • Chromosomes contain DNA which encodes for proteins.

Energy and Matter in Biological Systems

  • Life requires the transformation of:

    • Energy: Derived from the sun, utilized through photosynthesis (producers) or consumed from other organisms (consumers).

    • Matter: Essential chemicals for life processes.

Interactions in Biological Systems

  • Interactions among system components are essential for functions across levels:

    • Example: Ecosystems exhibit interactions between organisms and their physical environments, which are regulated by feedback mechanisms.

Evolutionary Concepts

  • Evolution involves the adaptation of species over time:

    • Natural Selection: Mechanism for descent with modification.

      • Observations supporting it include:

        • Variation in traits within populations.

        • Overproduction of offspring leading to competition.

        • Adaptation to environments offering survival advantages.

Classification of Life

  • Biological diversity is classified into three domains:

    1. Bacteria (prokaryotic)

    2. Archaea (prokaryotic)

    3. Eukarya (including multicellular Organisms)

  • Each species is identified with a two-part Latin name (e.g., Homo sapiens).

Geological Time and Evolution

  • Evolutionary timelines divide Earth's history into major eons:

    • Hadean (4.6-3.8 BYA)

    • Archean (3.8-2.5 BYA): Origin of prokaryotes.

    • Proterozoic (2.5 BYA-545 MYA): Eukaryotic origins.

    • Phanerozoic (545 MYA-Present): Diversity of visible life.

Role of Plants in Evolution

  • Plants have played a crucial role in Earth's ecosystem by contributing to oxygen production, biomass, and influencing climate changes.

Study Strategies

  • After Lectures:

    • Learn vocabulary: Create flashcards.

    • Read textbook chapters and review notes.

    • Test self on material to solidify understanding.

    • Seek help early from instructors or tutors.
