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Unit 1: Friendship

Vocab about leisure time




  1. do weightlifting


môn cử tạ

  1. do puzzles


câu đố

  1. do kickboxing

/ˈkɪk bɑːksɪŋ/

  1. play/do sports
  1. research into sth (n)

nghiên cứu về cái gì đó

Ex: Recent research into the world of teenagers has suggested that they value friendship above anything else

  1. possession = property



sth that you own

Their answer included possession such as money and computer gadgets but also relationships with people

  1. fight = argument
  2. on my own = alone

cuộc tranh cãi

Every time I have a fight with my parents, I need some time on my own

-I like living on my own (=alone)

  1. keep/get/be/stay in touch (with sb)

giữ liên lạc

Are you still in touch with your friends from college?

  1. nearby (adj)

near in the position, not far away (gần đó)

There is a lake nearby my house

  1. left-handed (adj)


thuận tay trái

thuận tay phải

All of my family are right-handed, except my youngest brother

  1. value (v) = cherish

to think that sth is important (coi trọng)

they value friendship above anything else

let’s cherish everything that you are having

  1. majority of (n)

= most people

phần lớn

The majority of people have no more than 30 friends at any given time

  1. minimum (n)

maximum (n)



tối thiểu

tối đa

  1. alternatively

= additionally

= in addition to


ngoài ra

alternatively, they may be collectors of online friends and just want to use us to get a higher number

  1. guideline (n)

= instruction

hướng dẫn sử dụng

Always read the guidelines before you start

  1. temporary (adj)


lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time;not permanent

nowaday, young people’s love is just temporary

  1. fear (v) = worry

I fear going out at night

  1. dissatisfaction (n)


aren’t satisfied (không hài lòng); dissatisfied

  • Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the arrangement.
  • go: use with adj ending with -ing (swimming, skiing)
  • play: use for competitive games (chess, poker)
  • do: use for recreational activities (yoga, exercise )

Unit 1: Friendship

Vocab about leisure time




  1. do weightlifting


môn cử tạ

  1. do puzzles


câu đố

  1. do kickboxing

/ˈkɪk bɑːksɪŋ/

  1. play/do sports
  1. research into sth (n)

nghiên cứu về cái gì đó

Ex: Recent research into the world of teenagers has suggested that they value friendship above anything else

  1. possession = property



sth that you own

Their answer included possession such as money and computer gadgets but also relationships with people

  1. fight = argument
  2. on my own = alone

cuộc tranh cãi

Every time I have a fight with my parents, I need some time on my own

-I like living on my own (=alone)

  1. keep/get/be/stay in touch (with sb)

giữ liên lạc

Are you still in touch with your friends from college?

  1. nearby (adj)

near in the position, not far away (gần đó)

There is a lake nearby my house

  1. left-handed (adj)


thuận tay trái

thuận tay phải

All of my family are right-handed, except my youngest brother

  1. value (v) = cherish

to think that sth is important (coi trọng)

they value friendship above anything else

let’s cherish everything that you are having

  1. majority of (n)

= most people

phần lớn

The majority of people have no more than 30 friends at any given time

  1. minimum (n)

maximum (n)



tối thiểu

tối đa

  1. alternatively

= additionally

= in addition to


ngoài ra

alternatively, they may be collectors of online friends and just want to use us to get a higher number

  1. guideline (n)

= instruction

hướng dẫn sử dụng

Always read the guidelines before you start

  1. temporary (adj)


lasting or intended to last or be used only for a short time;not permanent

nowaday, young people’s love is just temporary

  1. fear (v) = worry

I fear going out at night

  1. dissatisfaction (n)


aren’t satisfied (không hài lòng); dissatisfied

  • Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the arrangement.
  • go: use with adj ending with -ing (swimming, skiing)
  • play: use for competitive games (chess, poker)
  • do: use for recreational activities (yoga, exercise )