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 Chapter 23:Alkanes and Alkenes

Organic chemistry

  • Organic Chemistry is the study of organic compounds.

Organic compounds

  • Organic compounds are compounds which contain the element 'carbon'.

  • They might contain 'hydrogen'

  • Organic compounds which contain carbon and hydrogen only are known as

• Saturated hydrocarbons- each carbon has single bonds and surrounded by four other atoms.(Alkanes)

• Unsaturated hydrocarbons- each carbon has double bonds. (Alkenes)

Homologous Series

A homologous series refers to a family of organic compounds with the same general formula and similar chemical properties.

  • Similar chemical properties

  • Same functional group (except alkanes homologous series)

  • Represented by a General Formula

  • Regularly increasing relative molecular masses from one member to the next member

  • Can be prepared by similar methods

  • Gradual change in physical properties from one member to the next member

Functional Group

A functional group is defined as an atom or a group of atoms that gives a molecule its characteristic properties

  • Alkanes – There are only C-C and C-H covalent bonds in the molecules

  • Alkenes – Contain the carbon-carbon double bond, C=C.

  • Alcohols – Contain the hydroxyl group, -OH

  • Carboxylic acids – Contain the carboxyl group, -COOH

Naming of Organic Compounds

The naming of organic compound is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1: Length of the parent chain i.e. the number of carbon atoms in the longest continuous unbroken chain(prefix)

  • Part 2: Functional Group found in main parent chain [Suffix]

  • Part 3: Side group that are attached to the main parent chain [ Substituent]


  • Empirical  formula which is the simplest whole no. ratio of atoms of each element

  • Molecular formula which is the total no. of atoms of each element in each molecule

  • Structural formula which shows how atoms are arranged in the molecule

  • Full Structural formula which shows all the bonds between atoms in a molecule.


  • Isomers: have the same molecular formula but different structural formula (arrangement of atoms).

  • eg  Butane

 Chapter 23:Alkanes and Alkenes

Organic chemistry

  • Organic Chemistry is the study of organic compounds.

Organic compounds

  • Organic compounds are compounds which contain the element 'carbon'.

  • They might contain 'hydrogen'

  • Organic compounds which contain carbon and hydrogen only are known as

• Saturated hydrocarbons- each carbon has single bonds and surrounded by four other atoms.(Alkanes)

• Unsaturated hydrocarbons- each carbon has double bonds. (Alkenes)

Homologous Series

A homologous series refers to a family of organic compounds with the same general formula and similar chemical properties.

  • Similar chemical properties

  • Same functional group (except alkanes homologous series)

  • Represented by a General Formula

  • Regularly increasing relative molecular masses from one member to the next member

  • Can be prepared by similar methods

  • Gradual change in physical properties from one member to the next member

Functional Group

A functional group is defined as an atom or a group of atoms that gives a molecule its characteristic properties

  • Alkanes – There are only C-C and C-H covalent bonds in the molecules

  • Alkenes – Contain the carbon-carbon double bond, C=C.

  • Alcohols – Contain the hydroxyl group, -OH

  • Carboxylic acids – Contain the carboxyl group, -COOH

Naming of Organic Compounds

The naming of organic compound is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1: Length of the parent chain i.e. the number of carbon atoms in the longest continuous unbroken chain(prefix)

  • Part 2: Functional Group found in main parent chain [Suffix]

  • Part 3: Side group that are attached to the main parent chain [ Substituent]


  • Empirical  formula which is the simplest whole no. ratio of atoms of each element

  • Molecular formula which is the total no. of atoms of each element in each molecule

  • Structural formula which shows how atoms are arranged in the molecule

  • Full Structural formula which shows all the bonds between atoms in a molecule.


  • Isomers: have the same molecular formula but different structural formula (arrangement of atoms).

  • eg  Butane