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Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration/Cellular Energetics

Created: March 14

In this note, you will be able to view basic information about cellular energetics otherwise known as photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Information: click the arrow to view information

The sun is the main source of energy for most living things

Stages of photosynthesis:

  • Plants and other organisms use energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugar/glucose

    • Stage 1: Chloroplasts in plant cells capture energy from sunlight

    • Stage 2 - The captured light energy is used to produce sugars and oxygen from water and carbon dioxide

      • Carbon dioxide enters through the stomata

      • Water enters through the roots

      • Sugars are used by plant cells for energy

      • Oxygen exits through the stomata

    • Chlorophyll is the pigment that conducts photosynthesis

    • Chloroplast is the organelle that conducts photosynthesis

Photosynthesis equation. Left side - Reactants; Right Side - Products

Stages of cellular respiration:

  • Cells break down simple food molecules and release the energy they contain

    • Stage 1: In the cytoplasm, glucose is broken down into smaller molecules while small amount of energy is released

    • Stage 2: In the mitochondria, the smaller molecules combine with oxygen to produce water and carbon dioxide while large amounts of energy are released

      • Mitochondria is the organelle conducting cellular respiration

      • Mitochondria's structure

        Cellular respiration equation. Left - Reactants; Right - Products


Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration/Cellular Energetics

Created: March 14

In this note, you will be able to view basic information about cellular energetics otherwise known as photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Information: click the arrow to view information

The sun is the main source of energy for most living things

Stages of photosynthesis:

  • Plants and other organisms use energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugar/glucose

    • Stage 1: Chloroplasts in plant cells capture energy from sunlight

    • Stage 2 - The captured light energy is used to produce sugars and oxygen from water and carbon dioxide

      • Carbon dioxide enters through the stomata

      • Water enters through the roots

      • Sugars are used by plant cells for energy

      • Oxygen exits through the stomata

    • Chlorophyll is the pigment that conducts photosynthesis

    • Chloroplast is the organelle that conducts photosynthesis

Photosynthesis equation. Left side - Reactants; Right Side - Products

Stages of cellular respiration:

  • Cells break down simple food molecules and release the energy they contain

    • Stage 1: In the cytoplasm, glucose is broken down into smaller molecules while small amount of energy is released

    • Stage 2: In the mitochondria, the smaller molecules combine with oxygen to produce water and carbon dioxide while large amounts of energy are released

      • Mitochondria is the organelle conducting cellular respiration

      • Mitochondria's structure

        Cellular respiration equation. Left - Reactants; Right - Products