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FLVS Chemistry: Module 1 Notes (w/ Flashcards)

01.01 Science of Chemistry:

Chemistry… a Science:

Chemistry is the study of the composition and structure of materials and the changes they undergo.

Phenomena: observable events or occurrences; plural of phenomenon

In order for something to be considered science, it must be based on empirical observations, experimentation, and explanations based on logical reasoning.

Characteristics of Science:

  • Observable: Science attempts to explain natural phenomena by analyzing and observing the world and testing ideas about it.

  • Testable: Investigations must produce empirical evidence that can be observed or measured to be considered science.

  • Replicable: Empirical evidence can be replicated, or reproduced, and verified by other scientists if they conduct the same tests under the same conditions.

  • Reliable: The more an experiment is repeated, with the same outcomes, the more reliable the evidence becomes.

  • Flexible: As new information is discovered, new evidence can add to current evidence, allowing scientists to improve their theories.

Science Know-it-All:

Two things to look for when determining if a question can be answered by science:

  1. If the question is asking about an opinion, it cannot be answered by science.

  2. If the question cannot be tested, it cannot be answered by science.

Testable Questions:

Non-Testable Questions:

“How long does it take water to freeze?”

“What gives a person’s life meaning?”

“What are the effects of high winds during a hurricane?”

“Why do you think the environment is important?”

“What gases make up the atmosphere of the Earth?”

“Should mining of phosphates be stopped?”

Method Madness:

A scientific method is a series of steps for investigating questions and testing ideas.

  • Ask a Question:

    • For any question you can imagine, if it's testable, you can use science to find the answer.

  • Do Background Research:

    • Previous investigations into your topic may lead you to new questions that need answers

  • Construct a Hypothesis:

    • A hypothesis is a prediction or a tentative explanation based on research or observation.

    • Forming a hypothesis involves creativity to anticipate what will happen because of something else.

  • Test with an Experiment:

    • An experiment allows you to test your hypothesis to determine if it is a correct or incorrect prediction of the outcome.

    • There are many ways to test a hypothesis, but every experiment should have at least one variable that changes while the others stay the same or are controlled.

  • Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions:

    • Once an experiment is complete, the results need to be analyzed to determine if the outcome supports the hypothesis.



Example (a car going down different surfaces)


the factor the scientist has chosen to change in an experiment

the surface of the slope rug, bubble wrap and wood


the factor that changes in response to the independent variable in an experiment

the time it takes for the car to go down the slope


the factors a scientist chooses to keep constant over the course of an experiment

the height of the slope, the car, the unit of time and the length of the slope.

Reliable Science:

Reliable science includes empirical evidence and results from experiments that can demonstrate replication and repetition.

Sources of poor science include experimental errors or missing components of the scientific method.

Characteristics of “Bad Science”:

  • No Control

  • No Repeats

  • Bias

01.02 Measuring Matter:

Measuring Matter:

All measurements are made up of two parts: a number and a unit.

Volume: the amount of space a substance or object occupies

  • Gasoline by the gallon

  • Soda by the liter

Mass: a measure of the amount of matter in an object.

  • Mass of a person

  • Mass of a paperclip

Mass is a measurement of how much matter makes up an object, while weight measures how much the force of gravity is acting on mass.

Systems of Measurements:

The U.S. customary system (commonly known as the English system) consists of measurements we use every day to describe how much we have, what size we want, how far we want to go, and more.

U.S. Customary System

Metric System


inch, foot, mile



ounce, pound, ton



pint, quart, gallon



degrees Fahrenheit

degrees Celsius


seconds, minutes, hours

same as US Customary System

The metric system is a system of measuring units based on the power of 10. It is the preferred system used in science measurement.

Prefix Reference for Metric Units:








Kilometer (km)




Hectometer (hm)




Decameter (dam)



Meter (m)




Decimeter (dm)




Centimeter (cm)




Millimeter (mm)

Le Système International des Unités (The International System of Units), abbreviated as SI units, is the primary system used by scientists and engineers.

Quantity (Symbol)

Name of Unit (Symbol)

Length (l)

Meter (m)

Mass (m)

Kilogram (kg)

Time (t)

Second (s)

Electric current (I)

Ampere (A)

Thermodynamic temperature (T)

Kelvin (K)

Amount of substance (n)

Mole (mol)

Luminous intensity (Iv)

Candela (cd)

Converting Units:

U.S. Customary Units of Measure:



Liquid Capacity

1 foot = 12 inches

1 pound = 16 ounces

1 cup = 8 fluid ounces

1 yard = 3 feet

1 ton = 2,000 pounds

1 pint = 2 cups

1 mile = 5,280 feet

1 quart = 2 pints

1 mile = 1.760 yards

1 gallon = 4 quarts

Metric Units of Measure:



Liquid Capacity

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

1 pound = 0.454 kilograms

1 gallon = 3.785 liters

1 meter = 39.37 inches

1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds

1 liter = 0.264 gallon

1 mile = 1.609 kilometers

1 ounce = 28.35 grams

1 liter = 1,000 cubic centimeters

1 kilometer = 0.6214 mile

1 milliliter = 1 cubic centimeter

Time and Temperature:



1 hour = 3,600 seconds

F = 1.8 × C + 32

1 hour = 60 minutes

C = 5/9(F − 32)

1 minute = 60 seconds

K = C + 273.15

Accuracy and Precision:

Accuracy: the closeness of a measurement to the true or accepted value.

  • Refers to the closeness of a measurement to the true or accepted value.

Precision: the consistency of a set of measurements made of the same quantity in the same way.

  • Refers to the consistency of a set of measurements made of the same quantity in the same way.

Significant Figures:

The significant figures in a measurement include all the digits known with certainty, plus one final digit that is estimated and uncertain.

Rules for Multiplication and Division:

  • For multiplication and division, answers should be rounded off to the same number of total significant figures as the measurement with the fewest significant figures.

  • If you are only given one measurement, the total number of significant figures in that measurement equals the total number of significant figures allowed in your final answer.

  • Only measurements made with a specific instrument affect the number of significant figures allowed in the final answer. Conversion factors used to convert units do not affect the number of significant figures in the final answer.

Rules for Addition and Subtraction:

  • For addition and subtraction, the answer should be rounded off so that the final digit is in the same place as the leftmost estimated place in the given measurements.

  • The final answer cannot have more places after the decimal than any of the given measurements.

  • The final answer cannot have a final digit, which represents the uncertain or estimated place, farther to the right than any of the final digits in the measurements used.

01.03 Honors Scientific Knowledge:


Sometimes a practice or belief claims to be science, but it does not follow the scientific method or is not proven reliable through experimentation. This is called pseudoscience.

Pseudoscience examples

Reasons why they are not science


The interpretation of the stars does not use the scientific method and is not proven reliable through experimentation, so astrology is not considered a science.


Phrenology is not proven reliable through experimentation and is not based on the scientific method, so it is a pseudoscience.


Superstitions and the belief in luck are not based on the scientific method and are not proven reliable through scientific experimentation, so superstition is a pseudoscience.

Is it Valid?

Investigative criteria


Follows Logic

Using logic to interpret experimental data is important to the validity of a scientific explanation.

Peer Review

Frequent examinations by scientists result in some ideas being refuted and replaced with other ideas. This frequent examination and testing makes scientific explanations more valid and durable over time.

Global Access

It is important that scientists share their investigations and conclusions with others so they can be tested and used by scientists all over the world.

Rules of Evidence

All scientific knowledge should be examined and re-examined using the steps of the scientific method to collect new empirical evidence.

Hidden phenomena refer to aspects or factors that are not immediately visible or apparent but have an impact on a situation or outcome. These can include underlying causes, motives, or influences that are not easily observable but play a significant role in shaping events or behaviors.

Theories and Hypotheses:

Within the body of scientific knowledge are two very important components: hypotheses and theories. Both types of scientific knowledge are developed using background research and can change over time using the scientific method. The difference is that scientific theories are well-tested hypotheses.

01.04 Properties of Matter:

States of Matter:

States of matter





Tightly packed

Have their own shape; If the solid is made of two types of atoms, the atoms range in size. If the solid is made out of one type of molecule, the atoms are the same size.

Gold, chairs, humans, ice


Arranged loosely

Packed in a defined space, can move freely within. They can mix, spill and change shape.

Oil, water, gravy


Move freely

Expands in all directions to fill space. There aren’t many forces that can contain gases.

Helium, air, water vapor


Have more energy than the other molecules (from heat, electricity, and light)

An ionized gas, gives energy to electrons so that they can break away from the nucleus.

Sun, stars

Physical Properties:

Physical properties: an observable and measurable physical characteristic of matter.

Extensive properties: a physical property that is dependent on sample size.

  • Shape

  • Volume

  • Length

  • Mass

Intensive properties: a physical property that is not dependent on sample size.

  • Magnetism

  • Density

  • Melting/Boiling Points

  • Color

Determining Density:

Density is a material's mass divided by its volume, or its mass per unit volume. It is an essential intensive property that involves how much space the particles of an object takes up.

<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_gray.svg" alt="/icons/forward_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Density = Mass/Volume


Chemical Properties:

Chemical properties: a substance's potential to undergo a reaction or chemical change because of its composition or bonding

Molecular composition: the number of atoms of each element that make up the molecules of a substance.

The molecular composition of a substance changes when it interacts with another substance.


Your explanation


Readiness of a substance to undergo a chemical change.


How easily a substance can be set on fire.


Ability of a substance to harm an organism.

Heat of combustion

How much heat is given off when a substance is burned.


Irreversible damage of a material due to a chemical reaction.


Compounds decompose into more than one different element or compound as bonds are broken. Caused by heat and light.

01.05 Changes in Matter:

Physical vs. Chemical Changes:




Physical Change

A change in which one or more physical properties of a substance change without changing the chemical identity of the substance.

Blowing up a balloon.

Chemical Change

A change in which the atoms of one or more substances are rearranged to form one or more new substances

Baking a cake.

What Change is It?:

Examples of Physical Changes:

  • melting

  • boiling

  • freezing

  • condensing

  • breaking

  • bending

  • dissolving

In physical changes, molecules undergo a change in state or appearance without any change in their chemical composition. In chemical changes, molecules undergo a reaction that results in the formation of new substances with different chemical compositions.

Signs that indicate that a Chemical Reaction has taken place:

  • production of flames

  • color change

  • bubbling or fizzing

  • temperature change

  • smoke

  • production of light

  • formation of a substance in a different state

Many of these observations could also be the result of a physical change, so it is important to determine if the resulting substances have different chemical properties than the original substances.

Phase Changes:

When a substance changes states, it undergoes a phase change. When a substance changes phases, the way the molecules are arranged and the space between them change.

  • Evaporation occurs when a liquid changes to a gas.

  • Condensation occurs when a gas changes to a liquid.

  • Melting occurs when molecules that make up a solid get enough energy to overcome the forces holding them in place, a solid melts into a liquid.

  • Freezing occurs when the molecules that make up a liquid lose enough energy and slow down, a liquid freezes to form a solid.

  • Sublimation occurs when a solid changes directly into a gas.

  • Deposition occurs when a gas changes into a solid.

01.06 Pure Substances and Mixtures:

Mixtures vs. Pure Substances:

All matter can be classified into two main categories: mixtures and pure substances.


Pure Substance


a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances


matter composed of two or more elements



a solid, liquid, or gas mixture that has its different components mixed evenly within the substance


a solid, liquid, or gas mixture that has its different components mixed unevenly within the substance

Mixtures contain compounds and elements that can be physically separated from one another.

Pure substances made from compounds can only be chemically separated into the elements that make them up.

Properties of Matter:




Varied composition—there is no set ratio in how the substances mix.

Definite composition—the atoms are bonded in specific ratios (given in the chemical formula).


Each substance in the mixture retains its own chemical and physical properties.

The compound has different properties than each of the elements it contains.


The different substances are not chemically bonded together.

The different elements are chemically bonded together.


Each substance can be separated from the mixture by physical means.

The compound can only be separated into its elements by a chemical change (reaction).


Air, most rocks and ores, saltwater

Water, carbon dioxide, sodium chloride

Types of Solutions:

In a heterogeneous mixture, the composition is not uniform, or the same, throughout. In a homogenous mixture, the composition of the mixture is uniform throughout.

  • Colloids contain microscopically insoluble particles suspended in another substance.

  • Emulsions are homogeneous mixtures of two or more liquids that are normally not mixable.

  • Solutions are homogeneous mixtures in which the solute is dissolved and distributed evenly within the solvent.

An electrolyte solution is created when a substance dissolves in a solvent, like water, and becomes electrically conductive.

Saturation refers to the point in a solution when no more solute can be dissolved in a solvent. This ratio is different for every solution. An unsaturated mixture still has capacity for more solute to dissolve in a solution. A saturated solution cannot dissolve any more solute. When a solution is supersaturated, the addition of heat has allowed more solute to dissolve into the solvent than normally possible.

Separating Mixtures:

Heterogeneous mixtures can be separated based on physical properties such as size, color, or magnetism. Homogeneous mixtures require a little more work to separate their components. Heat, pressure, and differences in density are some methods used to separate homogeneous mixtures.

Ways to separate mixtures:

  • Magnets

  • Filtration

  • Centrifuge

  • Evaporation

  • Distillation

  • Chromatography

01.07 Properties of Matter Lab:

Steps in the systematic process of experimentation:

  • Detailed Process: Listing the materials and procedures seems simple enough, but missing a step can be disastrous.

  • Experiment Variables: There are three types of variables in an experiment: controlled, independent, and dependent.

  • Control Group: The control group allows scientists to compare the tested (experimental) group with the untested (control) group in order to validate their results.

Creating a Lab Report:

A science lab report allows scientists to organize and record the data of an experiment. It also lists all the materials and steps in an experiment so they can be followed by other scientists. This allows the results of the experiment to be validated through repetition.

Accurate Measurements:

  • Graduated Measurement Tools

    • Graduated measuring tools are typically transparent plastic or glass. They have lines that measure a certain physical quantity, such as volume.

    • When using a graduated cylinder or beaker to measure volume, the liquid poured inside will slightly stick to the tool, creating a curve at the top of the liquid. This is called a meniscus.

    • You can measure the liquid by looking at which graduation mark the bottom of the meniscus touches.

  • Digital Scales

    • To use a digital scale, follow these steps:

    • There are two types of digital scales: simple digital scales and analytical scales.

      1. Turn on and place the measuring tool (graduated cylinder, weigh boat, flask, etc.) onto the scale.

      2. Push the zero or tare button. This removes the mass of the container so that you only measure the mass of the substance.

      3. Add your substance and record the value.

  • Balances

    • To use a balance, follow these steps:

      1. Place the measuring tool (graduated cylinder, weigh boat, flask, etc.) onto the scale. This will cause the tip of the balance to be above 0, meaning it is not balanced.

      2. You must slide the weighted bars across the beam until the arrow matches the 0 line. If the tip is above 0, then you need to slide the weights to the right. If the tip is below 0, then you need to move the weights left.

      3. Record the mass of your measuring tool. Now add your substance into the measuring tool.

      4. Complete the action of moving the weights until the needle lines up to the 0 again.

      5. Record the value. This mass is the mass of the tool plus the mass of the substance. If you only want the mass of the substance, you need to subtract.

      6. Keep in mind that the top beam is usually in values of 10 g, the second in values of 100 g, and the third in values of 1 g.


FLVS Chemistry: Module 1 Notes (w/ Flashcards)

01.01 Science of Chemistry:

Chemistry… a Science:

Chemistry is the study of the composition and structure of materials and the changes they undergo.

Phenomena: observable events or occurrences; plural of phenomenon

In order for something to be considered science, it must be based on empirical observations, experimentation, and explanations based on logical reasoning.

Characteristics of Science:

  • Observable: Science attempts to explain natural phenomena by analyzing and observing the world and testing ideas about it.

  • Testable: Investigations must produce empirical evidence that can be observed or measured to be considered science.

  • Replicable: Empirical evidence can be replicated, or reproduced, and verified by other scientists if they conduct the same tests under the same conditions.

  • Reliable: The more an experiment is repeated, with the same outcomes, the more reliable the evidence becomes.

  • Flexible: As new information is discovered, new evidence can add to current evidence, allowing scientists to improve their theories.

Science Know-it-All:

Two things to look for when determining if a question can be answered by science:

  1. If the question is asking about an opinion, it cannot be answered by science.

  2. If the question cannot be tested, it cannot be answered by science.

Testable Questions:

Non-Testable Questions:

“How long does it take water to freeze?”

“What gives a person’s life meaning?”

“What are the effects of high winds during a hurricane?”

“Why do you think the environment is important?”

“What gases make up the atmosphere of the Earth?”

“Should mining of phosphates be stopped?”

Method Madness:

A scientific method is a series of steps for investigating questions and testing ideas.

  • Ask a Question:

    • For any question you can imagine, if it's testable, you can use science to find the answer.

  • Do Background Research:

    • Previous investigations into your topic may lead you to new questions that need answers

  • Construct a Hypothesis:

    • A hypothesis is a prediction or a tentative explanation based on research or observation.

    • Forming a hypothesis involves creativity to anticipate what will happen because of something else.

  • Test with an Experiment:

    • An experiment allows you to test your hypothesis to determine if it is a correct or incorrect prediction of the outcome.

    • There are many ways to test a hypothesis, but every experiment should have at least one variable that changes while the others stay the same or are controlled.

  • Analyze Data and Draw Conclusions:

    • Once an experiment is complete, the results need to be analyzed to determine if the outcome supports the hypothesis.



Example (a car going down different surfaces)


the factor the scientist has chosen to change in an experiment

the surface of the slope rug, bubble wrap and wood


the factor that changes in response to the independent variable in an experiment

the time it takes for the car to go down the slope


the factors a scientist chooses to keep constant over the course of an experiment

the height of the slope, the car, the unit of time and the length of the slope.

Reliable Science:

Reliable science includes empirical evidence and results from experiments that can demonstrate replication and repetition.

Sources of poor science include experimental errors or missing components of the scientific method.

Characteristics of “Bad Science”:

  • No Control

  • No Repeats

  • Bias

01.02 Measuring Matter:

Measuring Matter:

All measurements are made up of two parts: a number and a unit.

Volume: the amount of space a substance or object occupies

  • Gasoline by the gallon

  • Soda by the liter

Mass: a measure of the amount of matter in an object.

  • Mass of a person

  • Mass of a paperclip

Mass is a measurement of how much matter makes up an object, while weight measures how much the force of gravity is acting on mass.

Systems of Measurements:

The U.S. customary system (commonly known as the English system) consists of measurements we use every day to describe how much we have, what size we want, how far we want to go, and more.

U.S. Customary System

Metric System


inch, foot, mile



ounce, pound, ton



pint, quart, gallon



degrees Fahrenheit

degrees Celsius


seconds, minutes, hours

same as US Customary System

The metric system is a system of measuring units based on the power of 10. It is the preferred system used in science measurement.

Prefix Reference for Metric Units:








Kilometer (km)




Hectometer (hm)




Decameter (dam)



Meter (m)




Decimeter (dm)




Centimeter (cm)




Millimeter (mm)

Le Système International des Unités (The International System of Units), abbreviated as SI units, is the primary system used by scientists and engineers.

Quantity (Symbol)

Name of Unit (Symbol)

Length (l)

Meter (m)

Mass (m)

Kilogram (kg)

Time (t)

Second (s)

Electric current (I)

Ampere (A)

Thermodynamic temperature (T)

Kelvin (K)

Amount of substance (n)

Mole (mol)

Luminous intensity (Iv)

Candela (cd)

Converting Units:

U.S. Customary Units of Measure:



Liquid Capacity

1 foot = 12 inches

1 pound = 16 ounces

1 cup = 8 fluid ounces

1 yard = 3 feet

1 ton = 2,000 pounds

1 pint = 2 cups

1 mile = 5,280 feet

1 quart = 2 pints

1 mile = 1.760 yards

1 gallon = 4 quarts

Metric Units of Measure:



Liquid Capacity

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

1 pound = 0.454 kilograms

1 gallon = 3.785 liters

1 meter = 39.37 inches

1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds

1 liter = 0.264 gallon

1 mile = 1.609 kilometers

1 ounce = 28.35 grams

1 liter = 1,000 cubic centimeters

1 kilometer = 0.6214 mile

1 milliliter = 1 cubic centimeter

Time and Temperature:



1 hour = 3,600 seconds

F = 1.8 × C + 32

1 hour = 60 minutes

C = 5/9(F − 32)

1 minute = 60 seconds

K = C + 273.15

Accuracy and Precision:

Accuracy: the closeness of a measurement to the true or accepted value.

  • Refers to the closeness of a measurement to the true or accepted value.

Precision: the consistency of a set of measurements made of the same quantity in the same way.

  • Refers to the consistency of a set of measurements made of the same quantity in the same way.

Significant Figures:

The significant figures in a measurement include all the digits known with certainty, plus one final digit that is estimated and uncertain.

Rules for Multiplication and Division:

  • For multiplication and division, answers should be rounded off to the same number of total significant figures as the measurement with the fewest significant figures.

  • If you are only given one measurement, the total number of significant figures in that measurement equals the total number of significant figures allowed in your final answer.

  • Only measurements made with a specific instrument affect the number of significant figures allowed in the final answer. Conversion factors used to convert units do not affect the number of significant figures in the final answer.

Rules for Addition and Subtraction:

  • For addition and subtraction, the answer should be rounded off so that the final digit is in the same place as the leftmost estimated place in the given measurements.

  • The final answer cannot have more places after the decimal than any of the given measurements.

  • The final answer cannot have a final digit, which represents the uncertain or estimated place, farther to the right than any of the final digits in the measurements used.

01.03 Honors Scientific Knowledge:


Sometimes a practice or belief claims to be science, but it does not follow the scientific method or is not proven reliable through experimentation. This is called pseudoscience.

Pseudoscience examples

Reasons why they are not science


The interpretation of the stars does not use the scientific method and is not proven reliable through experimentation, so astrology is not considered a science.


Phrenology is not proven reliable through experimentation and is not based on the scientific method, so it is a pseudoscience.


Superstitions and the belief in luck are not based on the scientific method and are not proven reliable through scientific experimentation, so superstition is a pseudoscience.

Is it Valid?

Investigative criteria


Follows Logic

Using logic to interpret experimental data is important to the validity of a scientific explanation.

Peer Review

Frequent examinations by scientists result in some ideas being refuted and replaced with other ideas. This frequent examination and testing makes scientific explanations more valid and durable over time.

Global Access

It is important that scientists share their investigations and conclusions with others so they can be tested and used by scientists all over the world.

Rules of Evidence

All scientific knowledge should be examined and re-examined using the steps of the scientific method to collect new empirical evidence.

Hidden phenomena refer to aspects or factors that are not immediately visible or apparent but have an impact on a situation or outcome. These can include underlying causes, motives, or influences that are not easily observable but play a significant role in shaping events or behaviors.

Theories and Hypotheses:

Within the body of scientific knowledge are two very important components: hypotheses and theories. Both types of scientific knowledge are developed using background research and can change over time using the scientific method. The difference is that scientific theories are well-tested hypotheses.

01.04 Properties of Matter:

States of Matter:

States of matter





Tightly packed

Have their own shape; If the solid is made of two types of atoms, the atoms range in size. If the solid is made out of one type of molecule, the atoms are the same size.

Gold, chairs, humans, ice


Arranged loosely

Packed in a defined space, can move freely within. They can mix, spill and change shape.

Oil, water, gravy


Move freely

Expands in all directions to fill space. There aren’t many forces that can contain gases.

Helium, air, water vapor


Have more energy than the other molecules (from heat, electricity, and light)

An ionized gas, gives energy to electrons so that they can break away from the nucleus.

Sun, stars

Physical Properties:

Physical properties: an observable and measurable physical characteristic of matter.

Extensive properties: a physical property that is dependent on sample size.

  • Shape

  • Volume

  • Length

  • Mass

Intensive properties: a physical property that is not dependent on sample size.

  • Magnetism

  • Density

  • Melting/Boiling Points

  • Color

Determining Density:

Density is a material's mass divided by its volume, or its mass per unit volume. It is an essential intensive property that involves how much space the particles of an object takes up.

<aside> <img src="/icons/forward_gray.svg" alt="/icons/forward_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Density = Mass/Volume


Chemical Properties:

Chemical properties: a substance's potential to undergo a reaction or chemical change because of its composition or bonding

Molecular composition: the number of atoms of each element that make up the molecules of a substance.

The molecular composition of a substance changes when it interacts with another substance.


Your explanation


Readiness of a substance to undergo a chemical change.


How easily a substance can be set on fire.


Ability of a substance to harm an organism.

Heat of combustion

How much heat is given off when a substance is burned.


Irreversible damage of a material due to a chemical reaction.


Compounds decompose into more than one different element or compound as bonds are broken. Caused by heat and light.

01.05 Changes in Matter:

Physical vs. Chemical Changes:




Physical Change

A change in which one or more physical properties of a substance change without changing the chemical identity of the substance.

Blowing up a balloon.

Chemical Change

A change in which the atoms of one or more substances are rearranged to form one or more new substances

Baking a cake.

What Change is It?:

Examples of Physical Changes:

  • melting

  • boiling

  • freezing

  • condensing

  • breaking

  • bending

  • dissolving

In physical changes, molecules undergo a change in state or appearance without any change in their chemical composition. In chemical changes, molecules undergo a reaction that results in the formation of new substances with different chemical compositions.

Signs that indicate that a Chemical Reaction has taken place:

  • production of flames

  • color change

  • bubbling or fizzing

  • temperature change

  • smoke

  • production of light

  • formation of a substance in a different state

Many of these observations could also be the result of a physical change, so it is important to determine if the resulting substances have different chemical properties than the original substances.

Phase Changes:

When a substance changes states, it undergoes a phase change. When a substance changes phases, the way the molecules are arranged and the space between them change.

  • Evaporation occurs when a liquid changes to a gas.

  • Condensation occurs when a gas changes to a liquid.

  • Melting occurs when molecules that make up a solid get enough energy to overcome the forces holding them in place, a solid melts into a liquid.

  • Freezing occurs when the molecules that make up a liquid lose enough energy and slow down, a liquid freezes to form a solid.

  • Sublimation occurs when a solid changes directly into a gas.

  • Deposition occurs when a gas changes into a solid.

01.06 Pure Substances and Mixtures:

Mixtures vs. Pure Substances:

All matter can be classified into two main categories: mixtures and pure substances.


Pure Substance


a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances


matter composed of two or more elements



a solid, liquid, or gas mixture that has its different components mixed evenly within the substance


a solid, liquid, or gas mixture that has its different components mixed unevenly within the substance

Mixtures contain compounds and elements that can be physically separated from one another.

Pure substances made from compounds can only be chemically separated into the elements that make them up.

Properties of Matter:




Varied composition—there is no set ratio in how the substances mix.

Definite composition—the atoms are bonded in specific ratios (given in the chemical formula).


Each substance in the mixture retains its own chemical and physical properties.

The compound has different properties than each of the elements it contains.


The different substances are not chemically bonded together.

The different elements are chemically bonded together.


Each substance can be separated from the mixture by physical means.

The compound can only be separated into its elements by a chemical change (reaction).


Air, most rocks and ores, saltwater

Water, carbon dioxide, sodium chloride

Types of Solutions:

In a heterogeneous mixture, the composition is not uniform, or the same, throughout. In a homogenous mixture, the composition of the mixture is uniform throughout.

  • Colloids contain microscopically insoluble particles suspended in another substance.

  • Emulsions are homogeneous mixtures of two or more liquids that are normally not mixable.

  • Solutions are homogeneous mixtures in which the solute is dissolved and distributed evenly within the solvent.

An electrolyte solution is created when a substance dissolves in a solvent, like water, and becomes electrically conductive.

Saturation refers to the point in a solution when no more solute can be dissolved in a solvent. This ratio is different for every solution. An unsaturated mixture still has capacity for more solute to dissolve in a solution. A saturated solution cannot dissolve any more solute. When a solution is supersaturated, the addition of heat has allowed more solute to dissolve into the solvent than normally possible.

Separating Mixtures:

Heterogeneous mixtures can be separated based on physical properties such as size, color, or magnetism. Homogeneous mixtures require a little more work to separate their components. Heat, pressure, and differences in density are some methods used to separate homogeneous mixtures.

Ways to separate mixtures:

  • Magnets

  • Filtration

  • Centrifuge

  • Evaporation

  • Distillation

  • Chromatography

01.07 Properties of Matter Lab:

Steps in the systematic process of experimentation:

  • Detailed Process: Listing the materials and procedures seems simple enough, but missing a step can be disastrous.

  • Experiment Variables: There are three types of variables in an experiment: controlled, independent, and dependent.

  • Control Group: The control group allows scientists to compare the tested (experimental) group with the untested (control) group in order to validate their results.

Creating a Lab Report:

A science lab report allows scientists to organize and record the data of an experiment. It also lists all the materials and steps in an experiment so they can be followed by other scientists. This allows the results of the experiment to be validated through repetition.

Accurate Measurements:

  • Graduated Measurement Tools

    • Graduated measuring tools are typically transparent plastic or glass. They have lines that measure a certain physical quantity, such as volume.

    • When using a graduated cylinder or beaker to measure volume, the liquid poured inside will slightly stick to the tool, creating a curve at the top of the liquid. This is called a meniscus.

    • You can measure the liquid by looking at which graduation mark the bottom of the meniscus touches.

  • Digital Scales

    • To use a digital scale, follow these steps:

    • There are two types of digital scales: simple digital scales and analytical scales.

      1. Turn on and place the measuring tool (graduated cylinder, weigh boat, flask, etc.) onto the scale.

      2. Push the zero or tare button. This removes the mass of the container so that you only measure the mass of the substance.

      3. Add your substance and record the value.

  • Balances

    • To use a balance, follow these steps:

      1. Place the measuring tool (graduated cylinder, weigh boat, flask, etc.) onto the scale. This will cause the tip of the balance to be above 0, meaning it is not balanced.

      2. You must slide the weighted bars across the beam until the arrow matches the 0 line. If the tip is above 0, then you need to slide the weights to the right. If the tip is below 0, then you need to move the weights left.

      3. Record the mass of your measuring tool. Now add your substance into the measuring tool.

      4. Complete the action of moving the weights until the needle lines up to the 0 again.

      5. Record the value. This mass is the mass of the tool plus the mass of the substance. If you only want the mass of the substance, you need to subtract.

      6. Keep in mind that the top beam is usually in values of 10 g, the second in values of 100 g, and the third in values of 1 g.