S.O.B. - Shortness of Breath
d - daily
p - after
DS - double strength
ASA - Aspirin
Qam - every morning
a.a., aa - affected area
ac - before food/meals
ad - right ear
am - morning or in the morning
as - left ear
noc - night
aq, aqua - water
b.i.d - twice a day/two times a day/two times daily
c - with
bp - blood pressure
q12h - every twelve hours
ophthalmic - eye(s)
aaa - apply to affected area
disp. dispense
spr - spray
otic - ear(s)
f. fl. - fluid
nka - no known allergies
fl. oz - fluid ounces - 30mL in one fl. oz
g. G., gm. - Gram
gr - grain
gtt(s) drop(S)
H, hr - hour
hs - bedtime
IM - intramuscular(ly)
IV - intravenous(ly)
IVP - intravenous push
inj - inject
IVPB - intravenous piggyback
L - liter (1,000 mL in a Liter)
APAP - acetaminophen
mcg - microgram
HA - headache
pchs - after meals and at bedtime (taken four times a day)
mEq - milliequivalent
ml. mL - milliliter
pcn - penicillin
NR - no refills
od - right eye
t.i.w. - three times a week, three times weekly
K or K+ - Potassium
os- left eye
ou - both eyes/each eye
PC - after food or meal
PM- Evening
po - by mouth
pr - rectally
PRN - as needed
pv - vaginally
bc - birth control
q - every
qd - every day
HTN - hypertension
q.i.d - four times a day/ four times daily
qs - quantity sufficient
ped - pediatric strength
q. o. d - every other day
SL - sublingually, under the tongue
sc, subq - subcutaneous
sig - prescriber’s written instructions written on the label
qty - quantity to dispense
stat - immediately or now
supp - suppository
nkda - no known drug allergies
t.i.d, tid - three times daily
atc - around the clock
daw - dispense as written
tbsp - tablespoonful ( 15 mL)
top - topically
tsp - teaspoonful ( 5 mL)
ung - ointment
BSA - body surface area
wk - weekly, week
NTG - nitroglycerin
ud - as directed, use as directed
npo - nothing by mouth
q4h - every 4 hours
susp - suspension
CRM- cream
IR - immediate release
FA - folic acid
qh - every hour
au - both ears
Fe - iron
en - each nostril
Rx - prescription
NaCI - sodium chloride
EPI - Epinephrine
LR - lactated ringers
MDV - multi-dose vial
SDV - single-dose vial
Q8H - every 8 hours or 3 times a day
EC - enteric-coated
DR - delayed release