Recent economic changes include international trade and growing interdependence among countries in the world economy.
Supranational Orgs. foster greater globalizatinos trough relationshhips and agreements, which reorganized the world into economic based regions.
economic growth has led to deindustrialization in many core countries.
Tariffs are used to protect dometsic industry, but they increase the price of imported goods, they sometimes lead to trade wars [exports are taxed heavier by other countries].
global economies have become more closely related
the global finacial crisis of 2007-2008 demonstrated the interconnectedness of the worldās financial and economic systems.
powerful core countries made an international division of labor through imperialism. this economic landscape has been changed by a new international division of labor where the periphery have lower paying jobs; core countries have decentralized; new regions and countries across the globe have new developed new specialization; and the service sectors, high tech industries, and growth poles came up.
offshore outsourcing and economic restructuring led to economic development in peripheral conutries
in countries outside core, the growht of new economic activites resulted in the creation of new manufacturing ones and export processing zones.
sustainable environment policies try to amend problems that come from the depletion of natural resources and mass consumption.
the UN adopted 17 sustainable development goals that reduce disparities in all types of countries.
Sustainable development strategies include ecotourism-- designed to generate revenue through tourism without impacting the environment.
Principles of Ecotourism
Ecotourism is about united conservation, communities, and sustainable travel. those who implement, participate in, and market ecotourism activities generally adopt the following ecotourism principles.
minimize physical, social, behavioral, and psychological impacts on the local area.
build environmental awareness and cultural repects among visitors.
provide positive experiences for both hosts and visitors
provide direct financial benefits for conservation
generate financial benefits for both local people and private businesses
deliver memorable experiences to visitos that help raise awareness to hoy countriesā political, environmental, and social policies and customs
design, contruct, and operate low environmental impact facilities
recognize the rights and spiritual beliefs of local indigenous people and work in partnership with them to create empowerment.