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New Testament Maps

Geography of Canaan From West to East: Coastal Plains, Shephelah, Central Mountain range, Jordan Rift, Transjordan plateau

Geography of Canaan From North to South: Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Negev, Sinai desert

Mt Nebo: east of Jordan river, above the dead sea

Mts Ebal/Gerizim: west/middle of Jordan river

Damascus: top of map, entryway

Major Cities from north to south: Damascus, Caesarea, Jericho, Jerusalem, Bethlehem

New Testament Maps

Geography of Canaan From West to East: Coastal Plains, Shephelah, Central Mountain range, Jordan Rift, Transjordan plateau

Geography of Canaan From North to South: Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Negev, Sinai desert

Mt Nebo: east of Jordan river, above the dead sea

Mts Ebal/Gerizim: west/middle of Jordan river

Damascus: top of map, entryway

Major Cities from north to south: Damascus, Caesarea, Jericho, Jerusalem, Bethlehem