
Chapter 7: Arrays


This chapter provides an in-depth overview of the use and implementation of arrays in Java programming, which is a fundamental data structure that enables efficient data organization and manipulation.

Chapter Scope

Key topics covered:

  • Array declaration and usage: Understanding how to define arrays and use them effectively in Java programs.

  • Bounds checking: Important considerations for maintaining array integrity through index validation.

  • Arrays as objects: The significance of arrays being treated as objects in Java.

  • Arrays of objects: How to define and work with arrays that store references to objects rather than primitive data types.

  • Command-line arguments: Utilizing arrays to handle input from the command line effectively.

  • Variable-length parameter lists: Creating methods that accept a variable number of arguments using arrays.

  • Multidimensional arrays: Detailed examination of arrays with more than one dimension, such as 2D arrays used for grid or table representations.

Overview of Arrays


An array is an ordered list of values that holds a finite number of elements. All elements within an array must share the same data type, ensuring consistency and efficiency in data management.


Arrays are indexed starting from 0 up to N-1, where N corresponds to the size of the array. For example:

  • Sample Data: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  • Array Name: The array scores holds values such as 79, 87, 94, 82, 67, 98, 87, 81, 74, 91. This illustrates how values can be easily accessed and modified based on their index.

Accessing Array Elements

  • You can reference array values using the syntax: arrayName[index].

  • Example:

int[] scores = {79, 87, 94, 82, 67};  
System.out.println(scores[2]); // Outputs: 94

Understanding how to access and manipulate individual elements is crucial for effective programming.

Array Representation

Arrays can be displayed in different formats:

  • Vertical representation is useful for visual clarity:

    • Index: 0, 1, 2...

    • Values: 69, 61, 70...

Modifying Array Elements

The process of modifying array elements involves assigning new values and utilizing them in calculations. Here’s how you can demonstrate:

  • scores[2] = 89; updates the third element.

  • scores[first] = scores[first] + 2; modifies the specified index by adding 2 to its value.

  • To calculate the mean of specific scores:

int mean = (scores[0] + scores[1]) / 2;  
System.out.println("Mean = " + mean);
  • Display a particular value using:

System.out.println("Top = " + scores[5]);  

Array Characteristics

Element Type

The element type refers to the specific data types an array can hold, which may include primitive data types like integers and characters or object references for more complex data.

  • Java facilitates the creation of arrays for various data types, including integers, characters, strings, and user-defined objects.

Java Arrays as Objects

Arrays themselves are treated as objects in Java, necessitating instantiation. This allows arrays to possess properties and methods that can enhance their functionality in programming.

Declaring and Initializing Arrays

The syntax for declaring an integer array is:

int[] scores = new int[10];  

Example Declarations

  • float[] prices = new float[500];

  • boolean[] flags = new boolean[20];

  • char[] codes = new char[1750];This variety of array declarations allows for flexibility based on specific application needs.

Using Arrays with Loops

For-each loops provide a powerful way to process all elements within an array:

  • Example:

for (int score : scores) {  

This efficiently prints each element in the scores array.

Bounds Checking

One of the critical features of arrays is their fixed size once created. It is imperative that index references remain valid (between 0 and N-1) to prevent runtime errors:

  • Java employs automatic bounds checking, which generates an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when an invalid index is accessed.

  • Example issue with bounds:

int[] example = new int[100];  
// This will cause an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
int invalid = example[100];

A valid index for an array of size 100 includes indices from 0 to 99 only.

Array Length

Each array object has a length property that indicates the total number of elements it contains, which is not the same as the last index. For instance, using


is a common way to check the size of the array programmatically.

Arrays as Parameters

Arrays can be passed as parameters to methods, allowing any modifications made within the method to affect the original array since arrays are managed by reference.

Arrays of Objects

Java also supports the creation of arrays containing object references. Initially, these references are null until explicitly instantiated:

  • Example:

String[] words = new String[5];  
// Populate the array
words[0] = "Hello";
words[1] = "World";

This creates an array capable of holding 5 references to String objects, which will need to be populated after declaration.

Initializer Lists

Initializer lists enable developers to create and initialize an array in a single declarative step using predefined values, avoiding the necessity for the new operator or specifying the size directly:

  • Example:

int[] units = {147, 323, 456};  

simplifies array initialization and improves code readability.

Command-Line Arguments

The main method signature includes an array of strings that enables the effective handling of command-line inputs. For example:

  • Invoked with:

java StateEval pennsylvania texas arizona  

which allows for dynamic program behavior based on user input.

Variable Length Parameter Lists

Methods can define parameters that accept a variable number of arguments, which are represented as an array internally, improving method flexibility.

  • Example Method:

public double average(int ... list) {  
int sum = 0;
for (int num : list) {
sum += num;
return (double) sum / list.length;

This facilitates an average calculation without knowing the number of values beforehand.

Multidimensional Arrays

Arrays can be visualized as tables or matrices (2D arrays) or explored in more complex multi-dimensional structures. Understanding the declaration and population of multidimensional arrays is crucial for sophisticated data representation:

  • Declaration Example:

int[][] scores = new int[12][50];  

This creates a 2D array to hold scores for 50 students across 12 subjects.

  • Demonstration of nested loops is integral to filling and displaying values in these arrays effectively.

for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) {  
for (int j = 0; j < scores[i].length; j++) {
scores[i][j] = (i + 1) * (j + 1);


In summary, a comprehensive understanding of arrays, their structures, and manipulative capabilities is vital for efficient data management and operations within Java programming. Mastery of arrays not only supports algorithmic solutions but also enhances overall coding efficiency in various applications.
