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Gastrointestinal Physiology

GI anatomy

Gastrointestinal Physiology

General histological organization of the GI tract

  • 5 layers (from inner most to outermost layers)

    • Mucosa

      • mucous epithelium

      • lamina propia

      • muscularis mucosae

    • Submucosa

    • Muscularis

      • circular muscle layer

      • longitudinal muscle layer

    • Serosa

      • connective tissue layer

      • peritoneum

What modulates the GI track?

  • Enteric nervous system (ENS) → nerve network located in the GI tract and controlls the motility and secretory functions of it

    • also known as the “little brain of the gut”

    • contains sensory mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors

    • Composed of 2 plexuses:

      • Myenteric plexus (Auerbach’s plexus)→ found in the muscularis externa

        • controls motility function of the GI track

      • Submucosa plexus (Meissner’s plexus)→ found in the submucosa (duh)

        • controls glandular secretions

  • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) → composed of two systems

    • Parasympathetic nervous system → stimulates GI activity

    • Sympathetic nervous system → inhibits GI activity

  • Diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES) → composed gastroendocrine and enteroendocrine cells

    • secretes endocrine hormones that modulate GI activity

General functions of the GI tract and their locations

  • Motility → esophagus, stomach, sphincters, small & large intestine

  • Secretion → mouth, stomach

  • Digestion → mouth, stomach & small intestine

  • Absorption → small & large intestine

  • Excretion


  • Peristalsis → wave-like contractions that push the bolus down the esophagous to the large intestine

    • Sties → esophagus, distal stomach, small & large intestine

    • Main function → propulsion

      • driving or pushing forward

  • Rhythmic segmentation → contractions on either side of the intestines that aid in mixing of foor

    • Sties → small & large intestine

    • Main function → mixing

  • Tonic contractions → consists of prolonged contractions that segment off in the sphincters

    • Sties → sphincters & proximal stomach

    • Main function → propulsion

Digestion overview

Oral cavity



Salivary glands

  • innervated by the ANS

  • largely induced by feedforward and visceral receptors


  • Ingestion → the concious placement of food in the oral cavity

  • Deglutition → conscious process of swallowing.

    • The tongue pushes bolus against the soft plate and the back of mouth, triggering the swallowing reflex


  • Mechanical

    • hewing (mastication) and smashing food against the hard palate with the tongue increases its surface area for digestive enzyme activity

  • Chemical

    • paired salivary glands secrete the constituents of saliva (water, mucus, ions, buffers, antimicrobics (IgA, lysozyme), enzymes (lingual lipase, salivary amylase))

    • Oprimum pH in oral cavity → 7.4

  • What is diggested in the oral cavity?

    • Carbohydrates with salivary amylase

Salivary glands

  • gland → secretory product

    • parotid gland → serous fluid

    • sublingual gland → mucous

    • submandibular glands → serous & mucous

  • Components of salive → water, mucus, buffers, antimicrobics, lysozymes. iodine, and enzymes

Pharynx & Esophagus


  • What passes through it?

    • Food, liquid, and air




  • Primary function is to move the bolus towards the stomach

  • secretes mucous to lubricate the esophagus reducing friction to Protect the mucosa of the esophagus.

  • Two esophageal sphincters

    • Upper esophageal sphincters (UES) → located in the uper part of the esophagus

      • In charge of preventing air from entering the stomach during respiration

    • Lower esophageal sphincters (LES) → located below the diaphragm

      • Prevents reflux of chum into the esophagus


  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) → chronic form of acid reflux caused by abnormal/weakened/relaxed LES or increased intra-abdominal pressure

    • Can develop in obesity, pregnancy, hiatal hernia*, gastroparesis

    • Can be treated with…

      • Anti-acids → TUMS

      • H2RAs → Pepcid, Zantac

      • PPIs → Proliosec

      • Surgery

        • MSAD (LINX system) → a small flexible band of interlinked titanium beads with magnetic cores designed to restore the body's natural barrier to reflux

        • Nissen Fundoplication procedure, where a surgeon wraps the top of the stomach around the lower esophagus (LES)

          • this reinforces the LES sphincter, decreasing the possibility of acid reflux.

  • Nissen Fudoplication:

  • MSAD (LINX system)

  • Hiatal Hernia* → occurs when part of the stomach protrudes up into the chest through the diaphragm (LES).

    • The hernia itself can play a role in the development of both acid reflux and GERD.

    • Weak supportive tissues and increased abdominal pressure can contribute to the condition.

  • Chronic Heart burn → chronic erosion of the esophagous and can lead to esophageal cancer

    • It can be treated with anti-acids and proton pump inhibitors

  • Esophagitis → inflammation of esophageal lining

    • Caused by GERD, infection, certain medications (e.g., NSAIDs)

    • “Pill-induced” Esophagitis → occurs when capsules or tablets get stuck in the esophagus and cause tissue damage (resulting in inflammation)

  • Barrett’s esophagus → metaplasia of the glandular cells of the lower 1/3 of esophageal lining to a simple columnar epithelium w/goblet cells

    • Caused by chronic Esophagitis (normally due to GERD)

    • Cells can become dysplastic and eventually precancerous

      • Dysplastic term used to describe the presence of abnormal cells within a tissue or organ

        • Dysplastic ≠ Cancerous

        • can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how abnormal the cells look under a microscope and how much of the tissue/organ is affected

  • Esophageal cancer → 6th most common cancer related rate, only a 15% 5-year survival rate

    • Two forms…

      • esophageal adenocarcinoma occurs in the esophageal glands

      • esophageal squamous cell carcinoma → occurs in the squamous epithelium

    • May be caused by tabacco (any form), GERD, poor diet, and obesity

The stomach


Why is the histological organization of the stomach unique from the rest of the GI tract?

  • stomach has 3 layers of smooth muscle in the muscularis externa

    • inner oblique

    • middle circular

    • outer longitudinal layer

  • this allows the stomach to contract in an additional plane and therefore impart a churning effect on the food

4 regions of the stomach

  • cardiac (cardia), corpus (body), pyloric (pylorus), fundic (fundus)


  • Gastric glands → located at the bottom of the gastric pits

    • composed of…

      • Parietal cells

        • Pumps H into the lumen & Cl follows (HCl)

        • pH of stomach → ~2-5

          • the acidity of the stomach lills microbes, denatures protein and activates pepsinogen

        • Secretes gastric intrinsic factor (GIF)

          • essential of vitamin B12 absorption

      • Chief cells

        • Secretes pepsinogen and gastric lipase

        • pH optima → ~2 and ~5, respectively

          • pepsinogen autoclaves to pepsin (peptidase) at low pH

      • Gastroendocrine cells

        • G cells

          • ↑ gastric activity (mechanical and chemical)

          • induced by AAs, distension, and vagal stimulation

        • D cells (somatostatin)

          • inhibits parietal cels

          • induced by low luminal pH

        • Gr cells (ghrelin)

          • ↑ neuropeptide Y (NPY) in hypothalamus, stimulating appetite

  • Surface lining cells


  • Digestion

    • Mechanical → peristaltic wave contractions mix the bolus with digestive juices and periodically “squirt” chime into the duodenum

      • Steps of mechanical digestion:

        • Propulsion → peristaltic waves move from the fundus toward the pylorus

        • Grinding → the most vigorous peristalsis and mixing action occur close to the pylorus

        • Retropulsion → the pyloric valve* act as a pump that delivers small amounts of chyme into the duodenum. simultaneously forcing most of its contained material backward into the stomach

      • Pyloric valve* → located at the end of the stomach

        • opens during retropulsion

        • closes during propulsion and grinding

    • Chemical → gastric glands produce digestive enzymes and
      gastroendocrine hormones

      • Enzymes (and other gastric juices) are mixed with food forming chyme

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Gastrointestinal Physiology

GI anatomy

Gastrointestinal Physiology

General histological organization of the GI tract

  • 5 layers (from inner most to outermost layers)

    • Mucosa

      • mucous epithelium

      • lamina propia

      • muscularis mucosae

    • Submucosa

    • Muscularis

      • circular muscle layer

      • longitudinal muscle layer

    • Serosa

      • connective tissue layer

      • peritoneum

What modulates the GI track?

  • Enteric nervous system (ENS) → nerve network located in the GI tract and controlls the motility and secretory functions of it

    • also known as the “little brain of the gut”

    • contains sensory mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors

    • Composed of 2 plexuses:

      • Myenteric plexus (Auerbach’s plexus)→ found in the muscularis externa

        • controls motility function of the GI track

      • Submucosa plexus (Meissner’s plexus)→ found in the submucosa (duh)

        • controls glandular secretions

  • Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) → composed of two systems

    • Parasympathetic nervous system → stimulates GI activity

    • Sympathetic nervous system → inhibits GI activity

  • Diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES) → composed gastroendocrine and enteroendocrine cells

    • secretes endocrine hormones that modulate GI activity

General functions of the GI tract and their locations

  • Motility → esophagus, stomach, sphincters, small & large intestine

  • Secretion → mouth, stomach

  • Digestion → mouth, stomach & small intestine

  • Absorption → small & large intestine

  • Excretion


  • Peristalsis → wave-like contractions that push the bolus down the esophagous to the large intestine

    • Sties → esophagus, distal stomach, small & large intestine

    • Main function → propulsion

      • driving or pushing forward

  • Rhythmic segmentation → contractions on either side of the intestines that aid in mixing of foor

    • Sties → small & large intestine

    • Main function → mixing

  • Tonic contractions → consists of prolonged contractions that segment off in the sphincters

    • Sties → sphincters & proximal stomach

    • Main function → propulsion

Digestion overview

Oral cavity



Salivary glands

  • innervated by the ANS

  • largely induced by feedforward and visceral receptors


  • Ingestion → the concious placement of food in the oral cavity

  • Deglutition → conscious process of swallowing.

    • The tongue pushes bolus against the soft plate and the back of mouth, triggering the swallowing reflex


  • Mechanical

    • hewing (mastication) and smashing food against the hard palate with the tongue increases its surface area for digestive enzyme activity

  • Chemical

    • paired salivary glands secrete the constituents of saliva (water, mucus, ions, buffers, antimicrobics (IgA, lysozyme), enzymes (lingual lipase, salivary amylase))

    • Oprimum pH in oral cavity → 7.4

  • What is diggested in the oral cavity?

    • Carbohydrates with salivary amylase

Salivary glands

  • gland → secretory product

    • parotid gland → serous fluid

    • sublingual gland → mucous

    • submandibular glands → serous & mucous

  • Components of salive → water, mucus, buffers, antimicrobics, lysozymes. iodine, and enzymes

Pharynx & Esophagus


  • What passes through it?

    • Food, liquid, and air




  • Primary function is to move the bolus towards the stomach

  • secretes mucous to lubricate the esophagus reducing friction to Protect the mucosa of the esophagus.

  • Two esophageal sphincters

    • Upper esophageal sphincters (UES) → located in the uper part of the esophagus

      • In charge of preventing air from entering the stomach during respiration

    • Lower esophageal sphincters (LES) → located below the diaphragm

      • Prevents reflux of chum into the esophagus


  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) → chronic form of acid reflux caused by abnormal/weakened/relaxed LES or increased intra-abdominal pressure

    • Can develop in obesity, pregnancy, hiatal hernia*, gastroparesis

    • Can be treated with…

      • Anti-acids → TUMS

      • H2RAs → Pepcid, Zantac

      • PPIs → Proliosec

      • Surgery

        • MSAD (LINX system) → a small flexible band of interlinked titanium beads with magnetic cores designed to restore the body's natural barrier to reflux

        • Nissen Fundoplication procedure, where a surgeon wraps the top of the stomach around the lower esophagus (LES)

          • this reinforces the LES sphincter, decreasing the possibility of acid reflux.

  • Nissen Fudoplication:

  • MSAD (LINX system)

  • Hiatal Hernia* → occurs when part of the stomach protrudes up into the chest through the diaphragm (LES).

    • The hernia itself can play a role in the development of both acid reflux and GERD.

    • Weak supportive tissues and increased abdominal pressure can contribute to the condition.

  • Chronic Heart burn → chronic erosion of the esophagous and can lead to esophageal cancer

    • It can be treated with anti-acids and proton pump inhibitors

  • Esophagitis → inflammation of esophageal lining

    • Caused by GERD, infection, certain medications (e.g., NSAIDs)

    • “Pill-induced” Esophagitis → occurs when capsules or tablets get stuck in the esophagus and cause tissue damage (resulting in inflammation)

  • Barrett’s esophagus → metaplasia of the glandular cells of the lower 1/3 of esophageal lining to a simple columnar epithelium w/goblet cells

    • Caused by chronic Esophagitis (normally due to GERD)

    • Cells can become dysplastic and eventually precancerous

      • Dysplastic term used to describe the presence of abnormal cells within a tissue or organ

        • Dysplastic ≠ Cancerous

        • can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how abnormal the cells look under a microscope and how much of the tissue/organ is affected

  • Esophageal cancer → 6th most common cancer related rate, only a 15% 5-year survival rate

    • Two forms…

      • esophageal adenocarcinoma occurs in the esophageal glands

      • esophageal squamous cell carcinoma → occurs in the squamous epithelium

    • May be caused by tabacco (any form), GERD, poor diet, and obesity

The stomach


Why is the histological organization of the stomach unique from the rest of the GI tract?

  • stomach has 3 layers of smooth muscle in the muscularis externa

    • inner oblique

    • middle circular

    • outer longitudinal layer

  • this allows the stomach to contract in an additional plane and therefore impart a churning effect on the food

4 regions of the stomach

  • cardiac (cardia), corpus (body), pyloric (pylorus), fundic (fundus)


  • Gastric glands → located at the bottom of the gastric pits

    • composed of…

      • Parietal cells

        • Pumps H into the lumen & Cl follows (HCl)

        • pH of stomach → ~2-5

          • the acidity of the stomach lills microbes, denatures protein and activates pepsinogen

        • Secretes gastric intrinsic factor (GIF)

          • essential of vitamin B12 absorption

      • Chief cells

        • Secretes pepsinogen and gastric lipase

        • pH optima → ~2 and ~5, respectively

          • pepsinogen autoclaves to pepsin (peptidase) at low pH

      • Gastroendocrine cells

        • G cells

          • ↑ gastric activity (mechanical and chemical)

          • induced by AAs, distension, and vagal stimulation

        • D cells (somatostatin)

          • inhibits parietal cels

          • induced by low luminal pH

        • Gr cells (ghrelin)

          • ↑ neuropeptide Y (NPY) in hypothalamus, stimulating appetite

  • Surface lining cells


  • Digestion

    • Mechanical → peristaltic wave contractions mix the bolus with digestive juices and periodically “squirt” chime into the duodenum

      • Steps of mechanical digestion:

        • Propulsion → peristaltic waves move from the fundus toward the pylorus

        • Grinding → the most vigorous peristalsis and mixing action occur close to the pylorus

        • Retropulsion → the pyloric valve* act as a pump that delivers small amounts of chyme into the duodenum. simultaneously forcing most of its contained material backward into the stomach

      • Pyloric valve* → located at the end of the stomach

        • opens during retropulsion

        • closes during propulsion and grinding

    • Chemical → gastric glands produce digestive enzymes and
      gastroendocrine hormones

      • Enzymes (and other gastric juices) are mixed with food forming chyme

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