unit 3 - review session notes

  • French & Indian War

    • significant for this test!

      • France was winning in the beginning

        • turning point = battle at Quebec

          • All France’s land goes to Britain and Spain

    • colonists and the British have a clear divide

  • Join or Die drawing (propaganda)

    • drawn by Ben Franklin

      • The Albany Plan was ineffective

        • both sides felt it went nowhere (British too much freedom, colonists too little)

          • 13 independent colonies - saw themselves as separate from each other

            • caused them to see they’re not that different

  • Who is to blame for the American Revolution?

    • separate causes into categories

      • political (Albany Plan, Proclamation of 1763), economic (Stamp Act, mercantilism), social (grown separate from british, population doubling every 25 years)

        • for LEQ, these will be asked! (political, economic, social causes)

  • Olive Branch Petition

    • John Dickinson to King George

      • The colonists’ last attempt to make peace with england

  • Boston Massacre

    • propaganda image is why it’s called the Boston Massacre (paint it in that light)

  • Advantages/disadvantages of GB and US

    • definition of victory - colonists have this advantage since their goal is to fight for their daily lives

    • allies - France being involved changes England’s POV

      • don’t have to only sit the colonies, but are fighting around the world

  • Now What?

    • no central gov, individuality over unity, bad debt, AOC, etc

      • turning point - Shay’s rebellion

    • AOC was written in 1777 - 10 years before Confederation

      • written to not offend anybody (all 13 states)

        • overcorrection of liberty that it was borderline anarchy

          • constitution is the correction of the overcorrection (in a conservative way)

            • one thing that stayed (dealing with the West) - Northwest Ordinance

  • How might America be considered to be the world’s “ugly duckling” in the years between the revolution and the constitution?

    • multi-ethnic

    • free trade country in a mercantilist world

  • Advantages of the US Consitution?

    • maintain order against a popular uprising by

      • stronger central gov.

      • checks and balances

      • standing army

    • republicanism “wiser” than democracy

      • Electoral College - prevent the people from picking a bad person for office

      • The Senate were meant to represent the states (be in their interest)

        • not subject to re-election for 6 years (not a lot of turnover)

      • anything that would benefit rich vs poor wouldn’t pass due to the balancing act in place (congress)

  • How is this quote (Horace) applicable to the philosphy of those that wrote the consitution?

    • people are inherently self interested (consitution built around this)

  • What compromises were hammered out at the convention? What conflicting groups were involved?

    • 3/5 compromise - southerners have more power in apportionment

    • the great compromise - house of reps and senate make up congress, bicameral legislature, who’s idea was this, etc.

    • commerce compromise - congress has power to tax imports not exports

  • political parties

    • James Madison & Jefferson - dem-reps

      • Madison driven into dem-reps even though he was in favor of the Constitution (helped write federalist papers too)

    • Hamilton & Adams - federalists

      • federalists - people in favor of consitution originally

  • John Adams challenges

    • follows GW maintaining neutrality (greatest accomplishment)

    • was affected by the fake news circulated

    • The Federalists are losing people - dem reps gaining

    • Adams goes home when he loses

      • shows that election results matter!

        • presidency was a temporary position for the service of the people
